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Carbon pricing


Oil industry faces ‘extreme’ $367m annual levy

Oil and gas producers are furious at being slugged with a levy for an abandoned platform, while some opponents want the impost to be made permanent.

  • Angela Macdonald-Smith

Money grows on trees in Australia’s secret carbon market

A vibrant and growing market for carbon offsets is helping drought-proof farmers and assisting manufacturers and banks meet ever more ambitious goals for net zero emissions.

  • Angela Macdonald-Smith and Jacob Greber

Taylor fast-tracks use of green carbon credits

Energy Minister Angus Taylor wants the government to issue carbon credits for a range of new activities, including to marine ecosystems, biomethane, and carbon capture and storage.

  • Jacob Greber and Angela Macdonald-Smith

Carbon price carrot, not stick, to hit net zero

Big companies including supermarkets and airlines that have committed to reducing their emissions are driving accelerating demand for carbon credits.

  • Updated
  • Angela Macdonald-Smith and Jacob Greber

Australian business eyes carbon farming in the Pacific

Canberra’s track record as an issuer of high-credibility Australian Carbon Credit Units puts it in the box seat to help Pacific nations develop carbon markets.

  • Jacob Greber

‘Double-counting’ doubts cloud Santos CCS project

Santos has rejected claims that it is set to ‘double-count’ emissions reductions that would be made through its carbon capture and storage venture in South Australia.

  • Angela Macdonald-Smith

NatureCo to tap demand for trusted carbon offsets

A push by corporates to avoid accusations of greenwashing by backing fully verified carbon offset projects has helped drive the launch next week of NatureCo.

  • Angela Macdonald-Smith

Net zero or bust: gas sector’s critical moment

With funding getting choked off, Australia’s natural gas industry faces a mammoth task to show it is part of a net zero emissions future.

  • Angela Macdonald-Smith

Australia can become a carbon storage superpower

Decarbonisation is not a threat, but an opportunity to establish a global carbon offsets export industry as part of the future development of our oil and gas resources, says Santos CEO Kevin Gallagher.

  • Kevin Gallagher

Catherine Brenner backs carbon risk start-up Emmi

Company director Catherine Brenner is backing a new start-up that wants its method of scoring companies’ carbon risk to become as ubiquitous as credit ratings.

  • James Thomson

Aurizon confident insurers won’t cut it off over thermal coal link

The rail operator is optimistic about retaining cover, as questions emerge about its forecasting.

  • Liam Walsh

How to fix carbon confusion

A small Australian company is helping to lead the way towards a trusted and standardised approach to trading carbon offsets.

  • Tony Boyd

Global bankers warn Australian investors on carbon risk

The world’s biggest central banks risk creating a ‘dog’s breakfast’ of global climate disclosure rules unless Canberra engages more aggressively with the rest of the world, say investors.

  • Jacob Greber


Carbon capture is a gift horse for Australia

After wool, coal, and iron ore, the storing of carbon could be Australia’s next big opportunity in the global economy.

  • Craig Emerson

We are the Blackstone/Goldman Sachs of climate: Pollination pitch

Meet the Blackstone/Goldman Sachs of economic decarbonisation and nature transformation. 

  • Sarah Thompson, Anthony Macdonald and Tim Boyd

Carbon border taxes mostly unnecessary, climate guru says

Influential climate economist Nicholas Stern says any EU or US carbon tariffs should be limited to a handful of sectors such as steel.

  • Hans van Leeuwen

Australia to launch a carbon exchange

The Clean Energy Regulator wants to set up an exchange where offsets can be quickly traded and reconciled. 

  • Elouise Fowler


Morrison government on the hard road to net zero by 2050

Australia is on track to meet its carbon reduction target of 26 to 28 per cent by 2030, but the goal of net zero emissions by 2050 will be harder to achieve.

  • Mark Ludlow

How a US carbon border tax could hurt Australian exports

Goods exported directly to the United States might not be that badly affected by a border tariff – the real hit would come via exports to China.

  • Matthew Cranston

Poland nationalises coal mines as climate pressure gathers steam

Investor aversion, a doubling in the cost of EU carbon permits, and Joe Biden’s imminent environment summit have forced fossil fuel-dependent Poland into action.

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  • Hans van Leeuwen