cheesy on my peeny



why do some of you think it’s okay and perfectly normal to hate asexuals.

it’s not about if you think asexuals are lgbt it’s not about if you think aphobia is real it’s about how you think it’s okay to be vile and hateful toward people on the regular under some misguided idea that your hatred is somehow justified and “progressive”. you need to talk to people outside of the internet and learn to treat fellow people with the respect they’re owed.





TIL why rubbing an injury helps the pain. Nerves feel stretch (baro) temperature, pain, pressure. You can only feel one at a time. Pressure beats all in this game of rock, paper, scissors. When you cut yourself and squeeze the cut finger hard you feel the pressure but not the cut.


Yes! I can confirm all of this! This is also why your instinct is to stick your finger in your mouth if you hurt it. Chemoreceptors in your skin pick up on your saliva and the temperature of your mouth, and the pain sensors get blocked somewhat. Same if you hurt your hand and instinctively shake it: that triggers the proprioceptors, which sense the movement of your limbs.

The one inaccuracy is that pressure beats all. You still feel the pain, it’s just dulled somewhat. You’re basically cluttering your brain with sensory information, and the pain is consequently not as big a focus.

(Source: me and my A&P and massage therapy training)

This is also the reason scratching relieves itchiness

*evolves to feel pain as a deterrent* ooch ow I don’t like that *evolves stupid methods to ignore pain*


















vegans make peace with honey

no shut up do it

vegans will pretend not to hear when natives tell them their agave products are unsustainable because they have whimsical feelings about, and i cannot stress this enough, the freedom of hive insects

Honey is literally murder but go off

Prove it.

They literally puke their guts up to make your honey

I have not seen any evidence tonsugges they are harmed or die in the process of production. They do regurgitate the nectar as part of the process to concentrate it into honey (an interesting process) but they do not suffer any injury during this process. If they did, the cost to produce honey, which is done naturally as a measure to survive over winter and through times of lower availability, would outweigh the benefits. If you kill several bees to produce enough honey to make one more bee, It makes no sense. Any animal that did that would die, even with human intervention.

Do you have any sources which suggest otherwise? I’d be interested to hear of this (relatively publicly available) information was false or misunderstood.

Bee farmers use whats called a honey maker. It’s a crude devices. It similar to a meat grinder. They force the bees in and grind them up. What comes out is a paste. That paste is later filtered into what we know as honey

This is the funniest thing I’ve ever read

@zoologicallyobsessed please show us pics of your bee grinder


they might be falsely thinking about a honey extractor machine. but all these do is you place the beehive frames inside and a motor rotates it at a speed that removes the honey, which is then tapped through a tap at the bottom. 

…do they think they put bees in that and spin them around until they vomit…?

bee carnival

bad and naughty bees get put into the b e e c e n t r i f u g e to extract their honey

Vegans coming after beekeepers is one of my major teeth grinding annoyances. For many reasons, because there’s so many lies. And to go one step further because it’s such a waste. You see, the strongest vegan argument is that they don’t want to exploit animals or take from them without their consent.

… but… Bees consent. NO. I’M NOT KIDDING.

How? Bee hives aren’t kept on leashes. They’re outside, the bees can travel miles every day. They follow their queen. Who is also outside, not on a leash, and can travel miles every day. If she doesn’t like the hive for any reason - for example: it got too hot, too cold, too messy, too filled with sugary stuff and they need more space… then the queen leaves. And with her the hive.

The queen stays in the hive because the hive is the best place to live. Period. Done. End of. If the hive is staying with the beekeeper it’s because the keeper is doing their job correctly and keeping them happy because the bees can, and do, leave bad beekeepers.

Of all the animals we have domesticated as livestock, bees are the ones you can most easily argue are consenting participants in their keeping.

bees will straight up leave if the conditions with the beekeeper are worse than conditions in the wild

Always reblog because someone people are stupid and need to be reminded they’re stupid

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