Misfits is a British science fiction comedy-drama television show, on E4, about a group of young offenders sentenced to work in a community service program, where they obtain supernatural powers after a strange electrical storm. The show premiered on 12 November 2009 and concluded on 11 December 2013 in its fifth series.
Antonia Thomas, Iwan Rheon, Lauren Socha, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, and Robert Sheehan are introduced as Alisha Daniels, Simon Bellamy, Kelly Bailey, Curtis Donovan, and Nathan Young respectively. Sheehan left after the second series, replaced in the third by Joseph Gilgun as Rudy Wade. After the third series it was announced that Rheon, Thomas, and Socha had left and would be replaced by new cast members Karla Crome, Nathan McMullen and Matt Stokoe, as Jess, Finn, and Alex respectively. Midway through the fourth series, Stewart-Jarrett left while Natasha O'Keeffe joined the cast as Abbey Smith.
The first series started broadcasting in the U.K. on 12 November 2009 on E4, and was produced by Clerkenwell Films. The show aired in Australia in 2010 on ABC2, and in New Zealand, it screens on FOUR, where its fourth series is currently running. In June 2011, it was made available online in the United States via Hulu, where it became one of the service's most-watched series.
Misfits is a British science fiction comedy-drama television show, on the network Channel 4, about a group of young offenders sentenced to work in a community service programme, where they obtain supernatural powers after a strange electrical storm. The show premiered on 12 November 2009 and concluded on 11 December 2013 after its fifth series.
The events of Series 2 commence immediately after the end of Series 1. Filming took place in May 2010 and the second series began airing in November 2010.
The third series of Misfits began airing on 30 October 2011 with the first of eight episodes. Robert Sheehan, who played Nathan in the first two series of the show, does not appear in the third series. His exit is shown in an online film that was released on the official Misfits website on 15 September, shortly before the third series airs. The online film is set in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. A new character called Rudy is introduced in the first episode to replace Nathan, played by Joseph Gilgun.
A chill runs up your spine
It crawls into your brain
The freezing touch of fear
It's driving me insane
Although you try to fight
Dragged from the silence where you hide
'til you... Scream
I can't wait to hear you...
I can't wait to hear you...
It's driving me insane
Although you try to fight
Dragged from the silence where you hide
'til you... Scream
I can't wait to hear you...
I can't wait to hear you...
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Russia Today | 27 May 2021
Russia Today | 27 May 2021
The Hill | 27 May 2021