Knowing like a global expert organisation

Synthesising nearly 10 years of primary research, including two PhD theses (Maud Borie and Martin Mahony) and a MSc thesis (Noam Obermeister), our systemic comparison of the ‘knowledge ways’ of the IPCC and IPBES is today published in the journal Global Environmental Change. We propose the concept of institutional epistemology to capture how particular knowledge […]

The 2021 Eduard Brückner Prize

The Eduard Brückner Prize has been established for outstanding interdisciplinary achievements in climate research. The award is named after the outstanding geographer Eduard Brückner (1862-1927), who, in addition to researching the ice age climate in the Alps and the natural climate fluctuations on time scales of decades, also made outstanding contributions to the economic and […]

‘Why the old normal needs to be fought for’

My interview with Alastair Benn of Reaction news – about the emasculated politics of managing COVID-19 – is behind a paywall. You can read it in full below … =========================================== Mike Hulme is a Professor of Human Geography at the University of Cambridge. He is a world leading expert on climate change, national emergency and […]

‘Climate change forever: the future of an idea’

This new essay (Vol. 136(1-4): 118-122) has appeared in the Special 2020 Issue of The Scottish Geographical Journal ‘Climate change, COP and the crucible of crisis‘. Abstract: The idea of a changing climate has been present in most cultural formations throughout recorded history, and yet the latter decades of the twentieth century animated the idea […]

Prospective PhD Students

I am interested to receive approaches from students who would like to study for a PhD with me in the areas of the cultural history of climate change, STS approaches to studying climate science and knowledge, representations and discourses of climate in the media, and the philosophy of climate and climate change.  Please state clearly your […]

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