Life experience a secret weapon for incoming aged care staff

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Life experience a secret weapon for incoming aged care staff

By Anna Patty

Mat Stone never imagined his experience working as a landscaper, personal trainer, tour guide and as a competitive cyclist would provide him with valuable skills he now uses working in aged care.

The 46-year-old saw a careers counsellor last year who advised him that his strength was in working with people. Aged care was suggested to him as a possible option.

“I thought I might try that aged care gig and started studying and took a liking to the study,” he said.

Aged care worker Mat Stone brings his many life experiences that include competitive cycling to his job.

Aged care worker Mat Stone brings his many life experiences that include competitive cycling to his job.

“I started working as a landscaper at the age of 19 and was juggling two jobs [landscaper and personal coach] for about 10 years.” He also worked in tourism and was a competitive cyclist.

After completing a vocational training certificate in aged care late last year he soon found a job in a small residential care facility on the Sunshine Coast. His colleagues had a range of backgrounds including in sales and hospitality. The quality they had in common was a caring nature.

“It can be mentally tiring work but it is also quite satisfying to think you are being useful,” Stone said.

“I found all that life experience comes to the fore in aged care. You can talk to people about all sorts of interests and listen with a compassionate ear. I didn’t quite realise I had those skills.”

Mat Stone.

Mat Stone.

Samantha Adams from vocational training provider MAX Solutions said students including Mat who had worked in tourism or hospitality or customer service could transfer their communication skills to aged care. She said there was big demand for aged care workers who were compassionate, patient and good listeners. “We are getting people from all walks of life from truck drivers to hairdressers,” she said. “Our course enrolments have gone through roof.”


The federal budget included nearly $18 billion in funding over five years for aged care in response to the findings of the Royal Commission on Aged Care Quality and Safety. The package includes $652.1 million to extend national recruitment to “grow a skilled, professional and compassionate aged care workforce”.

About 1.3 million Australians need access to aged care services and the federal government expects the number of people aged over 65 will nearly double to more than 7 million by the middle of the century.

Aged care workers come from a range of backgrounds that have developed their people skills.

Aged care workers come from a range of backgrounds that have developed their people skills.Credit:iStock

Director of the Australian Health Services Research Institute at the University of Wollongong, Professor Kathy Eagar, who was an expert witness at the royal commission, said the aged care sector had been undervalued.

“That is now starting to change,” she said.

Professor Eagar said the federal budget’s $17.7 billion commitment to the aged care sector would help improve the workforce ratios and training opportunities. She said the commitment was a “fantastic first step” because it was combined with a new funding model her research institute helped develop.

Professor Eagar said there were good career prospects in aged care which had a workforce shortage which higher wages would help address.

“I think there is a good career ahead of people in aged care but improvements will happen progressively over the next three to five years,” she said.

“The federal government initiative had a commitment to training and further development of the workforce. There is a Fair Work case being heard later this year seeking a substantial pay increase for workers.”

The Health Services Union is seeking a 25 per cent increase for aged care workers who are paid as little as $22 per hour under the Aged Care Award 2010. The union’s work value case before the Fair Work Commission covers personal care workers, recreational activities officers, catering, cleaning, administration, and other support staff.


The union is arguing that the work of the aged care workforce has changed over time, becoming more complex as the needs of an ageing population and community expectations of care have evolved.

Union national secretary Gerard Hayes said the aged care sector had, for too long, relied on the goodwill of an underpaid and insecure workforce of women. He said many aged care workers were planning to leave the sector because they were overworked and underpaid.

“Aged care workers provide care and support to residents enduring episodes of sadness and at times anger. They should be recognised and paid for their skills,” he said.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Health said the Australian government recognises that staffing is “critical to delivering quality aged care”. It has announced a range of measures to improve staffing levels including a $135.6 million grant to give registered nurses a bonus if they work for the same aged care provider for 12 months. The budget announcement also included $3.9 billion to help aged care providers to increase their staffing levels.

“The government notes the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety’s recommendations relating to wages,” the spokeswoman said. “The government will await the Fair Workforce Commission’s decision on these matters, which are made independently of government.”

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