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May 09, 2021

Important links for ATWA action and awareness:    -Protection-Adoption- Information-

Micro Plastics- Plastic Rain?!

Rain and Air samples contain microplastics! Learn more here.

Regenerative Agriculture- redeeming farms from chemical destruction.

(Scroll down for more info choices.)


March 19, 2021

Red radio interview and book reading (originally aired on EARTHEART radio show 2/14/2021).

>Listen on Youtube<


February 28, 2021

Re-Posted by request:    Video of a conversation with Gray Wolf ,  (2017)

Special thanks to Red Wolf, AtwaOrchid, and James Day - Pyramid Productions.


February 18, 2021

IMPORTANT LINK to great petition. has a very informative and effective PETITION online, as part of an ongoing and successful effort to outlaw animal killing contests, currently hosted on State and Federal Public Lands. After seeing success in several States, is organizing to affect Federal laws allowing these killing contests on Federal Public Lands. 

"We, the undersigned, seek to permanently abolish contests that promote the mass killing of coyotes, wolves, bobcats, foxes, prairie dogs, and other species for fun and prizes on our federal public lands. We strongly support a modern, evidence-based, and compassionate approach to coexistence with wildlife.

Although other bloodsports like dogfighting and cockfighting have been outlawed nationwide, thousands of native carnivores and other species perish every year in killing contests, derbies, and tournaments across the country. Killing contests..."


November 21, 2020

Air Trees Water Animals/All The Way Alive. 
"...You come to me with your love for me. That love was in you and had nothing to do with me / my love for you was in me. Your love for me changes with the Air you take in and out / without the Air there is no there or where, remember or forgets, it's LOVE 4 the Air. Forget to remember, remember to forget; knowing needs no remembering or forgetting, for LOVE IS knowing your LOVE, and you or me means LESS than nothing and more than all, knowing we are ONE ATWA and I am all ATWA. Remembering what I'll do and forgetting what I did, taking all in knowing Love is Air, here, now, then, all, everything and everywhere. Air my Sun god, god Sun Air, sweet love of life I am love you everywhere my air; it's yours. Air, Air, everywhere there is a there." 

Charles Manson / letter 2012 Blessings and thankfulness.

"So what you're doing is you're reaching your hand in the grave and you're saying, 'Come on all you righteous people who want to survive on earth. Come on you real deal. If you want to breathe air, and [have clean] water, and live in harmony, get with it.' Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with thee, blessed is thy Life on Earth / ATWA. You see it? Then it's a part of you and you're a part of it. And you are the order of ATWA. ...It's not the question 'Why did you crucify Christ?' You search the books, you search the scholars, you go through all the high minds of the world and say 'Why did you crucify Christ?' and you're not going to get an answer because it is the wrong question. The question is / are you ready? Why are you crucifying Christ? Why are you crucifying Christ every day? Every day you're killing Christ's air. Every day you're taking Christ's life. Every day you're
 poisoning Christ's water. If you really truly love Christ, then get with ATWA. The ATWA is the righteous order of the planet.... It started with George Washington, the Sons of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty gave their life. We cannot live without liberty. Liberty is the thing that gives us 'human'..."

Charles Manson / excerpt from phone call, April 15, 2013


November 11, 2020    VETERANS DAY

I tell you all: you must look to ATWA. There is no other way.

It must be one world now. One world now, everywhere, the planet must be one.

And all the conflict of everyone trying to outdo each other, it's what's destroying it...

So it's all about the trees, soldier. It's all about the trees, soldier. If we don't have trees,

and we don't have green, we don't have no life on the planet Earth.

So the war is towards the Holy, the Righteous and the real of what's destroying

life on planet Earth. You destroy my life on  the planet Earth, I'm making moves

in that direction with chemistry and biology from Greenland, north side of everything

coming and going towards intelligent life forms that want to survive.

ATWA: all the way alive, all the way of life, and that's all there is.

If we don't have air, the rest of it don't matter.

-Charles Manson - from the liner notes to his "AIR" album, 2010.



September 30, 2020

On the edge of Nowhere

there's no place to go

and all I could be

is everything you know.

The more heat we create

the colder the wind is gonna blow.

Soul in Soul that rolls

knowing you in the know,

that's myme, that's my flow.

One Mind grows -

keeps growing - with all that grows -

Everything that's growing right now 

& now continues to expand

is what's traveling through the Cosmic Consciousness

of the world, and all that is a man.

There's no place you can run -

there's no place you can stand,

it's just what it is

you are the Man.

One Me.

Charles Manson 

circa 2009


August 09, 2020

Keep faith. Even if you know no hope, the FAITH gets strong because hope is a movie, a T.V. head phony religion book-brain.  Faith is what you are in your LOVE for ATWA's Myme's & bees trees feet & knees toes & pleas sleep & sneeds rocks & stones ribbons & the sight & sound cat & ram's seeps & old tears.

Charles Manson postcard, September 2012.


January 10, 2020

Daddy started teaching (coaching actually) before I turned three. On the weekends he would borrow a projector & screen, along with the Disney nature film, some about animals, or insects (bees, ants etc.) or the ocean or volcanoes; whatever was in the unused section of the school library.

I was about 2 1/2 to 3 years old when I watched the film about tigers. To my horror I learned that tigers killed and ate people. I guess I thought people were exempt from such things. I insisted we should kill them so we (myself especially) would not have to fear them.

About a year later we moved to our new house and there was cement laid for a patio in the backyard & I was laying on my stomach watching the black ants busy about their day. I liked them because they didn't bite or sting and you could let them walk on you and look at them really close. One ant had been badly hurt, probably by me as I walked to where I was laying. I felt terrible as I watched him try to continue along his way to do what he was doing before half of him was torn apart & squashed. His eyes glistened with life, I could see him in there... & he struggled to live and complete his errand. He was every bit as alive as I was and he tried with his whole being to live, even in his condition. I realized all living thing, like me, wanted very much to live. That he had as much right to his life as I to mine. From that moment on I didn't wish to kill any living being, even a man eating tiger.

One evening at dinner (I was supposed to eat and NOT talk, while my parents exchanged their news of the day) we were having my favorite, drumsticks & corn on the cobb with mashed potatoes... when I overheard one of my parents call the drumsticks chicken legs. It didn't take me but an instant to realize what had happened to the chickens.

I felt so betrayed that no one had told me I was eating a once living animal. I was horrified & instead of eating quietly, I let my outrage go out of control. How dare they not tell me. I didn't want to eat animals, I wanted to be friends with them. What about their families & their right to be alive? Why hadn't I been told the truth?

When we traveled to the desert or to Santa Cruz I cried for each animal run over on the road, imagining the babies waiting for a mommy who would never come home & the loss seemed personal & close.

Now everything is bisected by roads and fenced as well. The trees are cleared for $ & all the critters are living on the edge of  extiction. I counted seven honeybees this summer when the blackberries were blooming & I stopped a man who was transporting hives to his fields to make honey.  I guess it's not going to improve. So sad that such purpose and beauty should leave us.

I know there's much more to it than that, but when I begin to comprehend the entirety of it my mind boggles & my heart cries an endless lament. I cry for myself, to lose this magical world & to be the deastroyer of this as a human being. Sorrow and loss on so many levels...

Well, I bet that's about as cheerful a letter as you've gotten lately. How much longer do they intend to keep you in the hole? I think of you when I breathe and when my heart beats. I dream of you when calm & goodness sneak up on me.

iluvu iluvu I love you.

My love


[Letter to CM from Cathy "Cappy" Gillies,  January 2012.]


July 25, 2020

You say ATWA & people say "How much is the cost?"  - They worry about how much money& they don't even think that it's their LIFE, because they are already brain-dead in money - WWII was the same, if you take the money back from the ones who took it they will die dead & be GONE.  

- Postcard from Charles Manson - circa 2012.

It's all about redemption - beyond lies & pretension - and to pretend you're not pretending is on the road to becoming real beyond movies buying & selling Souls & T.V. heads, tape recorder brains & overall bunkum...rolls a new Star to eyes that never seen the stage circle wheeling stars before the High Bunkum beyond low Bunkum

- Postcard from Charles Manson, circa 2012.

California Condor making a comeback from the edge of extinction! (Video with article.)


June 25. 2020.

"Come on real, I'm kind to kindness, I'm love to love, and a fool to a fool.

Like you and all humans I love my own selfish self and now that's all of you. I can reflect mean, bad, and death and fear as easy as I can reflect gentleness, life, and love, for in truth I am one with both sides. That's where I find my own glory in knowing I am just as good as bad, and I am free to make up my own mind without worrying about the opinions of the past.

You can't do much if you need everyone to think good of you. Most only think good of you if you die. After you're dead everyone will cry and say how good you were.

Some people are raised to do it right and don't know right from wrong because it's all just programming. Right and wrong for who and what? On what level of honor, grace, or survival? Do you think a mama lion evil when she downs a deer to feed her baby?

Good and evil is related to balance for survival." -CM

CM quote from "Reflexion" by Lynette Fromme, p.436. Peasenhall Press, 2018.


May 26, 2020.

People in UK say they will do more to maintain cleaner AIR.

Memorial Day Reflection.  "Your Soldier",  CHARLES MANSON.

ATWA  and CM booklets, CM music, ATWA Tee-shirts and much more all now available at www.


May 09, 2020.

Living in the Redwoods for more than 30 years.  A voice for Earth.   -Video-

Planting Redwoods: A Tutorial.

The Redwood Forest Institute. Restoration of Redwoods.   (may be slight delay in loading)

Pakistan Hires Thousands for 10 Billion Tree-Planting Initiative.


May 01, 2020.

"Planet of the Humans" documentary. Highly recommended!!

Amazing information concerning the so-called "Green Revolution". Well done film. (Michael Mooore is not in it.) Scroll down to second video choice for full film.

"The Dimming". GeoEngineering reveal!

Watch trailer in this link.

Expose' of the CDC, the WHO, and their deep ties to the vaccine and pharmaceutical industries.

Full video interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., revealing how Big Pharma captures our National health-and-vaccine regulatory agencies.


March 20, 2020.

Happy Equinox !!

See links below for updates on the lessening pollution across the world during the virus shutdowns, as well as other great info about wildlife suriving and people working to protect our ATWA.

NASA images show pollution clear in China.

British Billionaire Fights Coal Plants.

Venice and Italy: Air and Water Benefit From Economic Shutdowns.

World-wide Pollution Reductions.

Great Wildlife Video of Animals Crossing Log Over Stream.

People Battle Canadian Oil Pipeline.

Mexican Grey Wolf Population Coming Back Strong.

"Dark" Fishing Plunders Oceans.


February 19, 2020.

New Kindle editions now avalable for REFLEXION by Lynette Fromme and for GOODBYE HELTER SKELTER by George Stimson.

Important valid ATWA related information links:           Tesla ordered to stop cutting trees

Lawsuit launched over rollback of protections for Rivers, Wetlands and Endangered Species.

New soft ATWA Tees and CM art now available at


December 25, 2019  Merry Christmas

Remembering this beautiful 2012 Christmas gift from Charlie.  Christmas time was always nice because we got an extra visiting day added to the week, plus another extra day soon after for New Years Day.

- Afton





Get the book:

Reflexion, by Lynette Fromme


Get the book, "Goodbye Helter Skelter", by George Stimson



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