THE ROAD SO FAR (Posts tagged tua)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I try to decide which Umbrella Academy member has the most tragic story regularly and it makes me physically ill.


Right now, my money's on Luther because he scratches my exact itch. Something about characters who have given everything only to get nothing in return really gets me.

I don't know if it's the childhood eating disorder, his years of isolation, his body dysmorphia, his incredibly simple wants that he can never have, his obsession with pleasing a man who fundamentally does not care about him or what but all of those things together make Luther just. So unbelievably tragic.



tua umbrella academy luther hargreeves binge eating disorder eating disorder tw

you-are-a-saucy-boi asked:


Luther ends up in a relationship with Raver girl, Anise. She’s great and fun and cool and Luther has weird puritanical ideas about sex so he has to date the person he lost his virginity to.

And Diego’s happy for him! He is, he really is. Luther deserves to be in a happy and healthy relationship but why couldn’t it be with him? But it’s fine. It’s fine. Luther’s happy and that’s what’s important.

Allison has part time custody! It’s great, she’s getting into work, she has his daughter back and she’s happy. Everything is perfect, except… Allison misses Luther. But he’s happy. He’s happy without her and that’s what matters.

Until suddenly he isn’t.

abuse tw fanfiction alluther luego diego x luther luther x diego allison x luther umbrella academy the umbrella academy tua luther x allison