Narendra ModiAkaun disahkan


Prime Minister of India

Menyertai Januari 2009
Dilahirkan pada 17 September


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  1. 3 jam lalu

    सरकार किसानों के जीवन को बेहतर बनाने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है। इसलिए अंतरराष्ट्रीय मूल्यों में बढ़ोतरी के बावजूद हमने उन्हें पुरानी दरों पर ही खाद मुहैया कराने का निर्णय लिया है। आज के फैसले के बाद DAP खाद का एक बैग 2400 रु की जगह 1200 रु में ही मिलेगा।

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  2. 6 jam lalu

    Ex-gratia of Rs. 2 lakh would be given to the next of kin of those who lost their lives due to Cyclone Tauktae in all the affected states. Rs. 50,000 would be given to the injured. GOI is in full solidarity with those affected and will provide them all possible support.

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  3. 6 jam lalu

    Reviewed the situation caused by Cyclone Tauktae during a meeting in Ahmedabad. Took stock of the evacuation efforts and the ongoing relief work for those affected. Centre will help in rebuilding damaged infrastructure.

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  4. 8 jam lalu

    Undertook an aerial survey over parts of Gujarat and Diu to assess the situation in the wake of Cyclone Tauktae. Central Government is working closely with all the states affected by the cyclone.

    Buat asal
  5. 23 jam lalu

    भाजपा नेता और उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार में मंत्री विजय कश्यप जी के निधन से अत्यंत दुख हुआ है। वे जमीन से जुड़े नेता थे और सदा जनहित के कार्यों में समर्पित रहे। शोक की इस घड़ी में उनके परिजनों और प्रशंसकों के प्रति मेरी संवेदनाएं। ओम शांति!

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  6. 18 Mei

    Interacted with District Officials on ways to overcome COVID-19. They shared their experiences from districts. I spoke about various aspects including India's efforts towards capacity building and the need to boost 'Ease of Living' along with COVID-care.

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  7. 18 Mei

    Shri Chaman Lal Gupta Ji will be remembered for numerous community service efforts. He was a dedicated legislator and strengthened the BJP across Jammu and Kashmir. Pained by his demise. My thoughts are with his family and supporters in this hour of grief. Om Shanti.

    Buat asal
  8. 18 Mei

    Interacting with District Officials on the COVID-19 situation.

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  9. 17 Mei

    Interacted with doctors across India. They shared insightful inputs, based on their own experiences of curing COVID-19. The determination of our doctors during these times is remarkable!

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  10. 16 Mei

    Statehood Day greetings to the people of Sikkim. This state is blessed with rich natural beauty and is home to warm-hearted people. Sikkim has made great strides in areas like organic farming. Praying for the state’s continuous growth and for the good health of it’s citizens.

    Buat asal
  11. 16 Mei

    Professor M. S. Narasimhan will be remembered as an exemplary mathematician, who made a phenomenal impact worldwide. He also made a mark for his work beyond mathematics. Saddened by his demise. Condolences to his family and friends. Om Shanti.

    Buat asal
  12. 16 Mei

    Anguished by the passing away of my friend from Parliament, Shri Rajeev Satav Ji. He was an upcoming leader with much potential. Condolences to his family, friends and supporters. Om Shanti.

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  13. 15 Mei

    Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti Ji was scholarly and humble. His life was a manifestation of selfless human service. He worked to create a compassionate and harmonious society. Pained by his demise. Condolences to his family and admirers.

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  14. 15 Mei

    You left us too soon, Sunil Jain. I will miss reading your columns and hearing your frank as well as insightful views on diverse matters. You leave behind an inspiring range of work. Journalism is poorer today, with your sad demise. Condolences to family and friends. Om Shanti.

    Buat asal
  15. 15 Mei

    Reviewed preparedness on Cyclone Tauktae including ensuring essential supplies, continuing the COVID-19 fight and more. Praying for everyone’s safety and well-being.

    Buat asal
  16. 15 Mei

    Discussed a number of issues during today’s review meeting on COVID-19, including scaling up testing in areas with high TPR, preparing localised containment strategies, augmenting health capacities in rural areas and ramping up the speed of vaccination.

    Buat asal
  17. 14 Mei

    कोरोना से बचाव का एक बहुत बड़ा माध्यम है, इसका टीका। इसलिए जब भी आपकी बारी आए तो टीका जरूर लगवाएं। यह टीका कोरोना के विरुद्ध सुरक्षा कवच देगा, गंभीर बीमारी की आशंका को कम करेगा।

    Buat asal
  18. 14 Mei

    बीते कुछ समय से जो कष्ट देशवासियों ने सहा है, उसे मैं भी उतना ही महसूस कर रहा हूं। देश का प्रधान सेवक होने के नाते, आपकी हर भावना का मैं सहभागी हूं। कोरोना की सेकेंड वेव से मुकाबले में संसाधनों से जुड़े सभी गतिरोध तेजी से दूर किए जा रहे हैं। हम लड़ेंगे और जीतेंगे।

    Buat asal
  19. 14 Mei

    पीएम किसान सम्मान निधि की राशि आज के कठिन समय में किसान परिवारों के बहुत काम आ रही है। जरूरत के समय देशवासियों तक सीधी मदद पहुंचे, तेजी से पहुंचे, पूरी पारदर्शिता के साथ पहुंचे, यही सरकार का निरंतर प्रयास है।

    Buat asal
  20. 14 Mei

    8th instalment under is being released. Watch.

    Buat asal

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