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Why this economic recovery is different

The repair of household and business balance sheets thanks to government stimulus payments during the pandemic leaves consumers and companies well placed to further drive the economic recovery.

Cashed-up households and businesses are well placed thanks to stimulus payments and extraordinary monetary policy initiatives.  Getty

John KehoeEconomics editor

The sharp economic downturn last year and rapid rebound, confirmed in this week’s national accounts, are like no other recession and recovery in history.

Government health restrictions shut down business activity in response to COVID-19 last year. Yet with the virus largely suppressed and the economy – except Victoria – now largely open, hundreds of billions of dollars in stimulus payments to business and households are underwriting what the Reserve Bank of Australia has termed an economic “snapback”.

Economic output is a bit above pre-pandemic levels, though there is still more lost ground to make up and unemployment needs to fall below the current 5.5 per cent.

The secret to Australia’s world-leading V-shaped rebound is the strength of the balance sheets of business and households.

Incredibly, during the biggest recession since the Great Depression 90 years ago, business profits and household incomes both rose. Profits of non-financial corporations increased almost 10 per cent last year, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Household incomes jumped nearly 6 per cent in 2020.

In past recessions, such as in the early 1990s, business and household balance sheets were shattered – weighing for years on the economic recovery. But this time, the massive $291 billion stimulus from the Morrison government was largely given in cash payments to business and households.

The support included the $90 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy, $34 billion in cash flow payments to small and medium business, a temporarily higher JobSeeker unemployment benefit, and business tax breaks. Bank loan repayment deferrals and rent holidays also strengthened balance sheets.

RBA’s head of economic analysis, Brad Jones, said in a speech in Canberra this week the path ahead may be different from typical post-crisis recoveries because many Australian household and business balance sheets were in “better shape” than before the pandemic.

“This is a result of the unusual size and composition of the policy response in Australia,” Dr Jones said. “The increase in household income during the pandemic is unprecedented as far as past downturns go, and policy has also supported business balance sheets through a difficult period.


“One implication is that it is possible many Australian households and businesses feel more financially secure than is typically the case after a severe shock.

“Precautionary behaviour could therefore be less of a drag on the economy.

“On this note, it has been encouraging to see consumer and business confidence bounce back strongly and fewer Australian firms report that economic uncertainty is affecting investment plans compared to earlier in the pandemic.”

Treasury learnt the lessons of stimulus responses to past crises. The fiscal stimulus after the 1990-91 recession came years too late. The 2008 global financial crisis stimulus, while largely effective, had execution problems on pink batts and school buildings, according to former Finance Department head, David Tune.

In 2020, Treasury focused on quickly getting cash directly to households and business. Households and non-financial corporations amassed an extra $240 billion in savings during the pandemic.

Now they are gradually deploying their piles of cash. Household spending and private investment both made positive contributions to the robust 1.8 per cent GDP growth in the March quarter.

This is the start of a gradual handover from the government driving growth to a stimulus-fuelled private sector firing up the economy.

Household spending increased 1.2 per cent. The household saving-to-income ratio dipped to 11.6 per cent, from 12.2 per cent, in the March quarter.

Households are still saving at higher levels than during the panic of the GFC. If the economy remains relatively open as vaccines are deployed, consumers should feel confident enough to eat into more of their savings over coming months.


Business investment recovery broadens

Business investment rose 4 per cent in the March quarter, the first back-to-back quarterly rise since 2013. Machinery and equipment investment recorded the strongest quarterly rise since December 2009, up 11.6 per cent, reflected in the mining and non-mining sectors.

Auscap co-founder Tim Carleton is upbeat about the state of business and household balance sheets. Eamon Gallagher

The government’s instant tax write-off for assets worth up to $150,000 and for businesses with aggregate turnover of less than $500 million is encouraging the purchase of utes by tradies. New vehicle sales totalled 100,809 in May – the highest number of sales for the month of May in four years, CommSec notes.

Positively, the long-awaited recovery in business investment is broadening into purchases of harvesting equipment by farmers, forklifts by warehouses and conveyor belts by manufacturers.

Further boosting private demand, dwelling investment increased for the third consecutive quarter, rising 6.4 per cent, underpinned by the government’s HomeBuilder stimulus program for new homes and renovations.

“Building approvals are expected to normalise after the HomeBuilder boost, but the recent surge still points to very strong dwelling investment activity over the next year or so,” notes AMP Capital chief economist Shane Oliver.

Rising house values and record low interest rates are also encouraging the construction of new dwellings, despite less demand from foreigners as a result of negative net migration due to the closure of international borders.

Despite home borrowing picking up and household debt levels rising, the other less understood positive is that household balance sheets are in their best shape in years.


Auscap fund manager Tim Carleton in the past worried about the risks from high household debt levels and elevated house prices.

But he is now much more upbeat after the “tremendous household balance sheet repair” when locked-down households saved huge amounts of cash last year, including government transfer payments and savings from lower interest rates.

Despite scenes of toilet paper hoarding, consumer spending fell almost 6 per cent last year and the household savings ratio peaked at 22 per cent in June 2020 – its highest level in more than 60 years.

ANZ chief economist Richard Yetsenga says lower debt servicing costs will help consumer spending. 

More was saved by households in the final nine months of last year than in the previous 3½ years, Carleton says.

“Households are in a very, very good position” he says in a recent video address to investors. “Very unusually for a recession, disposable income grew at its greatest rate in almost a decade.”

To be sure, the gross household debt-to-income ratio is about 180 per cent, which is a high figure by international standards.

“But it misses something very important,” Carleton says. Money has poured into mortgage offset accounts. Mortgage prepayments and other deposits are also well above historic averages.

In net terms, Carleton says household debt (less deposits) as a share of income has fallen to 2004 levels. Back then, the RBA cash rate was more than 5 per cent and market mortgage rates were about 8 per cent.


Today, the RBA cash rate is close to zero and market mortgage rates around 2 per cent.

ANZ chief economist Richard Yetsenga says consumer debt servicing costs are their lowest since 1985.

Stronger consumer spending also bodes well for business investment, because companies will be more confident to spend if consumer demand is strong, he says.

“The economic fundamentals for consumption are boom-like; they are as favourable as I ever recall seeing them,” Yetsenga says. “Debt servicing, unemployment, house prices and saving buffers are all very advantageous.

“This is also great news for the investment outlook. Investment ultimately requires strong demand to precede it.”

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John Kehoe
John KehoeEconomics editorJohn Kehoe is Economics editor at Parliament House, Canberra. He writes on economics, politics and business. John was Washington correspondent covering Donald Trump’s election. He joined the Financial Review in 2008 from Treasury. Connect with John on Twitter. Email John at