The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance

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The Warner-Discovery deal and the future of streaming

To survive online, media firms are merging


Disney plans to match Netflix in its spending on streaming

Special report

The evidence of things not seen

More than half a century after the Civil Rights Act, millions of African-Americans remain stuck


China’s Communist Party chips away at Hong Kong business houses

The territory’s tycoons are falling out of favour

United States

New York’s next mayors are accustomed to dealing with problems associated with growth

The next election is the first in a generation run against a backdrop of shrinkage

Graphic detail

The Israel-Palestine conflict has claimed 14,000 lives since 1987

Despite the latest fighting in Gaza, the endless occupation is tolerable to many Israelis


Chaguan: Why more young Chinese want to be civil servants

They are looking for security in a volatile time

Books & arts

A meticulous adaptation of “The Underground Railroad”

Barry Jenkins, director of the ten-episode series, honours the ambition of Colson Whitehead’s novel

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Park visits predict changes in birth rates during the pandemic

The number of births prevented by the pandemic may exceed the death toll from covid-19


Sound reasoning on current affairs, business and finance, science and technology, and global issues.

Special report: Race in America

What it means to be an American

America is becoming less racist and yet more divided by racism

The evidence of things not seen

More than half a century after the Civil Rights Act, millions of African-Americans remain stuck

The souls of white folk

White Americans are realising that they belong to a race too

Black power’s not gonna get your mama

How to design anti-discrimination policies that actually work

The all-American skin game

Anti-racists disagree about whether the goal is for race as a category to be preserved or to disappear

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