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GringoMambi commented on
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Score hidden · 3 hours ago · edited 2 hours ago

I have lived in South Florida for around 10 years. The restaurants and bakeries here have certainly changed and grown over the years. However, the only constant was cuban food. Croquetas, coladas, tostadas, pan con bistec, pastelitos, etc. I would only casually eat cuban food, maybe once every two weeks. Only recently however, I have made it routine to get it. Now, after a year of unimaginable stress, every Saturday I hit up my local bakery in the morning and get a tostada, cafe con leche, a pastry, and 4 croquetas. It would appear as though God has given me the fat gene. This ritual has kept me sane and has healed my soul through rough times. You'd be surprised at how incredible it is to have a constant in a changing life. Thank you tostadas and croquetas 🙏

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Score hidden · 2 hours ago

The other beautiful constant is Cuban food’s price point. It’s still relatively affordable and you get your money’s worth. If you’re ever on a pinch, you can make a plate from palacio de los jugos last you 2 days easy.

I LOVE Venezuelan food, but godamn does it hurt me when 3 empanadas and a juice racks up to $20.

Score hidden · 1 hour ago

I went to Havana Harry’s for the first time last week and although I’m not new to Miami and should have expected this, I was floored at how much food (and freaking delicious food at that) we got for the price. I was in heaven

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Score hidden · 47 minutes ago

And that’s Havana Harry on the pricier side of Cuban food

GringoMambi commented on
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2 points · 4 hours ago

That’s crazy cause I feel that way about Duncan

No one really cares about him

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1 point · 4 hours ago · edited 4 hours ago

That’s why he’s had extensive articles written about him on sport sites like ESPN and the Ringer. But yeah, no one outside of Miami talks about him:


The Ringer

Whether you like it or not, media recognition raises players stock.

1 point · 3 hours ago

When did I say it didn’t?

Just I don’t think that’s the case here, Duncan is getting paid cause he’s an elite shooter

Not cause of a ringer and espn article

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1 point · 3 hours ago

You literally said

no one really cares about him

Which is just not true. When the media ogles over a dude, beat believe there are some front offices doing the same. It’s not just because of articles, it’s that his play has been significant enough that it’s deserved media attention which translates to player value

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GringoMambi commented on
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Score hidden · 4 hours ago

What other us city had as many mass shootings as we did in the last two weeks ?

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Score hidden · 4 hours ago

What other cities are in states that are fully open, what other cities are hot bed for vacations, what other cities have notorious clubs and bars a few hundred feet away from this nations most beautiful beaches.

It really isn’t surprising when you stack up all these ingredients that would lead to a perfect storm of chaos

Score hidden · 4 hours ago

I’m having a difficult time understanding your logic. On the one hand, you mention the lockdown messed with peoples heads. By this logic, all us cities should be having mass shootings at the rate that we have. But then on the other hand you mention some stuff that is “unique” to Miami. Sort of. So what is it? We haven’t even been on a strong lockdown since June 2020.

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Score hidden · 3 hours ago

Everything plays into one another. If you come trying to understand a problem by just wanting to identify one thing as the root cause. You’re gonna have an incomplete picture of all the nuanced factors at play.

All the things I’ve initially mentioned regarding individual stressors plus the environmental factors that make Miami the perfect setting for them to spill over into can be true at the same time.

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GringoMambi commented on
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Score hidden · 5 hours ago

Some people are just addicted to living in fear after this pandemic.

Score hidden · 18 hours ago

US major city crime stats and murder rates per capita

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Score hidden · 5 hours ago

That's what people seem to forget and are overreacting about. In Miami, if you mind your own business, don't respond to other people's rudeness with tough guy attitude, and avoid setting's with potential to get heated, you'll avoid dangerous conflicts with ease.

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GringoMambi commented on
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Score hidden · 5 hours ago

Went back for the first time in 2020 before pandemic. I hadn't been back since the early 2000's. They really revamped the park and light house.

BTW, local's call this place "El Farito" (the light house). Used to get confused as hell when they would call it by its state park name.

GringoMambi commented on
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Score hidden · 5 hours ago

Be careful out there, lot's of reckless boat drivers and jet ski's

GringoMambi commented on
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1 point · 15 hours ago

Please take Richardson back. I’m not above begging.

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2 points · 12 hours ago

Naw I’m good, we have enough issues with guards that can’t/won’t shoot

GringoMambi commented on
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68 points · 16 hours ago

Did anyone else chuckle when a Mexican player got hit in the head by a drink probably thrown by a Mexican fan?

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5 points · 16 hours ago

Sometimes it be your own

2 points · 16 hours ago

I wonder how many cups were filled with piss

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1 point · 16 hours ago

You mean Coronas?

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