Thomas had never seen such a mess

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I hate to talk about something so extremely severe but I just need to say it. I know the whole “why is nobody talking about this” thing is annoying but I really am starting to feel like I’m going insane over the fact that Tennessee recently passed a law (PASSED IT, not suggested it, not considering it, it’s FINALIZED) stating that businesses have to put up a WARNING SIGN if they are supportive of transgender people. A public warning sign stating that they allow trans people to use their facilities. And I’ve seen basically no mainstream acknowledgment of it at all, anywhere. Just other trans people expressing their fear and anger. Can we maybe acknowledge that for like, how deeply horrifying that actually is.


“According to the bill signed Monday, the required sign outside the public bathroom or other facility would say: “This facility maintains a policy of allowing the use of restrooms by either biological sex, regardless of the designation on the restroom.” However, questions remain about how the law will be enforced and what, if any, consequences will stem from ignoring it. The law doesn’t spell out fines, penalties or any other mechanism to ensure the signs are put up when required.”

“Additionally this year, Lee has signed legislation to require school districts to alert parents 30 days in advance before students are taught about sexual orientation or gender identity. Parents could also opt their student out of the lesson. The requirement would not apply when a teacher is responding to a student’s question or referring to a historic figure or group.”

Source: thepavi
god this is genuinely so fucked up hope trans friends in Tennessee can stay safe

TSOA reads like a AncientGreek!AU of a M/M anime pairing.

If you’re only familiar with HadesGame for example, people cross-tag so often that you may not know what info is Homeric and whats not. If you’re interested in more content after playing the game or reading the book I definitely recommend shuffling through the action parts of the Iliad or even just reading quotes from it because it’s very telling which subjects were changed and which are original. A few things that really bothered me in TSOA:

  • 1. Thetis is not a villain. She isn’t cold-hearted at all in the Iliad, and she doesn’t say much about Patroclus. Also it seems like in TSOA she dislikes Achilles sleeping with a man- which is weird, because they are bronze age Greeks.
  • 2. Deidamia is innocent. She never coerced or forced anyone into bed, and certainly never ASSAULTED anyone. To demonize her almost seems like a childish way to remove female characters from between, like I said, a M/M anime fanfic.
  • 3. Achilles is kind of an asshole. Not like “the rage of Achilles,” he’s just kind of an arrogant brat, and that arrogance is key to the plot of the Iliad at large. I favor retellings where he has SOME redeeming qualities, but removing all his negative character traits weakens the narrative of the story at large.
  • 4. If the Iliad has a protagonist, it is Hektor. If soldiers are charging your city to attack you, and you are a soldier, you would fight them to avoid being stabbed. It is stab or be stabbed. Hektor is not a villain for stabbing.
  • 5. Patroclus. Patroclus Patroclus Patroclus- was one of THE best fighters in the Iliad. He had no qualms about fighting either, didn’t wax poetic at every foe that fell. In fact he laughed at one. He’s a little older than Achilles, he’s described as broader than Achilles. No one else could have ever PASSED for Achilles on the battlefield because no one else was as BUCK WILD. The battle where Patroclus died was a graveyard because of how many men HE took down. 52 including a demigod. He was hauling so much ass towards the wall that everybody and their mama was like “get that mf OUT of here”. He took a shield to the head, got right back up. Took a spear, got right back up. Apollo finally took him down and Hektor finished the job. Patroclus mocked him for like three paragraphs first. TSOA almost seems like it feminized him. And while this could be seen as “subverting gender expectations” in a STRAIGHT relationship, in the context of a M/M relationship it reads more like “which of you is the girl?”

This is long as hell but it is mostly about tagging. Some people tag all three works when they post about Achilles or Patroclus when it is clear from the content that it is straight from TSOA only. And I wanna scroll without seeing 30 year old grown men fighting to the death depicted as scantily-clad 14 year olds.

this finally put into worlds what irritated me so much about tsoa patroclus my beloved thetis my beloved deidemia my beloved briesis my beloved you didnt deserve what tsoa did to you


Drew my favourite carousel horse as Sleipnir and then that turned into drawing other horses from this carousel as figures from mythology/fantasy/folklore and now it won’t feel Complete unless I figure out something for the whole outer row, but there are 12 of them SOS



Great news, looking into this lead to me learning about Hinduism’s Uchchaihshravas, who has 7 heads. I have a preliminary list now for what the rest could be but some are um.. less than ideal, so I would happily take more ideas



Wasn’t sure about doing a centaur because picking a style for the human half felt like a whole thing, but I had a Fantasia-related epiphany and now she’s one of my favourites? Also looking into physical characteristics of kelpies I found ‘backwards hooves’ which on the one hand sells it and on the other I viscerally hate.



Most & least obvious ones so far. Wanted to do one of the horses in mythology that brings the morning across the sky, but a chariot would be too big so Greek was out & beyond being bright-maned Skinfaxi doesn’t really look like anything. But maybe just attaching the sun..? And then yeah a unicorn.



Thestral! Two left, and unfortunately this is only the beginning of the uhh.. spooky section.






Last and absolute most horrific! Big “thanks I hate it” to Scotland for the nuckelavee - like no skin alone is bad enough, and then we also get the torso and the one eyeball??

Anyway that’s all 12 of the outermost horses on the carousel I grew up loving, converted into gods and monsters. Thank you for indulging this spiral.

Source: spanielfromspace