Leher Sethi


Proud Daughter of an Armyman || Social Activist || TEDx Speaker || Occasional Columnist || Reader || Animal Lover || Music Addict || Nomad ||

New Delhi
Csatlakozott 2010. november


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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    2021. ápr. 22.

    I have filed a complaint against for hoarding Fabiflu at a time when Delhi Residents are scrambling for it! This is deeply concerning also b’cos Pharmacies & chemists provide medication to patients 24/7 while Mr Gambhir is only making it avaiable from 10am-5pm.

    , , és 4 másik felhasználó
  2. 6 órával ezelőtt

    🧕 Found this emoji! That’s the tweet.

  3. 9 órával ezelőtt

    I think it’s commendable how Muslim women are standing their own against the tyranny, bigotry & harassment! - Shaheen Bagh - Sulli deals & Bulli Bai - Karnataka Hijab Row Hats off to their courage & conviction! 💪🏻🙇‍♀️ Inspired!

  4. 10 órával ezelőtt

    You know there are two Indias when the PM of the country can perform puja in place of the new parliament and wear this; But women aren’t allowed to wear hijab to college!

  5. 16 órával ezelőtt

    Firstly, hijab is not the same as wearing a burqa or naquab! Secondly, but that logic, wearing tilak, dhaga, kada or turban should also not be allowed in schools! We have been an independent secular nation for 75 years now, and this has never been an issue. Why now? Think!!

  6. 16 órával ezelőtt

    Here’s a list of 7 people on twitter I have met in real life! One is a white lie which means I haven’t met them ever IRL. Guess! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

  7. 18 órával ezelőtt

    As far as I’m aware, it’s not the hijab but the “chador” that is mandatory in Iran & it is compulsory to wear a “burqa” in Afghanistan! We really need more awareness about other religions.

  8. febr. 8.

    Same folks who were crying “treason” & “anti-national” when Nishan Sahib was hoisted on an empty pole, are totally okay with the Hindutva goons replacing the National flag to wave the Bhagwa! Hypocrisy just died again!

  9. febr. 8.

    Lunch at Karim, Jama Masjid while being official Chandni Chowk guide to the Canadian Masi!!

  10. febr. 8.

    Modi wanted to make all of India like Gujarat; He sold the Gujarat model to everyone promising Developmemt & progress! He delivered on making India like Gujarat; Not in terms of development, But in terms of the Gujarat in 2002!

  11. febr. 8.

    The rally has like… 5 cars!! 🤣😂 And I truly wonder when these “supporting” NRIs are going to return to India to live in UP under Voldemort.. Erm Yogi!!

  12. febr. 8.

    Listening to Modi in the parliament, I wonder if I’m living in the same country as him!!

  13. retweetelte
    febr. 7.

    सुनो योगी, आप तो रहने ही दो। जिस तरह UP के लोगों की लाशें नदी में बह रहीं थीं और आप करोड़ों रुपए खर्च करके Times मैगज़ीन में अपनी झूठी वाह वाही के विज्ञापन दे रहे थे। आप जैसा निर्दयी और क्रूर शासक मैंने नहीं देखा।

  14. febr. 8.

    Okay, heard the PM’s speech! Here’s what I think - He’s delusional and bat-shit crazy. But then again, we should have realised it when he wore the saree!

  15. febr. 7.

    Best part is the immaculately spoken.. err written language.. both use of words & the grammar are par excellence. Excellent choice for Vice Chancellor of a university of such immense repute!

  16. retweetelte
    febr. 7.

    Newly appointed Vice Chancellor of JNU.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  17. febr. 6.

    Why does really bad English & the worst abuse come from BJP supporters?

  18. febr. 6.

    ** our

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  19. febr. 6.

    The peacock is out national bird, And he’s wearing it!

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  20. febr. 6.

    Reminds me of “black magic woman” by Santana! Caption this please…

  21. febr. 6.

    External matters: - Law,Order & Democratic situation - Citizens’ Rights - Poverty - Hunger - Trade & Economy - Defence capacity Citizens’ internal matters: - Their Religious beliefs - What they eat - Whom they marry - What they wear In New India, the opposite holds!


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