Art21 - Identity and website for the celebrated nonprofit


Identity and website for the celebrated nonprofit

Everything Sucks! - Title design & animation for the Netflix series

Everything Sucks!

Title design & animation for the Netflix series

National Book Foundation - Identity and design for the presenter of the National Book Awards

National Book Foundation

Identity and design for the presenter of the National Book Awards

Rob Pruitt’s 50th Birthday Bash - Publication for an exhibition at the Brant Foundation

Rob Pruitt’s 50th Birthday Bash

Publication for an exhibition at the Brant Foundation

Lady Bird - Title design for the Oscar-nominated feature

Lady Bird

Title design for the Oscar-nominated feature

Kara - Ongoing website design & development for the accessories label


Ongoing website design & development for the accessories label

Mozart in the Jungle - Ten opening animations for Season 4 of the Amazon series

Mozart in the Jungle

Ten opening animations for Season 4 of the Amazon series

Medium White Tee - Design for Emily Spivack's art installation and tribute to Obama

Medium White Tee

Design for Emily Spivack's art installation and tribute to Obama