Dating safety

RSVP supports online safety best practice


At RSVP it is important to us that dating is a fun and safe experience for you. RSVP has worked closely with industry bodies including the ACCC, Stay Smart Online and the Federal and State police for over 17 years. We are committed to providing you with a secure environment to meet people and treat any suspicion of fraudulent behaviour very seriously. As well as continually monitoring the site for unusual behaviour, we manually check every photo on the site and use an array of technologies to detect unusual behaviour or false profiles. Unfortunately, no matter how vigilant we are there will always be a small number of instances where someone makes their way onto the site, even for a short time, with disingenuous intentions.

To help protect you from falling victim to fraudulent activity, we believe it is important that you know what to look for and what to do if you suspect you are dealing with a scammer.

The same rules must apply to meeting people online, as meeting people offline. Trust your instincts, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is, and never get financially involved.

 So we invite you to take 5 minutes to explore our safe dating section, and familiarise yourself with some common warning signs, and what to do if you see anything suspicious.

Read more on Dating Safely:




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