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Parking Lot Crematoria Burn Through the Night as Covid-19 Overwhelms Delhi

Rage at Modi builds amid catastrophic government failure.

Fahad Shah


‘All We Need Is Some More Courage From the World’

Palestinians are showing enormous bravery during this moment of horror. Now we need the world to respond with corresponding acts of courage and support.

Omar Barghouti

Will the GOP Scaremonger Us Out of Child Care and Family Leave?

Biden’s big proposals are popular, even with Republicans. So to oppose them, GOP leaders aren’t looking at the future; they’re looking way back.

Joan Walsh
Working Conditions

Return to the Joys of Full-Time Office Work? No, Thanks.

CEOs are touting the benefits of office “culture” as a reason to return to our cubicles. But that culture has often meant harassment, discrimination, and painful water-cooler conversations.

Elie Mystal
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Protesters against ICE

New York County Jails May Close Their Doors to ICE

The Dignity Not Detention Act mirrors legislative efforts to take on the rogue agency in states like Maryland and California.

Aída Chávez
Representative Ilhan Omar

Trump’s Obsessive Attacks Won’t Silence Ilhan Omar’s Defense of Palestinian Human Rights

Rather than address concerns about Israeli air strikes killing Palestinian children, Trump and his allies target a Muslim member of Congress.

John Nichols
Bastian Rodriguez

‘It’s Like a Black Hole’: ICE Has Been Holding Kids in Indefinite Detention

The agency has sent an unknown number of teenagers to juvenile jails and won’t tell anyone why.

Ashoka Mukpo


Israeli choke hold

A Nightmare of Terror Across the Landscape of Palestine

As Israeli lynch mobs roam the streets attacking Palestinians, and as Israeli war planes drop bombs on Gaza, it’s essential to understand how we arrived at this moment.
Yousef Munayyer
I have been trying to think of a moment since 1948 when so broad a range of Palestinians have been exposed to as great a level of Israeli violence as they have been these last few days—and I don’t think I can. In towns throughout Israel, Palestinians have been beaten… Continue Reading >


Textile workers in Bangalore

When Lean-In Feminism Reaches the Factory Floor

Garment workers in India don’t need life-skills training. They need higher wages.

Maria Hengeveld
COVID-19 cremation

Parking Lot Crematoria Burn Through the Night as Covid-19 Overwhelms Delhi

Rage at Modi builds amid catastrophic government failure.

Fahad Shah
Cali Colombia protests

Colombian Protesters Are Ready for the Long Haul

After nearly two weeks of protests against neoliberal reforms and police violence, Colombia’s conservative government has refused to make any major concessions. The demonstrations continue.

Christina Noriega


What ‘Girlhood’ Means in 2021

What ‘Girlhood’ Means in 2021

A conversation with Melissa Febos about her radical essays on youth and gender.

Naomi Gordon-Loebl
Mike Gold, Avant-Garde Bard of Proletarian New York

Mike Gold, Avant-Garde Bard of Proletarian New York

A new biography charts Gold's many lives—as a novelist and journalist, as a working-class militant, and as a forerunner to the Beats.

J. Hoberman
Service Center by Mark McMahon

The Mundane and Alienated Life of a Freelancer

Kavita Bedford’s novel Friends and Dark Shapes explores the false promises and precarity of writing in the age of the gig economy.

Lily Meyer

Watch and Listen

Listen: Women’s Hoops 16 Years After Shattering the Glass

Authors Pamela Grundy and Susan Shackelford join the show to talk about their classic book, Shattering the Glass: The Remarkable History of Women's Basketball.

May 11, 2021

Listen: Reform the Filibuster!

Senator Mazie Hirono on changing the Senate and the Supreme Court, plus Tim Schwab on Bill Gates, and Katha Pollitt on Dr. Seuss.

April 29, 2021

View: Mexico Could Soon Become the Largest Legal Marijuana Market in the World

But activists say the law fails to address the widespread pain that decades of militarized enforcement have caused.

February 25, 2021