Volume 29 No.1

James Stafford

FREE TO READThe patriotism problem


Chi Onwurah MP

Taking control of the future: innovation, skills and the Green Industrial Revolution

Chris Armstrong

A Blue New Deal


Giuseppe Telesca

The politics of competence: Covid-19 and the ERM

Stella Creasy MP and Karl Pike


Eunice Goes

Wrapped up in the Union Jack: Starmer’s patriotic turn

John Chowcat

Re-inventing internationalism: lessons from the World Social Forum


Morgan Jones

FREE TO READ – Remember Scarborough!


Jon Cruddas MP

Politics beyond boundaries

Latest from the Blog

Carers’ Agency: Building agency and institutions

A year into the pandemic, Renewal is publishing a series of essays by careworker Paul Cotterill on power, professionalisation and decommodification in care work. The final essay in this series grapples with the tasks of professionalisation, the role of progressives in facilitating the agency of careworkers, and how careworkers as a profession can lead the … Continue reading Carers’ Agency: Building agency and institutions

Carers’ Agency: Professionalisation, precedent, prejudice

A year into the pandemic, Renewal is publishing a series of essays by careworker Paul Cotterill on power, professionalisation and decommodification in care work. The second essay in this series looks back at the rise and partial fall of nursing as a profession.  While a nursing elite professionalised quickly in favourable conditions, this professionalisation was … Continue reading Carers’ Agency: Professionalisation, precedent, prejudice

Carers’ Agency: Power and professionalisation

A year into the pandemic, Renewal is publishing a series of essays by careworker Paul Cotterill on power, professionalisation and decommodification in care work. This first essay looks at power and powerlessness in relation to careworkers, moving towards a core argument of this series: that a way to resolve the powerlessness wrought by decommodification in … Continue reading Carers’ Agency: Power and professionalisation

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