
GIF REQUEST MEME ✨ anonymous asked doctor who + favorite episode

4x10 midnight — Taking a big space truck with a bunch of strangers across a diamond planet called Midnight. What could possibly go wrong?

(via an-obsessive-life)



I found a terf’s guide to being a crypto-TERF. I’m sharing the link in a few discord servers and in a bit after picking apart the post I’m gonna use it to write up how to identify crypto-TERFs. Stay tuned.

How to spot a crypto-TERF, according to a post on how to be a crypto-TERF

For reference, here’s the post I found that I’m basing this off of

  • They often try not to reblog from obvious TERFs on their crypto blog. (Yes, often they fail at this but that’s not the point. Not finding anything TERFy on main is not necessarily a hint that it’s safe). But they’ll have no problem reblogging from other crypto-TERFs and liking obvious TERF posts. Be sure to check through the likes of TERF posts! You’ll find plenty of main blogs to block. Note that they might try to avoid reblogging right after liking a post so you don’t know which side blog goes with which main blog. The point is to block, tho, so like, who fucking cares what side blog goes with what main blog? (But also be aware that some folks will like a TERF post cause someone reblogged it to criticize it and the notes don’t give away who likes what version of a post. Use your judgement for these cases).
  • I’ve been saying this for years but now I have it in plain text, TERFs will post basic radfem beliefs on their crypto-TERF blogs because they know you don’t recognize radfem shit until it involves trans people. I put a screenshot of their words (with a red border on it so that it’s clearly a screenshot and not part of the post). Learn to recognize radfem theory. And while you’re at it learn the arguments against it/why it’s dangerous. Examples of radfem beliefs include: bdsm is abuse, support for the Nordic model on sex work, women shouldn’t wear makeup even if they want to (the idea is that they don’t actually want to), the idea that men are inherently abusive (or really any other gender essentialist nonsense), being anti-porn. There’s more than just this, I’m encouraging you to do your research here!
  • On that note, if they say absolutely nothing about trans people, they’re likely a crypto-TERF. Maybe they just don’t want to discuss it but like, if you search their blog for the word trans and nothing comes up (or what comes up has nothing to do with trans people) yet they talk a lot about feminism and lgb (but not t) stuff, you likely found a crypto-TERF. But just to be safe cause there’s people like me who have search turned off, search for something you know is gonna be on their blog to check if anything comes up.
  • Download shinigami eyes if you can. Yes they’re suggesting that they do that themselves so that they can keep track of who is safe to reblog to their mains. But here’s the part that will help everyone: if you believe you’ve found a crypto-TERF, mark them as red. Hunt down TERF posts with no criticism on them to mark everyone in the notes as red, if you feel so inclined to help out them.
  • For the love of god, stop stealing TERF posts. No more of that “op was a TERF so I’m stealing it” shit, you’re doing their job for them spreading radfem rhetoric, which in turn is making it increasingly hard to identify crypto-TERFs. Not to mention you’re validating their belief that you secretly agree with them and have just been lied to about them. (Which, honestly, is condescending as all fuck for those of us who’ve taken time to learn what their ideas are. Yes I’m telling you to learn what radfems believe aside from the transphobia. Mostly so you can know it when you see it. Partly cause I’m sick of you all spreading it completely unaware. I swear the second I find an accessible and easy to read list of radfem beliefs and why I’m against them, I’m blasting it all the fuck over tumblr. Unfortunately that would be a long ass post and take a lot of work.)
  • This ain’t from the post but rather from the blocking spree I just went through but don’t rely on things like pronouns in bio or seeing “tme” in there to indicate that someone is safe. TERFs who don’t want you to know they’re TERFs will try to look like normal people or even just someone who’s trans-friendly cause they know you won’t listen to them if you know they’re a TERF. And some of them like to joke about tme standing for “transmisogyny enthusiast” anyway. Actually look at what they’re saying and how many radfem points it checks off as well as what they’re not saying (remember they won’t talk about trans people at all cause, again, they know you won’t listen if you know they’re a TERF).

Anyone with further info is free to add to this!

(via dingdongyouarewrong)

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