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Letters to the Editor


  • Opinion

Letters of 14 May 2021: Bad politics and bad economics

Australian budget, Josh Frydenberg, tax rate, education, climate change, clean energy, net zero, Keynes, Friedman

This Month

Letters of 7 May 2021: Taiwan may be a bridge too far

Taiwan, China, Darwin port, inflation, retirees, gas, renewables, RBA, interest rate, NDIS

Letters of 3 May 2021: China opts for punitive action

China, tariff, Biden, diplomacy, quarantine, GST, agriculture, workforce, India, Covid

Letters of 6 May 2021: International standing at risk

Flight ban, coronavirus, India, quarantine, COVID-19, retirees, inflation, deflation, budget, RBA, interest rate


  • Opinion

Letters: Enforce emissions targets by law

Climate summit, climate policy, China, border closures.

  • Opinion

Letters of 26 April 2021: Anzac tradition undiminished

Anzac service, China, Beijing, Michael Smith, Golden ticket, mining tax

  • Opinion

Letters of 23 April 2021: Others must toe climate line too

climate change, renewables, carbon, CSG, Indonesia

  • Opinion

Letters of 22 April 2021: Emissions target will cost jobs

energy, carbon, climate change, gas, grids, tax system, OECD, Holgate

Letters of 21 April 2021: Renewable road to recovery?

renewable energy, gas, coal, financial advice, pension, Biden, superannuation

  • Opinion

Letters of 19 April 2021: Public sector overdue for reform

Christine Holgate, Australia Post, CopperString, Ken Morrison, tax rate, Scott Morrison, Josh Frydenberg

  • Opinion

Letters of 16 April 2021: Holgate cloud hangs over board

Christine Holgate, Australia Post, Scott Morrison, corporate tax, personal tax, OECD, China, Origin, hydrogen, RBA, super funds

  • Opinion

Letters of 14 April 2021: Laid-back jab outlook won’t do

Vaccination, miners, Ecuador, China, retirees, monetary policy

Letters of 9 April 2021: Patrick focused on journos’ ire

Scott Morrison, Samantha Maiden, Aaron Patrick, interest rate, RBA, Whyalla, steel, Christine Holgate, Australia Post

Letters of 7 April 2021: Brickbats for Patrick story

Letter writers took issue with a story on Samantha Maiden and held forth on ministerial titles and the COVID-19 recession.


  • Opinion

Letters of March 29, 2021: The rich too need the benefit of information

The accumulation of wealth is not always the result of financial savvy and often is just one-off good luck.


Letters of 26 March 2021: It’s unfair to penalise the west

WA’s GST cut, domestic violence, women’s safety in Parliament House, NSW stamp duty, NSW floods and climate change, ASIC and Mayfair, casinos and gambling.

  • Opinion

Letters of 25 March 2021: Borrowers are not all equal

Banks, loan, COVID-19, pandemic, buy now pay later, credit cards, Hong Kong, China, Alaska, Scott Morrison

  • Opinion

Letters of 22 March 2021: Coal debate done and dusted

Nathan Tinkler, coal mining, Coles, Woolworths, Aldi, China, death tax

Letters of March 19, 2021: Nest eggs and taxing the dead

Retirement savings, Kevin Rudd and the Quad, Chester Porter, vaccines for PNG, multinational revenue tax, Scott Morrison and Women’s March 4 Justice.

Letters: Kimmitt exit a poor reflection on MinterEllison

Farm Management Deposits, federal election, Jayne Hrdlicka, carbon price, interest rates.