Home Loans

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How much you need to earn to buy a house if prices go up 19 per cent

Tawar Razaghi|May 18, 2021
Treasury has said we shouldn't expect wages to increase for four years but if you're going to keep up with projected house price rises this year, new analysis shows how big a pay rise you'll need to avoid mortgage stress.
NationalHome LoansHouse Prices
How much you need to earn to buy a house if prices go up 19 per cent

'We knew exactly what we wanted': The upsides of upsizing

Sue Wiliams|May 13, 2021
While your first home might be a stepping stone onto the property ladder, your next home is more likely to specifically cater to your changing household needs. Whether you're upsizing to accommodate a growing headcount, a home office or simple to have more space, there are plenty of upsides to upsizing.
'We knew exactly what we wanted': The upsides of upsizing

How 'FOMOA' is driving up house prices

Stephen Corby|May 6, 2021
Unlike investing in shares, buying a home involves a high level of emotional involvement that can cause FOMOA – the Fear Of Missing Out Again.
How 'FOMOA' is driving up house prices

The unenviable outlook for home buyers as property investors return

Elizabeth Redman|May 5, 2021
Either house prices keep rising as the RBA lets the market run in a bid to boost the economy, or regulators worry about risky investors and make it harder to get a loan. Not much of a choice?
The unenviable outlook for home buyers as property investors return

Australia's first green home loan records double the expected uptake

Tawar Razaghi|Apr 23, 2021
There is appetite from households to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. Now the big banks are being asked to follow.
Australia's first green home loan records double the expected uptake

Refinance, upgrade or both? What to do while rates are still low

Daniel Butkovich|May 6, 2021
A booming market makes upgrading challenging, but buying a bigger and better home isn't the only thing owners can do to take advantage of current conditions.
Refinance, upgrade or both? What to do while rates are still low

'Steady as she goes': RBA resists calls to cool red-hot market

Sue Williams|Apr 6, 2021
Despite the most rapid surge in home prices in 32 years, the Reserve Bank of Australia will hold the official interest rate at its record low.
'Steady as she goes': RBA resists calls to cool red-hot market

How do home-buyers manage to go to auction with such big budgets?

Elizabeth Redman|Apr 1, 2021
Property prices are soaring and strong auction results have left underbidders stunned. Buyers are turning to a boom-era strategy to beat the competition.
How do home-buyers manage to go to auction with such big budgets?

Why your mortgage rate could rise sooner than expected

Kate Burke|Mar 31, 2021
The run of record-low mortgage rates is set to come to an end, with experts warning buyers and homeowners to expect fixed-rate rises in the coming months.
Why your mortgage rate could rise sooner than expected

How much more will sky-high house prices rise before regulators step in?

Elizabeth Redman|Mar 16, 2021
Frustrated buyers getting outbid at auctions might wonder how much higher housing prices can soar. The nation's regulators are paying attention, but they're watching more than what you might think.
How much more will sky-high house prices rise before regulators step in?
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