What We Do

The work that Jews for Justice for Palestinians has done is of profound importance for the human rights of Palestinians and Israelis and for reaffirming the long association between Jewish people and the struggle for human rights everywhere.”



WE SUPPORT many Israeli and Palestinian peace and human-rights organisations morally and financially, including:

Adalah; Al Haq; Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights; Alternative Information Centre; Anarchists Against the Wall; Association for Civil Rights in Israel; Bereaved Families Forum; Breaking the Silence; B’tselem; Coalition of Women for Peace; Combatants for Peace; Emek Shaveh; Freedom Theatre, Jenin; Gaza Community Mental Health Programme; Gisha; Gush Shalom; Hope Flowers School, Bethlehem; Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions; Israel Social TV; Machsom (Checkpoint) Watch; Middle East Nonviolence and Democracy; Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality; New Profile; Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Gaza; Physicians for Human Rights-Israel; Public Committee Against Torture in Israel; Rabbis for Human Rights;-Sadaka-Reut, Arab Jewish Youth Partnership; Ta’ayush, Arab-Jewish Partnership; Tent of Nations; Villages Group; Windows – Channels for Communication; Yesh Din;Yesh Gvul; Zochrot.

WE ORGANISE meetings across the UK and produce information on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – both printed and online- often in association with Palestinians.

WE SPEAK to human rights and religious groups across the UK and appear on television and radio programmes

WE LOBBY the British, American and other governments, and the European Union. to exert pressure on Israeli governments in support of the Palestinians’ claims for justice and self-determination.

WE PROMOTE targeted boycott, divestment and sanctions initiatives against Israeli and foreign organisations which maintain, promote or profit from the illegal occupation or undermine the human, civil, economic and political rights of the Palestinian people.

WE COUNTER Israel’s ‘Hasbara’ (self promotion) strategy, designed to present Israel as a ‘normal’ advanced democracy, and to divert attention from the continuing occupation of Palestinian land and the discrimination against the Palestinian citizens of Israel.

WE PUBLISH occasional advertisements about important current issues in the national and Jewish press.

WE CHANNEL funds for humanitarian aid and charitable projects through the British Shalom-Salaam Trust, an independent grant-giving charity.

WE PROVIDE practical support to the Palestinian economy by, for example, planting olive trees, supporting Zaytoun, a fair-trade organisation marketing Palestinian olive oil, and encouraging fact-finding trips to the area.

© Copyright JFJFP 2017