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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Tue, 10 May 2011 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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(tr) İstanbul: Savaşta, Barışta Militarizm ve Kadın
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 20:19:06 GMT 2011

Sava&#x15F;ta, Bar&#x131;&#x15F;ta Militarizm ve Kad&#x131;n<br>
Militarizm sadece 'sava&#x15F;' de&#x11F;ildir. Dolay&#x131;s&#x131;yla 'sava&#x15F;' d&#x131;&#x15F;&#x131;nda<br>
&#x15F;iddet, hiyerar&#x15F;i, cinsiyet ayr&#x131;mc&#x131;l&#x131;&#x11F;&#x131;, itaat g&#xFC;ndelik hayat&#x131;m&#x131;z&#x131;n<br>
b&#xFC;t&#xFC;n&#xFC;nde mevcuttur. &#xD6;zellikle sava&#x15F; s&#xFC;re&#xE7;lerinde askerlikle erke&#x11F;i<br>
hedef alm&#x131;&#x15F; gibi g&#xF6;r&#xFC;nen bu k&#x131;skac&#...

(tr) &#x130;svi&#xE7;re, Z&#xFC;rih: Das Off Pride Festival 27-29 May&#x131;s 2011
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 20:17:17 GMT 2011

Her sene ayri ulkelerde devletlerin ve kapitalist firmalarin<br>
sponsorluguyla duzenlenen Euro Pride festivali bu sene Roma sehrinde<br>
yapilacakdir. Bizler bu festivalere alternatif olarak LBGTQ ve<br>
Anarsistler ayri bir festival (Off_Pride Festival) duzenleyecegiz.<br>
Gecen sene ilki yapildi, bu sene daha genis kapsamli bir festival yapilacaktir.<br>
27.?29. Mayis 2011 de 2 gun suren festival konserler, tiyatro,<br>
tartisma pla...

(tr) Homofobi Kar&#x15F;&#x131;t&#x131; Bulu&#x15F;ma'da S&#x131;ra Anti-Militarist Forum'da
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 20:17:17 GMT 2011

15 May&#x131;s Vicdani Ret G&#xFC;n&#xFC;, Alt&#x131;nc&#x131; Bulu&#x15F;ma ile birlikte Homofobi<br>
Kar&#x15F;&#x131;t&#x131; Bulu&#x15F;ma'ya dahil oldu. Homofobi Kar&#x15F;&#x131;t&#x131; Bulu&#x15F;ma'n&#x131;n<br>
alt&#x131;nc&#x131;s&#x131;n&#x131;n merkezi etkinlikleri kapsam&#x131;nda &quot;Anti-Militarist Forum&quot;<br>
ger&#xE7;ekle&#x15F;ecek. 14 May&#x131;s Cumartesi g&#xFC;n&#xFC; yap&#x131;lacak Forumu, Kaos GL ve<br>
AKA (Anar&#x15F;i Kolektifi Ankara) birlikte d&#xFC;zenli...

(en) Statement of international solidarity with those in Cuba YOU ARE NOT ALONE
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 19:22:52 GMT 2011

The Communist Party of Cuba's VI Congress has just closed with an endorsement of the
liberal reforms (&#x201C;to each according to his labors&#x201D;) promised in the realm of the economy:
but along with these come cuts in social services and an increased presence for military
and for technocrats in the machinery of government, with a reduction in the presence of
intellectuals and workers. ---- In terms of rhetoric and deeds alike, efficiency, control
and discipline replace equality, s...

(en) Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle demonstrations celebrated the failure of Israeli divide and rule
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 17:48:37 GMT 2011

The main joint struggles and locations of weekly actions: Beit Ommar, Bil&#x2019;in, Izbat at
Tabib, Silwan, Sheikh Jarrah, Lod, Ma&#x2019;asara, An Nabi Salih, Ni'lin, South Hebron Mountain
- celebrated the crumbling of Israeli strategy of divide and rule. The compromise between
Fatah and Hamas ended the split the weekly demonstrations protested against. The uprising
of the masses of the Arabs in the region and the approaching September energized the
weekly demonstrations and increase...

(en) Canada, Updates! MONTREAL ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR (May 21-22): vendors, workshops, film room, art, media, kid zone and more! (fr)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 17:44:59 GMT 2011

[fully updated information below and on the website: www.anarchistbookfair.ca] [please
post and forward widely; curious about anarchism? check us out!] --- MONTREAL ANARCHIST
BOOKFAIR 2011 MAY 21-22, 10am-5pm at the CEDA, 2515 rue Delisle (a short walk from
Lionel-Groulx metro) FREE. Welcome to all! Bring your kids! --- For anarchists and people
curious about anarchism. ---- Check out the HIGHLIGHTS below: Main Hall, Kid Zone,
Introductions to Anarchism, Workshops and Presentations, Au...

(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation (AF) Resistance bulletin issue 131 - April 2011
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 12:19:55 GMT 2011

Contents ---- Free Hetherington Evicted - then Re-Occupied! ---- Bristol AF on the 26th of
March ---- Crisis in Care: an interview with a Sheffield support worker ---- NHS workers
pay the price of government cuts ---- Tax rise for workers, but not their bosses -- On the
frontline -- Protest at Lib-Dem conference in Sheffield -- Sabotage at work -- Swindon
anti-cuts action ---- Job Centre occupied in Deptford ---- &quot;They have silenced me long
enough&quot; - Palestinian organiser rel...

(pl) Dni Gniewu Spo&#x142;ecznego: 27-28 maja w Warszawie
a-infos-pl@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 07:06:50 GMT 2011

Walka zaostrza si&#x119; na wszystkich frontach. Bezkarno&#x15B;&#x107; i arogancja<br>
urz&#x119;dnik&#xF3;w osi&#x105;ga coraz wi&#x119;ksze rozmiary. Nasila si&#x119; zmasowany atak na<br>
prawa pracownik&#xF3;w, lokator&#xF3;w, student&#xF3;w, pacjent&#xF3;w, bezrobotnych,<br>
imigrant&#xF3;w i wykluczonych poza nawias spo&#x142;ecze&#x144;stwa. Wdra&#x17C;ane s&#x105;<br>
przygotowywane od lat reformy. Przez wiele lat czekano na w&#x142;a&#x15B;ciwy<br>
moment, badano grunt, sprawdzano...

(ca) Dni Gniewu Spo&#x142;ecznego: 27-28 maja w Warszawie
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 07:05:01 GMT 2011

Walka zaostrza si&#x119; na wszystkich frontach. Bezkarno&#x15B;&#x107; i arogancja<br>
urz&#x119;dnik&#xF3;w osi&#x105;ga coraz wi&#x119;ksze rozmiary. Nasila si&#x119; zmasowany atak na<br>
prawa pracownik&#xF3;w, lokator&#xF3;w, student&#xF3;w, pacjent&#xF3;w, bezrobotnych,<br>
imigrant&#xF3;w i wykluczonych poza nawias spo&#x142;ecze&#x144;stwa. Wdra&#x17C;ane s&#x105;<br>
przygotowywane od lat reformy. Przez wiele lat czekano na w&#x142;a&#x15B;ciwy<br>
moment, badano grunt, sprawdzano...

(pl) Portugalia: Atak policji na demonstracj&#x119; pierwszomajow&#x105; w Setubal
a-infos-pl@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 07:03:20 GMT 2011

Pierwszego maja w Setubal w Portugalii ju&#x17C; po raz drugi odby&#x142;a si&#x119;<br>
demonstracja anty-autorytarna i anty-kapitalistyczna. Wydarzenie<br>
zorganizowa&#x142; kolektyw anarchistyczny Terra Libre. Oko&#x142;o 200 os&#xF3;b z<br>
r&#xF3;&#x17C;nych cz&#x119;&#x15B;ci Portugalii wzi&#x119;&#x142;o udzia&#x142; w wydarzeniach, w tym grupy<br>
nale&#x17C;&#x105;ce do MSP i porozumienie przeciw NATO (PAGAN). -- Marsz<br>
rozpocz&#x105;&#x142; si&#x119; pokojowym przej&#x15B;cie...

(ca) [Lima] SABADO 14 de mayo, 4ta Jornada Libertaria
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 06:42:22 GMT 2011

Este SABADO 14 de mayo GRUPO ORWELL organiza, agita y presenta: 4ta<br>
JORNADA ANARQUISTA (En Sal&#xF3;n Imperial, Jiron Cailloma 824, centro de<br>
Lima) -- Conversatorios desde las 4 de la tarde... * Reivindicaci&#xF3;n<br>
anarquista del 1ro de mayo (Franz G.) * Medios de comunicaci&#xF3;n<br>
alternativos (Jaguar) * &#xBF;Sigue vivo el movimiento subterr&#xE1;neo?<br>
(Marcos F&#xF3;sforo) * Arte urbano e intervenciones callejeras (M&#xF3;nica<br>

(ca) [Madrid] Manifestaci&#xF3;n por la libertad de expresi&#xF3;n y manifestaci&#xF3;n
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 06:38:25 GMT 2011

El pasado mes de abril fue prohibida la &#x201C;Procesi&#xF3;n atea&#x201D; que<br>
convocamos: Asamblea Vecinal La Playa de Lavapies, Asociaci&#xF3;n<br>
Madrile&#xF1;a de Ateos y Librepensadores, Grupo Anarquista Volia e<br>
individualidades. -- La intenci&#xF3;n: Realizar un acto p&#xFA;blico, ir<br>
ordenadamente de un lugar a otro las personas que nos pudi&#xE9;ramos<br>
reunir con el fin de evadirnos de la escenificaci&#xF3;n del sufrimiento<br>
que por esos d&#xED;as nos encontramos...

(ca) [Italia] Ola de persecusi&#xF3;n y detenciones arbitrarias de activistas sociales
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 06:32:34 GMT 2011

Sobre los arrestos del 4 de Mayo en Florencia --- La investigaci&#xF3;n por<br>
&#x201C;Asociaci&#xF3;n delictiva&#x201D; en contra de 78 compa&#xF1;erxs florentinxs concluy&#xF3;<br>
la madrugada de 4 de Mayo, con una gran operaci&#xF3;n de la polic&#xED;a y los<br>
servicios secretos: el balance es de 5 compa&#xF1;erxs bajo arresto<br>
domiciliario, 17 con obligatoriedad de firma, decenas de persecuciones<br>
en casas privadas y la persecuci&#xF3;n del &#x201C; Spazio Liberato 400Colpi&#x...

(ca) 4 de junio, manifestaci&#xF3;n confederal en Madrid contra el pacto social y la p&#xE9;rdida de derechos
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 06:27:59 GMT 2011

Los recortes de derechos laborales y sociales avanzan a ritmo<br>
fren&#xE9;tico, desmontando los &#xFA;ltimos pilares de un estado del bienestar<br>
ya de por s&#xED; bastante raqu&#xED;tico e incapaz de satisfacer las<br>
necesidades humanas m&#xE1;s b&#xE1;sicas. -- Recortes en el sistema p&#xFA;blico de<br>
pensiones, reformas laborales para abaratar y facilitar el despido y<br>
precarizar a&#xFA;n m&#xE1;s las condiciones de trabajo, privatizaci&#xF3;n y<br>
recortes de los servicios ...

(en) US, North Eastern Anarchist #15, 2011 - Nature of the Period: Background and Perspectives
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 10 05:29:04 GMT 2011

Social systems don't live forever. They have their own internal contradictions, which
produce systemic crises. Capitalism is no different; someday it will end. The question we
are addressing is whether it will be followed by barbarism, mass death, and barrenness, or
by a better world. The current crisis is not only one of greatly increased attacks on the
working class and oppressed people but is also a fundamental crisis of the system itself.
We cannot predict the demise of the system,...

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