Top mortgages in the market for owner-occupiers, investors

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Top mortgages in the market for owner-occupiers, investors

Competition is growing even hotter in the mortgage market – there are now several variable interest rate loans for owner-occupiers at less than 2 per cent.

However, are those rates as good as they appear on face value? And what about investors, who have been slugged a premium since the government sought to limit such loans – particularly interest-only ones – several years ago?

Switching from a big-4 bank to a non-bank lender with an offset account can save you tens of thousand of dollars.

Switching from a big-4 bank to a non-bank lender with an offset account can save you tens of thousand of dollars.Credit:iStock

As with many things, the cheapest is not always the best.

Why the lender matters

The cheapest mortgages are offered by non-banks or are loans that are not “white-labelled” major bank products.

The big disadvantage here is that they are not able to offer genuine mortgage offset accounts – an extremely powerful debt reduction tool. These are only available through Authorised Deposit Taking Institutions (ADTI).

Offsets allow you to use every dollar twice – both for its intended purpose of building up an emergency cash pile and to slash your mortgage interest.

They also offer additional safety in that they quarantine this money from a lender – so, if the institution or you get into trouble, those extra repayments remain safe.

Some non-bank lenders that promote offset accounts operate with an all-in-one-pot practice and the offsets are not “real.“


How do you tell if your money is separate and safe? Simply ask if a loan is backed by an ADTI. This is doubly important for investors or owner-occupiers who think they might, at some stage, turn their home into an investment property.

By sitting additional repayments alongside the loan in an offset account, which should save you an identical amount of interest as relying on redraw from within a loan, you preserve all future tax deductions. The reason is that your loan balance does not technically fall.

This is like gold for investors – or future ones. Indeed, if the latter has directly repaid a chunk of their loan, the advice is usually to sell up and buy a new investment property… those tax deductions on the former home are lost for good.

Beyond the required repayments, it is even advisable to technically “pay off” your loan in the offset account.


The added beauty of holding money in an offset account for some interest-only investment loans is that your monthly repayments themselves will fall, leaving more cash to throw into the offset account. It becomes like a virtuous mortgage circle.

Best loans

So, now that we have covered the theory, just what are the best loans currently on the market?

Data house Mozo says that, both for owner-occupiers and investors, the top two principal-and-interest loans are from non-bank lenders that “white-label” bank products. They can offer cheaper rates because, without physical premises, they have far lower overheads.

Well Home Loans (2.17 per cent) comes first and Tic:Toc (2.19 per cent) second for owner-occupiers. For investors, it is 2.19 per cent from Tic:Toc and 2.24 per cent from Well.

If you are looking to refinance both your own and an investment property then Tic:Toc comes out on top.

Bearing in mind that the average advertised headline rate from the big-4 banks is currently 3.53 per cent, a switch to 2.19 per cent would save you $82,882 across a 25-year, $400,000 loan – or $276 a month.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon is the author of How to Get Mortgage-Free Like Me. Follow Nicole on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

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