I love Zuko more than I fear you

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


I’m Aure (she/her) and this is my main! I’m Asian, neurodivergent, and bi :) I do image descriptions and try reblog other people’s IDs whenever possible!

(here’s why image descriptions are important for accessibility.)

I spend more effort on my sideblogs:

My mental health/positivity sideblog: @you-deserve-to-love-yourself

My FMA sideblog: @envythepalmtree

I’m aureshadow on AO3.

My fics:

‘Cause I could never set you free (complete)

Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Words: 1,692
And suddenly Ty Lee was clinging to her and Mai held her as her sobs slowly subsisted. Mother wouldn’t like this, Mai thought. At least for this moment, Ty Lee has fallen out of favor. The smart thing would be to side with the Princess, to take advantage of my competitor’s misfortune and help the Princess against her.
(Mai was eight.)
Princess Azula chooses Mai and Ty Lee as her friends when they’re six. They’re not supposed to like each other - they’re supposed to compete. Mai’s family is new money, and competes with Ty Lee’s family for the Fire Lord’s favor. Ty Lee’s father distrusts Mai’s father, descended from the Saowon clan which fell from grace many years ago.
Written for Winter ATLA Femslash Week Day 4 - Childhood Friends

caught in the undertow (complete)

Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Words: 816
“For me, Azula will always be both a friend and the Fire Princess,” Mai said. “But Zuko isn’t the prince to me. He’s that clumsy boy who confides in me about how hard he tries, how he feels like he’ll never be good enough. He’s the one person other than you that I can trust.”
Written for Maiko Week Day 1: Childhood

Fires and Fountains (complete)

Fandoms: Avatar, The Last Airbender, Avatar: Legend of Korra
Words: 394
A boy and a girl grew up with a fountain and fell in love. They had a daughter and named her after the fountain, a source of water. They were scarred, but water heals.

Dumplings (complete)

Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Kyoshi Novels
Words: 500
“Koko would have better. Koko had two mothers who loved her, who cared about her, who would protect her from anything. Koko had two mothers who loved each other. Koko would grow up happy and safe and cared for. Kyoshi and Rangi would make sure of it.”
Kyoshi and Rangi teach their five-year-old daughter Koko how to make dumplings.

wove between himself like a waterfall (complete)

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types
Blackout poem from Marelle by SiryyGray!

so I throw stones at walls I’ll never climb (complete)

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood & Manga
Words: 2,553
Envy used to have debates like that with Lust.
An absurd picture popped into Envy’s head of having a pseudo-angry conversation like that with someone who wasn’t a sibling. A human. Having someone look at them like that couple looked at each other. Something in their chest contracted.
“Pride’s really driving me crazy now, huh,” they muttered. “Imagine me, Envy, stooping down to the level of those worms.” Their eyes watered a little - they hadn’t slept too much.
Mrs. Bradley wants her son to make friends, and Pride enlists Envy to be a fake friend. Envy isn’t good at acting - not like Pride is. Not like Lust was. But they’ll try their best, and they’ll make Father happy. If it’s unpleasant, they’ll use memories of inflicting horrors of humans to cheer themself up. An exploration of Envy’s relationship with Pride, grief over Lust, and resentment towards humans for the unconditional love that Envy never had.

(ok to rb!)

Pinned Post aure speaks pinned post atla fic fma fic

TW covid!!!

My post was getting longer and might be getting difficult to read so here's a new, shorter one. If you want to read the original post it's this: https://creepinginyourheartbabe7-2-2.tumblr.com/post/655146336223625216/hello-sorry-for-no-updates-but-they-tested-me

Anyway, despite the many notes, I didn't get to raise 30 dollars for gas :( but I did manage to borrow from a friend whom I need to pay back soon

I still have to quarantine for a week because I'm still covid positive. I'm already asymptomatic so they let me go to quarantine at home

The problem now is that there is no room at home to self-quarantine. My parents, my four brothers and my two babies live in a studio place that's just a square box where we're all just jammed in

I figured I just quarantine in my car since a hotel room would cost me so much until I get a swab test again next week

I managed to talk to my mom and the situation at home is bad. They're out of food, my parent's medicines, my babies diapers and milk and bills have also come :(( this would've been prevented if I didn't get sick :(

My job won't let me go back until I'm clear and I can't risk driving passengers again as I would only infect other people

So as embarrassed and ashamed I am already, I'm asking for everyone's help again :(

Please help us raise 500 USD until tomorrow so I can buy their food, medicines, my babies' needs and pay all the bills so they don't have a problem while I'm gone. I know it's probably a high amount but everything costs so much now :(

Please share this as much as you can as well, someone generous could be on your dash!! :(

Here's my p*yp*l!!


Hello for transparency! This is what we have so far!! Please please help us out!!


Please please help me, I feel really bad I've put my family in this situation :((((( pls im begging!!

Source: creepinginyourheartbabe7-2-2
signal boost donations no id

Israel is demolishing Silwan as we speak. Over 1500 people, most of who are children will be homeless in a city ruled by people that don't allow them to rebuild anywhere. They're making almost 900 children refugees.

There are 40 bulldozers in Silwan and heavy presence of the IOF.

They started with a butchery and arrested the owner of the shop and his two sons during the demolition. Here's a video of the IOF brutalizing the Al Rajabi family, owner of the shop.

Keep in mind this proccess might be long, and they might start with shops instead of houses to wait until the media has moved on. That's 1 out of 17 homes ethnically cleansed.

The IOF is throwing tear gas at the residents so they leave their homes. 13 were injured. While all this happens, the IOF is posting about their delegation arriving to help with the searches in Miami. I have no words to say how hypocrital and how angry that makes me.

There are palestinians right now live blogging their ethnic cleasing, their city being run down and the residents driven out so there's no cultural trace of them, so they can pretend Palestinians never existed there. It's brutal to think these people survived one ethnic cleasing in 1948 and they thought they'd be safe in their new homes, only to be invaded and be ethnically cleansed again years later.

It's a choice to be ignorant right now because several Palestinians in Jerusalem are being brutalized and traumatized to show you this. The best we can do is clog the zionist propaganda so they can't pretend they're not destroying homes, as they always do. I don't want a single zionist to have peace on social media today, and that counts for everything on the BDS list (Ben and Jerry hasn't used social media in over a month because people were commenting about their settlements and the boycott was stronger than ever, that's the energy).

Ask for people to speak because zionists are too comfortable, look what they did to Indya Moore just yesterday. They want palestinians to be quiet victims with no one speaking for them


[Id: tweet by Mohammed El-Kurd reading "I want to see protests in every damn city in the world against the ethnic cleasing of Palestinians in Jerusalem / end id]

Here's a constantly updating list of protests around the world. Show your anger and don't look away, not now and not in one month but until Palestinians can return home in peace.


Here’s a thread about the Biblical tourist attraction / faux archeological dig being planned for Silwan

Source: thethief1996
social issues palestine genocide tw has id

greek-mythographer asked:

who even are you. like what did you write

neil-gaiman answered:

I have no idea. Let me see if anyone else in this ask place knows.


he was in arthur.


you’re thinking of Jill Eikenberry; I think this guy was an astronaut of some kind


that’s Neil Armstrong, I thought this guy was in How I Met Your Mother


That’s Neil Patrick Harris. I think this might have been the playwright who wrote The Odd Couple.


That’s Neil Simon. I think this is the musician who wrote Sweet Caroline.


That’s Neil Diamond. I think this is an astrophysicist


That’s Neil deGrasse Tyson. I think this is a river in Egypt.


That’s the Nile; I think this is the Irish guy who made the movies “The Crying Game” and “Interview with the Vampire”.


No no, that was Neil Jordan. This has got to be the first person to walk on the moon.


No, that’s Neil Armstrong. This is one of those things you hit with hammers.


No that’s a nail. I’m pretty sure he’s the blonde guy in One Direction


no, that’s niall horan. i think this is the stuff people (usually girls) put on their nails. typically colorful, glittery, sometimes can create beautifully intricate designs…


That’s nail polish, I think this is the shoe brand named after the Greek Goddess of Victory


No that was Nike, I think he was that guy from Dead Poets Society that liked theatre.


no, that’s neil perry, I’m pretty sure this is about that lemon demon guy


no that is Neil Cicierega, I think you mean the guy that makes weird movies that are badly edited. Kurtis Conner made a video or two about his movies. 


No, that’s Neil Breen. I think you mean the son of that president George H.W. Bush.


That’s Neil Bush, I think this guy is one of the Jonas brothers


No, that’s Nick Jonas, I’m pretty sure this is the Welsh politician that worked in Parliament until 1995


No that’s Neil Gordan Kinnock, I think this is the main character of All For The Game

Source: neil-gaiman
aftg kinda? rb games

One piece of Avatar lore I don't quite believe is that most avatars don't learn they're the avatar until they're told on their 16th birthday.

like, POV you're some Earth Kingdom kid who knows the previous Water Tribe avatar died suspiciously close to the time you were born. You CANNOT tell me that that entire class-year of starry bright-eyed children doesn't spend every waking moment trying to prove they're the avatar. "Shut up Hang Lee you're not the avatar I'M the avatar. That stream just moved toward me." "Nuh-uh a fish did that and Avatar Tepek died on the summer solstice and YOU'RE a winter baby." "All the seasons are opposite in the water tribe Hang Lee!" "Nuh-uh"

You're 8 years old with all your other 8-year-old friends at your first day of How To Throw A Rock Class you CANNOT tell me that every kid present doesn't waste half the class trying to catch grass on fire with all the sincerity and conviction of a gas station hopeful snagging a mega-millions lotto ticket with their Mars bar and $30 gas fill-up.

Source: phantomrose96
LOL atla meta

all I can see is Zuko and Izumi doing this and firebending

[Video Description: a father and daughter in traditional Chinese Hanfu perform a series of flips in a public park. The daughter is wearing a long red dress and the father is wearing a red and black robe. A caption reads: a father and daughter do one-handed somersaults in the park (Professional movements, do not imitate). Source: @/dancer.lee on TikTok. End VD.]

!!! chinese culture zuko izumi has id

Hello how are yall? Life hates me, I truly believe it!! :((

I got sick from the office and I just got swab tested for covid yesterday and still waiting for the results. I'm in quarantine regardless of the results

I'm still on my training period so I still have no pay and with being quarantined, I can't do my delivery services so no income at all :(

I hate to divert from my family's fundraiser but can yall help me raise at least 50 dollars/2000 PHP so I can buy my family and two babies their food and essentials while I'm gone for two weeks? :((( if it's not too much, please reblog this as well :(

Here my p*yp*l in case you have a dollar or two to spare!!! Thank you so much!!


HI EVERYONE!! Sorry for missing, they took my phone and I just got it back. I got my swab test results and it came back negative, thank God!!! But I still have to quarantine because my fever is still high and my cold isn't getting any better. They're still gonna have to test me for covid next week.

Anyways, we actually reached the 50 dollar goal!! We managed to buy my parent's medicines with it!! Thank you so much!! Unfortunately though it was only enough for the medicines and not for food and other essentials :(

if it's okay, we'd like to ask for more help to raise another 50 dollars to buy their food for today!! Please still share this and thank you so much!!


Hello! Sorry for no updates but they tested me again and turns out it's a positive on covid :----), life really said fuck you to me

Anyways this is my last day on quarantine since I am not a severe case thank God, they let me go home tomorrow. My problem now is that we all (parents, brothers and my two babies) only live in a studio place with no rooms and i cannot risk my parents with comorbidities and my babies so I figured I'll live in my car for a week to really clear me out

So if yall will let me again, please help me raise 30 dollars so I can pay for my gas :((( it's currently about to be empty and haven't been used for two weeks so it probably dried out :( please share this again to help me out!!! Thank you so much!!

Source: creepinginyourheartbabe7-2-2
signal boost donations

Royai/Maiko Parallels

  • Childhood friends
  • Have known each other long enough that they don't need the other's backstory
  • Smile when they're with, think, or talk about one another
  • Makes grumpy faces while the other makes heart eyes
  • Mai and Riza being very stoic but blush/smile when they around or someone talks about their mans
  • Roy and Zuko being high key badasses, like they can literally BOIL YOU ALIVE THEY'RE THE MASTERS OF THE FLAMES AND CAN INTIMIDATE ANYONE but turn into SUCH DORKS when their ladies are by
  • Mai and Riza are the only people they can't intimate, like she'll say "sit yo ass down" and he'd say "yes dear."
  • Mai choosing to overcome her fear of Azula and betray her nation to save Zuko/Riza going after the senior staff alongside Roy and overthrowing the government never leaving his side to protect him and not fearing what could happen or what they can do to her
  • All four of them have an angsty past
  • Riza and Mai not being an alchemist/bender but are masters of other weapons and are the best and just pure badasses and have DEADLY ACCURACY
  • Roy and Zuko getting jealous when another guy makes a move or flirts with Riza and Mai
  • Are only ever physically affectionate/initiate physical contact with each other


Originally posted by royai-for-life


Originally posted by kataara



Originally posted by later-slayer


Originally posted by tloks


Originally posted by brownjet-archive


Originally posted by brownjet-archive


Originally posted by brownjet-archive



Originally posted by kataang


Originally posted by later-slayer

Now I'm gonna go squeal in my little corner of fangirl hell


[Image description: Various royai and maiko gifs.

1: Roy and Riza hugging.

2: Mai and Zuko hugging.

3: Riza's eyes in pain.

4: Roy's eyes in pain.

5, 6, and 7: Mai's and Zuko's eyes in the Boiling Rock, after Zuko locked her in the cell. Mai's eyes are angry, Zuko's are regretful.

8: Zuko's smile when he sees Mai is okay.

9: Roy holding Riza after she got stabbed and Mei Chang healed her, smiling.

End ID]

Source: pachangas-lenguas
this goes on this blog too maiko mai zuko royai roy mustang riza hawkeye atla meta fma meta has id

axolotl-druk asked:

“No you don’t understand, I have to get back!” for Mai and Zuko?

skating-yueki answered:

Mai sat there, with her little Izumi, in a panic room. Mai, in a panic room!

She banged on the door, hoping they’d let her out.

Eventually, a guard got fed up, and answered her banging. “What?!”

“Let. Me. Out.” Mai said, spacing out her words for emphasis.

“I can’t do that ma’am.”

“Well, I don’t care what you can and can not do. I need to be out there with my husband.”

The guard went silent again as she got more erratic with her banging.

“Fire Lady Mai, you don’t seem to understand the severity of the situation.” He finally responded again.

“No you don’t understand, I have to get back to my husband!” She screamed.

“No, you need to stay with your daughter.” The guard says.

Mai had almost forgotten about Izumi. She kneeled down next to her small daughter, who was barely 10. She had a worried look on her face.

“Baby, hey. Mommy may have to leave for a little bit.” Mai lightly caressed her daughters hair.

“To protect daddy, right?” Izumi said quietly.

“Yes, I know your father is perfectly capable of protecting himself. But…” Mai had no reasonable reason to leave, and yet she wanted to.

“Because you love him.” Izumi says with a childlike innocence that Mai doesn’t think she ever had.

“But baby, I love you too.” Mai said, planting a kiss on her head. “I’m staying with you, okay?”

“Okay!” Izumi hugged her mom, and Mai squeezed her tightly back.

Source: skating-yueki
AWWW maiko izumi mai zuko atla fanfic

if this get 50 notes, I'll tell you guys how my little sister accidentally became part of school's urban legend during 3rd grade.


ok so this happened back in south korea, during my 3rd grade years. 

my family moved a lot due to my father’s work, like once a year. which meant that every kindergarten and up to 4th grade my sis and i constantly changed schools. and out of all those school, the most memorable school was the one my sister and i attended when we were 10. the school was like, super old building. it was tall, had about 4th floor (korea is small country so we tend to build things up rather then broad.) what was most memorable about this school was that right behind the school there was a garden (i used to water the lilies, part of my responsibility as a student. giving jobs to young  student is a norm in asian county), a pond for ducks and a cages for goats and chicken. and behind these wacky collection was a mountain. like, i would take 10 steps away from school and the mountain would be there.

so anyway, the pond was large enough for a watermill and i remember it being so pretty and rather peaceful. but the 5th graders would often tell us that the Principle’s daughter was found dead by the watermill. there was many stories about it here and there. some said that she slipped during rainy season and drowned. other said she committed suicide, some said her hair got caught by the watermill and was crushed underneath the machine. and supposedly her grave was by the watermill. (i’m not sure if it was her tomb or her memorial but it was definitely there. i wouldn’t be surprised if it was her grave though. in korea u can find graves in rather odd places, for sake of the progression let’s call it her grave stone).

i knew that most older kids were teasing me, but i know for that fact that the principle DO have a dead daughter. i saw her portrait hanging in his office (and it was a special type of frame, only used for the departed), this made me never go near the watermill. then one summer (our summer breaks are short so we return to class early) there was a new rumor circulating that the Ghost of Principle’s daughter had spoken to a 3rd grader and given her a gift. some said she had given this girl her crushed skull (and speculation goes on) the story got so popular that even the high schoolers were talking about it. this started a trend that a student would stay after school in there lonesome and leave a gift on the grave, just so that they could have a chance to encounter the ghost girl. this lasted for a while.

now, 16 years later. i was recalling about this memory and spoke to my sister fondly about it. then i said “i wonder who that girl was? the one who met the principle’s daughter’s ghost.” my sister gave me flat look and said.

“oh. that was me.”

i was rather surprised by it, and asked “what the hell happened?”

she told me that she didn’t tell the story that time because she thought it wasn’t all that big deal.

during the 3rd grade, my sister and i attended separate classes (we are twins, so it lessens the confusion). it was after school hours and the other kids in the class dared each other to go to the watermill grave and poke at the grave stone. of course all the kids chickened out and forced my sister to go alone. my sister, being the silent and mysterious protagonist that she was, she didn’t argue and went up to the grave on her own. now, the thing about my sister is that ever since she was little, she was the brave one and she wasn’t scared of dead things. and found them interesting. it’s also worth mentioning that she was raised by my grandmother in her early childhood (my mother had a heart condition and needed extra help). my grandmother was born in one of the smaller island of korea and was raised in shaman family. grandma always told my sister to respect the dead, and respect my sister did.

first thing she knew of visiting the grave was that 1. be respectful. 2. bring offering.

my sister was wearing an overall that day and in her pocket, she had a clementine she hasn’t eaten during lunch. she had her offering. she also recalled my grandmother taking bouquet to the graves. so my sister plucked three dandelions. she had her bouquet.

now 3. clean the grave. 

my sister made it up to the grave. and placed the dandelions on top of the grave stones, lining them up. all she had to do was clean, most grave sites would provide a faucet of clean water so that grieving relatives could wash the grave stones. she sister didn’t think to look for one because a water source was right by her feet. my sister resorted to squatting down and cupped the pond water in her palm (the water was clean enough for tadpoles to live but you won’t want to drink it). then she smeared the pond water against the grave stone. as she was doing that, she felt someone standing over her. shading her and the grave.

she turns and sees black.....

it was the principle in his black suit.

my sister mentioned that in close up, the principle looked about in his 60s my sister was pretty sure that his daughter had passed away long time ago. the principle stared at my sister and he didn’t say anything. and my sister being nonverbal, she didn’t say anything either and stared back. they basically stood still for a while, until he spoke.

‘what are you doing?”

my sister answered.

“respecting the dead.”

he examined the sight before him, flower on the grave stone, and some sort of cleaning attempt with a pond water. i think he determined that my sister didn’t had ill intention. he knelt on one knee and pulled out his handkerchief, then proceeded to help my sister to clean the grave. after they did so, he stood back up. and my sister pulled the clementine out of her overalls and placed it in front of the grave. the principle nodded approvingly and watched the grave for a moment or two. he then gently petted my sister’s head and said.

“you know, my daughter and you could have been good friends.”

my sister said nothing but nodded in agreement. before she could return to her classmate, the principle showed a box he had brought with him.

“this is my daughter’s favorite rice cake, would you like some?”

she took one and returned to her class. when she got there the other kids were pretty surprised that my sister didn’t ditch them out of the dare. but they noticed that my sister was eating something. 

a rice cake.

they asked where she got it, and my sister being silent, young and not too savvy with words she tried to say “this is the principle daughter’s favorite” and “the principle gave it to me” her words jumbled and she wind up saying “the principle’s daughter gave it to me.” of course, they didn’t believe her and checked her overall pocket, thinking she smuggled it. the thing about this particular rice cake is that it’s covered in sweet powders and my sister’s pocket was clean. they knew they didn’t had rice cake for lunch and the cafeteria is closed, and even if she could have gotten from a market it was too far away. now the kids start freaking out and my sister, being the silent protagonist that she is, her mission was completed and she left for home. the next day the “scary story” spread like wild fire.

as i learned of truth, i had another realization. why in the world was the principle so silent when he saw my sister? then it hit me. remember that i saw the principle’s daughter’s portrait? she looked around 9 or 10 and she had this long wavy hair.....my sister had similar hair.

now imagine you are this old man, going up to see his daughter’s grave. it’s after school so kids shouldn’t be around. and in front of the daughter’s grave, you see a small child with long black hair, wearing white (what ghosts usually wear in korean culture) and kneeling at the front of the grave. 

at this point i lost it and laughed, the principle was very quiet because 

1. he thought my sister was a ghost. and 2. she scared the hell out of him.

my sister found that prospective interesting and laughed along with me. she and i still discuss that memory today. and that’s how my sister accidentally became part of school’s urban legend/mistaken for a ghost during 3rd grade.

thank you for reading

Source: agileo-101
as;ldfjhjasdl I love this cool post

Cultural Anatomy: Mai’s Clothes



Mai’s clothes are inspired by Chinese clothing from the Ming Dynasty (1368 to 1644 A.D). The most obvious indication of this is the sleeveless jacket she wears, called a bijia (比甲). The unique characteristics of bijia are the thickly outlined collar, single button, and exceptional length. Other aspects of Mai’s outfit that are reminiscent of Ming Dynasty fashion are the wide sleeves, A-line skirt, and curly shoes. The finger-less gloves, however, are 100% 2000s goth kid. ;-)

The fashion of the Ming Dynasty is generally regarded as more conservative and understated compared to other Chinese dynasties. Since Mai’s described as coming from a very strict political family that encourages her to “stay out of trouble”, her style of dress is very fitting.


[Image description: Picture of Mai in her robes compared with a group of Chinese women wearing bijia. End ID]

mai atla meta image described