Property must be exempt from CGT to qualify for super downsizing rules

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Property must be exempt from CGT to qualify for super downsizing rules

We have a home in joint names that we lived in for more than 10 years but is now being rented. We plan to sell the house before we both turn 74 . Can we sell this property under the downsizing rules and put up to $300,000 each into our Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF), even if this is now not our main residence? The Australian Taxation Office’s website states that the property must be your main residence before you are eligible under the rules.

John Perri, of AMP Technical, has good news for you.

The home you intend to sell is an eligible property, according to the downsizer contribution rules, as it was your principal place of residence at some stage in the ownership period (10 years in this case).

Credit:Simon Letch

This is important as the property being sold has to be either fully exempt from Capital Gains Tax (CGT) – because it was a principal place of residence at all times – or partially exempt from CGT – it was a principal place of residence for some of the time of ownership.

Provided you meet the rest of the eligibility rules, you should be eligible to use the downsizer contribution rules, which permit up to $300,000 each from the house sale proceeds to be contributed to super.

I am aged 61 years and retired since last year. My husband, aged 58, is still working with an annual salary of $120,000 a year. He is salary sacrificing about $100 per week. My super balance is $700,000 while my husband’s is $600,000. We own our home. I have read a few articles about the pension stream account and am not sure what we should do to maximise our tax situation. I am thinking of switching my super to the pension stream income account to avoid the 15 per cent tax on investment earnings. However, at the same time, I am worried the minimum super draw down of 4 per cent might impact the earnings. Could you advise us of the best strategy for our situation and also what are the pros and cons to switch from my accumulation account to the pension income account? Can I keep some in my accumulated account, or do I have to roll over the full balance to the pension income account?

If the super funds are kept in accumulation mode they will be subject to 15 per cent income tax, but there is no requirement to make minimum withdrawals.

If they are in pension mode the fund is tax free but there are mandatory withdrawal requirements.

The government recently announced that reduced minimums will be in force for the next financial year, which means the required drawdown will be just 2 per cent.


There is no requirement to have all of your funds in pension or accumulation mode. You can choose what is most effective for you and make other changes as the years pass.

Could you please provide some information on the requirements for trustees of a SMSF that holds an illiquid asset, such as a property, in the event of the death of a member of the fund?

The trustees may need to realise the property value to meet death-benefit payment obligations, so it is important to seek financial advice, as situations vary.

For example, if the payment of the death benefit will not create a tax obligation, such as a payment to a surviving spouse, it may be possible to meet that obligation by transfer of the property. If not, the property may need to be sold, which can take time.

Possibly, members may be added, or contributions made, to enable retention of the property.

It is important to start planning for these events well in advance – especially if it is a significant family asset, such as a farm.

Any delay may need to be documented and explained as, usually, death benefits are paid quickly.


My wife and I have a SMSF and have been withdrawing and recontributing $100,000 a year for some years to get the fund to 100 per cent tax-free for estate planning purposes. We both have four income streams each in the fund. Can we nominate which income stream it comes out of, or is it pro-rata through each income stream? Similarly, when I withdraw $100,000, can I nominate it to come from the taxable component?

You can nominate which pension account the $100,000 lump sum withdrawal is taken from but you cannot just nominate the taxable component to withdraw.

The components of the withdrawal will be dictated by the proportional components that make up the respective pension account(s) from which the withdrawal is made.

Noel Whittaker is the author of Making Money Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance.

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