It’s too soon to write off Netanyahu

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It’s too soon to write off Netanyahu

In times of war, Israelis, and their opposition parties, have for the most part fallen in behind the government and its leadership. Not this time. Instead, the recent fighting between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas appears to have energised moves to oust Benjamin Netanyahu, the nation’s longest serving prime minister.

With just 35 minutes before a midnight deadline, Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid told the nation’s President, Reuven Rivlin, and Knesset Speaker Yariv Levin that he had successfully formed a government by the slimmest of margins, gaining the support of 61 MPs in the 120-member Knesset.

Yemina party leader Naftali Bennett could soon be Israel’s new prime minister.

Yemina party leader Naftali Bennett could soon be Israel’s new prime minister.Credit:AP

While the new alliance still needs to be ratified by a vote in parliament, if successful it would break the long-running impasse that has forced the nation to go to the polls four times in the past two years in an increasingly desperate bid to find a government that can muster a workable majority.

In a sign of the determination to force Mr Netanyahu from office, the new coalition is a fragile alliance of eight political parties with little common ideology. Members range from the left to the far right and include for the first time an Arab Islamist party.

In another unusual move, Mr Lapid, a centrist, has agreed to share the role of prime minister with Naftali Bennett, the leader of a small right-wing party, Yamina. A standard-bearer for religious nationalists who oppose a Palestinian state and want Israel to annex the majority of the occupied West Bank, Mr Bennett, who would take the leadership role during the first two years, is considered by many to be further to the right than Mr Netanyahu.

But such a transition of power is still a big if. Mr Netanyahu needs to persuade just one MP to jump ship from the alliance and still has until next week to do so. Given that he is facing allegations of bribery and fraud, it is in his interests to stay on as leader. Doing so would give him a public platform from which to fight the charges, and he would be protected from having to stand down – a form of protection offered only to the prime minister.


If he were to lose the prime ministership, he would leave a mixed legacy. For those who support a tough line against the Palestinians, he has certainly delivered, backing the expansion of Israeli settlements into the West Bank and slow-walking any progress on a two-state solution. For Israelis looking for a more conciliatory approach, his stance has been blamed for further cementing the frustration and hardline attitude of Palestinians, as witnessed in the recent fighting.

But it would be too early to start writing Mr Netanyahu’s farewell speech. He has proven adept at ensuring he stays one step ahead of his opponents.

The new alliance is built on two foundations: to move on from the politics of paralysis that has infected Israel and to depose Mr Netanyahu. With the backing of Israel’s parliament next week, it just may have a chance of accomplishing those objectives. But its diverse composition and the right-wing ideology of its new prime minister, Mr Bennett, would offer little hope of finding any new path towards a resolution with the Palestinians.

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