Recent Reviews

Yes, Daddy – The BOLO Books Review

It appears we are in a renaissance period for crime fiction from LGBTQ+ perspectives. It is not that these stories never existed before, but now we are witnessing the end of the days when they were deemed “special interest” or hidden away in the farthest reaches of...

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Greenwich Park – The BOLO Books Review (UK Edition)

It is always astonishing that no matter how many domestic suspense novels are released, authors still find new ways into these twisted tales and inventive methods to fool the reader as to their eventual outcome. Katherine Faulkner does both – to stunning effect – in...

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How to Write A Mystery – The BOLO Books Review

One of the buzziest anthologies of the year is How to Write a Mystery from the Mystery Writers of America, edited by Lee Child with Laurie R. King. The cover calls this work a handbook and that is the perfect way to describe this now-invaluable resource. The book is...

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Recent Interviews

Remote, Me – Kristopher’s Virtual Events

From the Booking Desk: I hope that this posting finds you and yours healthy and happy during this most stressful time in American history. Before I say anything else, please remember to VOTE; we need every voice to be heard during this unprecedented election.No doubt...

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A Chat with Me – Kristopher Zgorski and John Valeri

From the Booking Desk: I was honored to be invited as a guest on John B. Valeri's YouTube show, Central Booking. If you have ever wanted to know more about the book blogging experience, this is the chat for you. We cover everything from the origins of the blog, the...

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Honored to be an Advocate – Kristopher Zgorski

From the Booking Desk: In case you haven't been following along, the wonderful publishing blog - The Thrill Begins - has recently launched a series of posts highlighting some folks the regular bloggers there consider to be important advocates within our crime writing...

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Recent Articles

Cover Reveal – I Play One On TV

From the Booking Desk: Alan Orloff is the author of the ITW Award-Winning Pray for the Innocent, as well as I Know Where You Sleep, Running From the Past, and more. This July he will have a new novel, I Play One On TV. Alan asked if I would do the cover reveal for...

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Cover Reveal – Mercy Creek

From the Booking Desk: I was a fan of Shadow Ridge, the first book in M. E. Browning's Jo Wyatt mystery series, so when Micki asked me if I would be interested in hosting the cover reveal for the follow-up, you know I had to say yes. Just as with the Shadow Ridge...

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Cover Reveal – Only The Good Die Young

From the Booking Desk: It is no secret that I am a fan of short story anthologies. I have done the cover reveal for quite a few of them over the years and some of my favorites are those that are inspired by the works of a particular musician or group. Josh Pachter has...

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Welcome to BOLO Books. The blog name comes from the common police acronym meaning “be on the look out.” (or “be on the lookout” – depending on your source). This is especially appropriate in this case, as this blog will focus on books in the mystery and thriller genre. Crime fiction is my passion and I want to share that with you.

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