MIA: Jack Fitzgerald




Jack Fitzgerald







1929: The Death of Comrade Jack Fitzgerald



April 1901 On Matters of Fact
July 1902: Labour Representation
October 1904: The Bogey of the Taxes
April 1905: The Commune in Paris
October 1905: The Social Democratic Federation: Does it deserve the support of the working class?
January 1906: These be your gods, O Israel (The Liberal Party's Record)
March 1906: A New Cure
April 1906: The Need for "Intellectuals"
June 1906: If They Knew !
April 1907: Is the S.P.G.B the Party of the Working Class? (debate with S.L.P.)
July 1907: Mr. Barnes and the A.S.E.
April 1908: The Commune of Paris. Who shot the prisoners?
June 1908: The Discomforture of Lawler Wilson (debate with Anti-Socialist Union)
February 1909: Wolf and Lamb
March 1909: Labour Leaders and Their Prey
May 1909: Economic Liberty versus Political Power
July 1909: An "Industrialist" rout (debate with Industrial Unionist)
August 1909: Review of The Tyranny of Usury
October 1909: Review of Bernstein's Evolutionary Socialism
May 1910: Review of R C K Ensor's Modern Socialism
May 1910: How to be independent
August 1910: Marx's Theories Debated (debate with Anti-Socialist Union)
January 1911: Review of My Case by Walter Osborne
June 1911: Should the Working Class support the Liberal Party? (debate with Liberal M.P.)
September 1911: A Dodger of Facts
November 1911: Woe to the Vanquished
November 1911: Review of Home Rule in a Nutshell
December 1911: Review of The Rise of Democracy
February 1912: Socialism must be international
May 1912: Socialism or Tariff Reform (debate with Conservative candidate)
July 1912: War and Why (The Cause and the Remedy)
March 1913: An Explanation
July 1913: Review of Syndicalism and the Co-operative Commonwealth
September 1913: Should Socialists Affiliate with the Labour Party? (debate with I.L.P.)
November 1913: Franchise Questions
February 1914: Answer to correspondents on industrial unionism
May 1914: The Soft Answer
June 1914: Review of Labour in Irish History
November 1914: Does Economic Power Rest Upon Political Power?
August 1915: Review of Croce's Historical Materialism and the Economics of Marx
April 1916: How They Ran The Derby. A Tale of Great Jockeying
November 1916: Conscription Continued
December 1917: Socialism's Traducers. American Pseudo-Socialist Manifesto Criticised
February 1918: Review of The State: Its Origin and Function
April 1918: An Industrialist champion buts in
May 1918: The Centenary of Marx
August 1918: The Revolution in Russia
September 1918: The Fiftieth Trade Union Conference
January 1919: The Imperialist Victory
February 1919: The German Elections
March 1919: Labour Unrest
April 1919: By Strike or by Ballot?—A Critical Examination
June 1919: Nationalisation. Its Futility Exposed
October 1919: Gyrations at Glasgie
March 1920: Some Errors of A Syndicalist
May 1920: A Gloomy Professor
July 1920: The Russian Dictatorship
July 1920: A trio of "intellectuals"
October 1920: Those Misrepresentations of Marx Turn Up Again
November 1920: Mr. Dight says this is the "The Kybosh"
December 1920: A Plaster for a Wooden Leg (review of Rudolf Steiner's The Threefold State)
November 1921: Marx in Miniature
December 1921: The Force of Conditions
January 1922: H. M. Hyndman (obituary)
March 1922: Old Anarchy Writ New
April 1922: A Ray of Hope—for the Capitalist
May 1922: Dight's Dilemma
June 1922: Currency illusions
July 1922: Who Should Wear the Caps and Bells?
August 1922: Was Marx right?
August 1922: Russian problems
December 1922: 'Plebs' and Pounds
February 1923: The Ostrich Policy
February 1923: Commodities and Quids
May 1923: 'Plebs' again
September 1923: Answer to W. W. on Commodities and Quids
March 1924: Passing of Lenin
April 1924: The Westminster By-Election
October 1924: Review The Class Struggles in France
December 1924: The Douglas Credit Scheme Exposed
November 1925: The Economics of Marx
November 1925: Review of Kautsky's Foundations of Christianity
June 1926: The Result of "Trust": A Lesson of the Great Strike
October 1926: Review of Materialism or Spiritualism?
December 1926: Materialism v. Spiritism. A criticism and our reply
January 1927: Materialism v. Spiritism again
March 1927: Science v. Spiritism
May 1927: Materialism v. Spiritism
May 1927: Psychic Science
June 1927: "Psychic Science"
August 1927: Materialism v. Spiritism. Rejoinder and reply
January 1928: Socialism and anti-parliamentarism
January 1928: Review of Bukharin's The Economic Theory of the Leisure Class
May 1928: Socialism versus Liberalism. Debate with Philip Guedalla
June 1928: The Socialist Party versus the I.L.P. (debate with James Maxton)
March 1929: Review of Marx’s Capital


Archive maintained by Michael