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Three in four insider traders get away with it

Insider trading is an insidious illegal activity that saps investor confidence in free and fair markets. A new study finds it is much worse than prosecutions would suggest.

Illegal insider trading in the United States sharemarket is about four times greater than the number of prosecutions, according to a groundbreaking research paper by two Australian academics.

Vinay Patel and Talis Putnins from the UTS Business School in Sydney believe their research can be used by regulators around the world to more effectively target insider traders.

They say it could be especially useful for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, which has been too reliant upon market surveillance systems that cannot estimate the absolute amount of insider trading.

Professor Vinay Patel from UTS Business School is co-author of a paper that found insider trading prosecutions are the tip of the iceberg. David Rowe

The research paper, How much insider trading really happens in stock markets?, will soon be presented to the prestigious American Finance Association Conference organised by The Journal of Finance.

Vinay, a senior lecturer and finance undergraduate director at UTS, and Putnins, a finance professor, used a novel empirical method to come up with estimates of insider trading in the US market. The method is called “detection controlled estimation” (DCE), which is used in analysis of tax evasion, nuclear power plant violations and false detection in mammograms.


Putnins says these issues are similar to insider trading because there is an underlying process that is difficult to observe.

“There are several different approaches that people might use to try and estimate how much insider trading happens,” he says.

When Roosevelt was asked why he had appointed a stock manipulator to head the SEC, he said with a grin: ‘Set a thief to catch a thief’.

“One is just to look at how often people are getting prosecuted for insider trading. But that’s deficient because it misses all the unprosecuted cases.

“The other approach that people sometimes use is to say, well, how often do we see price run-ups before important company announcements?

“Again, that’s a very indirect and noisy way of trying to infer insider trading, because those price products could occur for different reasons.


“The DCE approach differs from both of those in that it explicitly writes down an econometric or statistical model for the violation – in our case it’s the insider trading process – and a statistical model for the detection process.

“When you have both of those processes modelled simultaneously, you can actually get at what’s going on behind the scenes.”

Key questions answered

The research paper’s value for regulators is that it seeks to find answers to key questions such as: When and in which stocks is insider trading more likely to occur? What makes a given instance of insider trading more likely to be detected and prosecuted?

The paper draws on two decades of statistics on insider trading prosecutions by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the US between 1996 and 2016, combined with data on daily price and trading activity on US sharemarkets.

As well as being home to the world’s deepest capital markets, the US has been at the forefront of developing securities laws designed to ensure fair, orderly, transparent and efficient markets.


The ban on insider trading in the US was imposed in 1934 by the first Securities and Exchange Act, the enforcement of which was handed to Joseph P. Kennedy, the father of president John F. Kennedy.

Kennedy snr, who was passed over by president Franklin D. Roosevelt for the role of Treasury secretary, was renowned for his own adept use of market manipulation and insider trading in the years before the 1929 Wall Street crash.

When Roosevelt was asked why he had appointed a stock manipulator to head the SEC, the president killed all further debate with the grinning comment: “Set a thief to catch a thief”, according to the book FDR by Jean Edward Smith.

The US did not make insider trading a criminal offence until 1984.

It only really took the law seriously in 1987 when the then ambitious attorney-general for the Southern District of New York, Rudy Giuliani, pursued an insider trading ring headed by arbitrageur Ivan Boesky.


Boesky was sent to jail for three years and fined a record $US100 million.

Insider trading is insidious because it creates significant regulatory and surveillance costs that are usually borne by market participants. It harms investor confidence, which can reduce investor participation, thereby decreasing market liquidity and increasing trading costs.

Market bears the costs

Although it has been found by some research to “improve the informational efficiency of prices” it can also have adverse effects on a firm’s cost of capital.

These days, the SEC prosecutes about 50 insider trading cases each year.

But the research paper by Vinay and Putnins estimates that there are probably about another 150 insider trading cases that are not being detected and prosecuted.


The authors estimate that insider trading occurs in one in five merger and acquisition events, and in one in 20 quarterly earnings announcements. These estimates imply there is at least four times more actual cases of insider trading than there are prosecutions.

“Therefore, what we see in prosecutions is the tip of the iceberg,” the authors say. “We further estimate that the probability of detection/prosecution of insider trading in both M&A and earnings announcements is approximately 15 per cent.

“Given the substantial penalties for convicted insider trading violations, including financial, reputational, and potential jail time, and smaller potential profits, the probability of detection and prosecution has to be relatively low, otherwise no one would attempt it,” Putnins says.

Vinay says the study focused on mergers and acquisitions, and quarterly earnings announcements, because these events are the most frequent of the major price-sensitive announcements made by companies, and the most likely to result in successful prosecutions.

Putnins says insider trading is more likely when there is more liquidity, which allows insiders to conceal their trades and earn higher profits, and when the value of information is larger as measured by market reactions to the announcement of the information.


“So, more volatile stocks that see greater share price movements, and popular stocks that attract a high volume of trading, are more frequent targets for insider trading,” he says.

Australian cases

In Australia, ASIC has been successfully prosecuting about two people a year for insider trading over the past five years. The number of successful prosecutions spiked to seven in 2015 and nine in 2013.

Earlier this year it sought to boost its armoury against insider traders by announcing an immunity policy for certain contraventions of the Corporations Act, including market manipulation, insider trading and dishonest conduct.

Under the new policy, an individual who has engaged with others to manipulate the market, commit insider trading or engage in dishonest conduct when operating a financial services business can, in certain circumstances, seek immunity from both civil penalty and criminal proceedings.

This should have positive results judging from the outcome of a similar whistleblower regime in the US, which was introduced in 2010. Vinay and Putnins found prosecutions in the US rose after the whistleblower law was passed.


The difference between Australia and the US is that whistleblowers in the US can gain a financial reward if the case proceeds to conviction.

ASIC publishes a regular report on market cleanliness which seeks to show the level of market manipulation and insider trading in Australia.

Putnins says that while the methodology used by ASIC is useful for doing relative comparisons, such as how insider trading has trended through time or whether it is more prevalent in some sectors compared with others, it is unable to properly estimate the absolute amount of insider trading.

“The reason is that both approaches in the ASIC reports use arbitrary thresholds to flag suspicious events, so the estimated level of insider trading is a function of the arbitrarily chosen threshold,” he says.

Nevertheless, he says some trends noted by ASIC are similar to the trends noted in the study he co-authored with Patel, including the finding that mergers and acquisitions have the highest levels of insider trading, insider trading is trending down, and insider trading is higher in unscheduled price-sensitive announcements.

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Tony Boyd is the Chanticleer columnist. He has more than 35 years' experience as a finance journalist. Connect with Tony on Twitter. Email Tony at

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