May 15, 2021

Saturday Morning Coffee Break

—Misanthropic Humanitarian

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Good morning Horde. What goes with coffee?................................

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:00 AM Comments

EMT 5/15/21


So I'm sitting here waiting for Microsoft to join a conference call and explain how when they messed up 911 calling for a whole state government it's somehow my fault.

Spoiler alert, yes pretty much every content-free EMT gets drafted the night before.

I've personally demonstrated that MS is out of RFC spec 3 times in the last 12 months. Every time their response is essentially, "we're Microsoft, fix our deficiencies on your side."

I'm not going to tell you anyone is better.

I'm just saying Microsoft might be the stankiest of the bunch of dicks trying to profit off the work from home imperative Fauci foisted upon the world.

Posted by krakatoa at 06:00 AM Comments


Daily Tech News 15 May 2021

—Pixy Misa

Top Story

  • TSMC and Samsung are looking to massively expand chip production in the US after Europe has proved itself useless. (Retuers)

    Existing European chip makers - and yes, there are some - are protesting the idea of subsidies for leading-edge chipmakers, saying that subsidies should only go to companies producing chips on older nodes. They have a point, though, since those chips are mostly embedded controllers used in vehicles and appliances and a shortage of $1 engine timing controllers can shut down an entire production line of $40,000 cars.

    And coincidentally, those are precisely the chips they make.

    In any case, TSMC is looking to not only build the announced 5nm plant in Arizona, but up to five additional plants using even more advanced technology - where each could cost $10 billion or more. Two thirds of TSMC's revenue comes from North America, and only 6% from Europe.

Anime of the day is K-On! Kyoto Animation's classic story of schoolgirls sitting around eating cake. Oh, and they're in a rock band. But mostly cake.

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Posted by Pixy Misa at 01:57 AM Comments

Friday Overnight Open Thread – 05/14/2021
[Buck Throckmorton]

—Open Blogger

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Here is yet another form of art that is better and more creative than most any art taking up space in the Whitney or other museums of modern art…Tree Shaping.

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Tree Shaping - 2.JPG

Tree Shaping - 3.JPG

Tree Shaping - 4.JPG

More at the link.

What skills do you have that fill you with an artist’s pride when you complete the project? It could be carpentry, landscaping, car restoration, flower arranging, ice sculpting, whatever. Congratulations on your talent. Let’s hear about it. Heck, feel free to send me a picture. I’d enjoy seeing your handiwork.



In tribute to Weird Dave’s new home state of Texas, how ‘bout we Remember The Alamo tonight?

First off – how cool is this photo? It’s a daguerreotype from 1849 – just 13 years after the Battle of the Alamo.

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Posted by Open Blogger at 09:59 PM Comments

Quarantine Cafe: Double Entendre Jukebox Edition


Chuck Berry's "fourth grade ditty" and "song of togetherness."

Melanie gets around.

Led Zeppelin wants to cover you in citrus.

The Who sang about a woman who liked playing with her instrument.

The Starland Vocal Band has a double entendre song, but wait -- is it even double entendre? Is there any other entendre besides the one?

The Runaways sort of did one. Maybe? Or maybe it's just supposed to sound like it's a double entendre.

Aerosmith boasted of the size of their recording.

Van Halen wanted to service children.

April Wine really spelled it out for you.

I'll include the Vapors because people will call me a cyclone ranger if I don't, but honestly, this is not a double entendre song. That's just something ninth graders made up. The band's always denied it and they have no reason to lie. Plus, I don't even understand how the alleged double entendre is supposed to work.

Kirsten Dunst's version seems more suggestive than the actual song. Probably because of all the porny cartoons.

On the other hand, Cyndi Lauper was definitely on the other hand.

She's blind at the end of the video. I just got that, 40 years later.

The long, long baseball metaphor at the, um, climax of this Meatloaf song counts, even though the rest of the song is just straight-up surface-level about sex.

ZZ Top understood that the way to a woman's heart was through her neck, specifically, by giving her the most wonderful gift a man can give to a woman.

Billy Squier has an odd one -- I think it's a reverse double entendre. It sounds very dirty, but it's really about music industry people flattering him and bullshitting him when he was a new rising star.

Prince could fill up a list like this, so let's just keep moving.

He also wrote one for Sheena Easton about some kind of candy store or something. (Note that this one made Tipper Gore's "Filthy Fifteen" list of songs to be banned. In fairness, it is a really, really bad song.)

Dexy's Midnight Runners has a song that kids thought had a double entendre in the title, but it didn't. I mean, it is about sexual longing and trying to convince a girl named Eileen to have sex, but it's not a double entendre. It's just what he's saying straight-up. (You in that dress/My thoughts I confess/Verge on dirty... Ah, come on let's take off everything/Pretty red dress.)

Peter Gabriel had another one that's not even really a double entendre.

To finish up, let's go with my favorite:

AC/DC probably has a dozen songs that could make this list, but let's go with the most hilariously outrageous.

Which ones did I miss?

Here's one I missed -- Warrant singing about a girl who's as sweet as a fruit pastry.

Posted by Ace at 07:48 PM Comments

USAToday Opinion Page Editor: Republicans' Ouster of Liz Cheney Proves That They're a "Bigger Threat Than the 9/11 Hijackers"


This is a major media organization's top editor saying this.

By the way, for years, David Mastio was claimed to be a fair, impartial, even conservative-leaning editor that conservatives should treat nicely because you never know, he just might publish your op-ed.

So this is where the media's most "conservative-leaning" and "fair" editors are now.

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Posted by Ace at 07:08 PM Comments

Quick Hits: F*** It All Friday Edition


18 experts in virology write joint letter published by Science demanding a full investigation into covid's real origins -- wherever that may lead.

Is it just me, or is this creepy?

"The ImmunaBand is the outward symbol of the COVID-19 Vaccination. In every interaction with fellow employees and the public, the ImmunaBand bracelet contributes as a silent witness to the power of the vaccine..."

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[ ] YES

[ ] NO


I gotta tell you, I feel the shameful red of embarrassment that I did not see the opportunity to fleece religious maniac dullards and exploit the congenitally stupid by selling them shoddy devotional tchotchkies.

They're such mindless cultists. They're a veritable mint waiting to be unloaded.


Sarah Silverman -- who is obviously no genius anyway, but who is also now radioactively unfunny -- made the bold pronouncement that Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner is transphobic.

Hawaiian shirts are making a comeback.

Oh no they're practically Nazi uniforms!!!!

The colorful and uniquely patterned shirts are making a comeback this year, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The news outlet reports that part of the appeal of the shirts is the wide variety of styles they come in, which allow the wearer more freedom to express themselves.

The trend was apparently inspired by a shirt recently worn by David Beckham in Miami. The Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello shirt reportedly inspired more people to attempt to pull off the colorful, yet casual look that Beckham went with.

I've wanted a Hawaiian shirt for a long time, but didn't get one, first because I thought, and this is stupid, "What's with all these flowers and birds? This is gay."

Then I accepted that flowers and birds and pineapples were essential motifs of the shirt, so I sought a shirt with... less gay flowers and less gay birds. Like, manly flowers. Flowers with biceps. Like, birds with guns and dicks.

Again, this is embarrassing. These are the stupid thoughts my stupid brain has when I'm not minding it.

I do not seek your approval. I only seek your pity.

In 2017, Dr. Shi Zengli -- the "Bat Lady" herself, the woman who worried publicly that covid might be one of her own Frankenviruses -- stated in a paper that her work was being funded by Anthony Fauci's NIH/NIAID.

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Posted by Ace at 06:11 PM Comments

NeverTrumpers, Cultural Liberals (But I Repeat Myself) Vow: You Can Have Our Masks When You Pry Them From Our Cold, Dead Faces!


Andrew Cuomo says he's going to ignore the CDC's latest science in favor of his own made-up tribal "science" and will refuse to relax the mask mandate in NYC.

Pandemic-weary New Yorkers had their hopes deflated Thursday when Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he wasn’t ready to ease the state's mask mandate -- even though the feds gave the green light for vaccinated Americans to finally show their faces and gather indoors again.

In a late-afternoon statement, Cuomo said he and Health Commissioner Howard Zucker had yet to decide if the Empire State would adopt newly announced guidelines from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"In New York, we have always relied on the facts and the science to guide us throughout the worst of this pandemic and in our successful reopening," Cuomo said.

Note that when Washington, DC's leftwing mayor relaxed DC's mask mandate based on changed CDC guidelines, DC's liberal residents rose up in revolt to demand that masks remain required.

And the liberals of Brookline, Massachusetts also turned into Science Deniers and demanded that the town continue forcing people to wear masks.

Both of those stories mentioned in this video.

Rachel Maddow announced that she'll have to "rewire" her own brain so as not to view people not wearing a face beanie "as a threat."

"I feel like I'm going to have to rewire myself so that when I see someone out in the world who's not wearing a mask, I don't instantly think, ‘You are a threat,’" Maddow said. "Or you are selfish or you are a Covid denier and you definitely haven't been vaccinated. I mean, we're going to have to rewire the way that we look at each other."

This is all very much Scientific and not religious face-covering wearing and tribal shibboleth-speaking at all.

This is what Science looks like now, people.

David Hogg straight-up admits he's only wearing the mask to show that he's not a conservative, and to blend in with the tribe in "a very liberal area where 99% of the people you see are wearing masks."

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Posted by Ace at 05:11 PM Comments

Liz Cheney Goes on Fox News to Repeatedly Lie About Her Role In Pushing the Psyops Disinformation Campaign About "Russian Bounties"



In addition to her other lies, Glen Greenwald accuses her of pushing the fraudulent "Russian Bounties" story to the press behind the scenes, and then going on to the same media she pushed the fake narrative to to comment on the story, pretending she had nothing to do with it.

Gee that sounds kind of familiar.

In an interview on Tuesday with Fox News' Bret Baier, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) denied that she spread the discredited CIA "Russian bounty" story. That CIA tale, claiming Russia was paying Taliban fighters to kill U.S. troops in Afghanistan, was cooked up by the CIA and then published by The New York Times on June 27 of last year, right as former President Trump announced his plans to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. The Times story, citing anonymous intelligence officials, was then continually invoked by pro-war Republicans and Democrats -- led by Cheney -- to justify their blocking of that troop withdrawal. The story was discredited when the U.S. intelligence community admitted last month that it had only"“low to moderate confidence" that any of this even happened.

When Baier asked Cheney about her role in spreading this debunked CIA story, Cheney blatantly lied to him, claiming --if you go back and look at what I said -- every single thing I said: I said if those stories are true, we need to know why the President and Vice President were not briefed on them." After Baier pressed her on the fact that she vested this story with credibility, Cheney insisted a second time that she never endorsed the claim but merely spoke conditionally, always using the "if these reports are true" formulation....

Liz Cheney, as she so often does, blatantly lied. That she merely spoke of the Russian bounty story in the conditional -- "every single thing I said: I said if those stories are true" -- is completely and demonstrably false. Indeed, other than Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), there are few if any members of Congress who did more to spread this Russian bounty story as proven truth, all in order to block troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. In so doing, she borrowed from a pro-war playbook pioneered by her dad, to whom she owes her career: the former Vice President would leak CIA claims to The New York Times to justify war, then go on Meet the Press with Tim Russert, as he did on September 8, 2002, and cite those New York Times reports as though they were independent confirmation of his views coming from that paper rather than from him.


So having CIA stories leak to the press that fuel the pro-war case, then having pro-war politicians cite those to justify their pro-war position, is a Cheney Family speciality.

Below, Liz Cheney lies about having merely couched her endorsement of the story she was pushing in the "if it is true" conditional.

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Posted by Ace at 04:21 PM Comments

LOL: Israel Tricked Hamas Into Taking Refuge In Their Tunnels.
Then They Bombed the Tunnels.


Hundreds of Hamas terrorists die of covid-related airstrikes.

Israel used the media to put out the disinformation that Israel was already invading Hamas-controlled territory.

This caused Hamas to seek the protection of their hidey-holes.

But Israel intended this to happen, because their plan was to bomb the tunnels, once filled with Hamas terrorists.

The Israeli military apparently used a brilliant deceptive maneuver to take out Hamas's terrorist fighting force and underground tunnels -- in a single blow.

In what could only be described as killing two birds with one stone, the Israel Defense Forces on Thursday night told news reporters that the Israeli ground forces were on their way to Hamas-held Gaza.

The news spread quickly through the mainstream media and affiliated social media accounts. Believing an Israeli ground invasion to be imminent, Hamas ordered its terrorist fighters to seek shelter in the tunnel network dug up under the Gaza city.

What followed the Hamas mobilization was a massive wave of Israeli airstrikes -- comprising of 160 aircraft -- on the Gaza tunnel network with the jihadi group’s top terror brass sitting underground, right where the IDF wanted them.

The Jerusalem Post seems to imply here that the "foreign press" was all to happy to carry news of Israel's invasion of Hamas-held territory -- because they love depicting Israelis as always attacking peaceful Palestinians.

At midnight, the IDF Spokesperson’s English department tweeted that "IDF air and ground troops are currently attacking in the Gaza Strip." The foreign media jumped at the tweet, interpreting it to mean that Israel was sending ground forces into Gaza, a major escalation in the current operation and a sign that it was far from over.

The media is so predictably, reflexively, robotically anti-semitic that its anti-semitism can be used against them, as well as against the Hamas terrorists the media flacks for.

Thanks to James, Nevergiveup, SMOD and other commenters for alerting the blog to this story.

I would like to associate myself with the remarks of the distinguished Grumpy(98)(c) -- "It. Moved."

Update: Bald lunatic Ayanna Pressley blames Hamas' missile attacks on Israelis on... Israel.

And claims that this is just another example of anti-black cops, and black lives not mattering.

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Posted by Ace at 03:30 PM Comments

The Group of NeverTrumpers Trying to Form a Third Party...? One of Their Key Signatories is a Former Republican Turned Democrat Turned... Holocaust Denier


But do keep lecturing the rest of us about White Supremacy and anti-semitism and "authoritarian tendencies."

Among the founding members of a "principled" group of "prominent Republicans" working to counter conspiracy theories is a prominent Holocaust-denier.

Pete McCloskey, a former congressman who referenced the "so-called Holocaust" in a keynote address that praised a top Holocaust-denial group, joined "A Call for American Renewal" as a founding signatory. According to former congressman Denver Riggleman, the group aims to "counter disinformation and conspiracy theories" and "step up in this fight for truth and integrity."

McCloskey served as a Republican representative for California from 1967 to 1983 but changed his affiliation to the Democratic Party in 2007. After leaving Congress, he gave the keynote address at the Institute for Historical Review's 2000 conference. An infamous Holocaust-denial group with ties to neo-Nazi organizations, IHR has described the Holocaust as "some scattered killings" of Jews. According to the group, there is "not evidence" to support "the systematic extermination of six to eight million Jews in concentration camps."

McCloskey's address to IHR members noted his "respect" for "the thesis of this organization." The former congressman also referenced the "so-called Holocaust," adding, "I don't know whether you are right or wrong about the Holocaust."

Here's that letter -- Pete McCloskey's name seems to have been scrubbed from the website. I hope someone got screenshots of the list of "founding signatories" as it originally appeared.

Well, NeverTrump is an obsessive, deranged fringe movement -- and deranged fringe movements attract, and actually welcome, this type of person.

Update: My Ridiculously Circuituous Plan points to this capture of the list of signatories as it originally appeared.

Peter McCloskey is in the middle column, about 75% of the way down. When you see Michael Steele, you know he's coming up in dozen names.

Here is a screenshot of those who are what we might call "Holocaust-Denier Adjacent," with the names of some more recognizable NeverTrumpers (to the extent there are such things) highlighted.

Oh, George Conway and Evan McMullin and all the usual suspects are on the list, too. They're just not close enough to McCloskey's name to fit in a screengrab.

Posted by Ace at 02:24 PM Comments

Shocking: Fauci Admits That At Least 40%, and Maybe As High as 50%, of His Own Agency's Employees are Refusing to Get the Vaccine


A lot of government pressure -- and some rumors of actual legal coercion -- to get you to take the vaccine, while government employees, who could be ordered to get vaccinated as a condition of their employment, refuse and are permitted to refuse.

Fauci firs says "a little bit over half" of his agency is vaccinated, then says "probably sixty percent."

Sixty percent is not "a little bit" over half.

I take the first as more likely to be truthful, and I take his edging that up to sixty percent as a dishonest attempt to cover up for his first more-truthful estimate, after he realized the implications of it.

Rachel Walensky of the CDC refused to even answer! So you know the CDC is just as unvaccinated, or even more so!

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Posted by Ace at 01:20 PM Comments

Elise Stefanik Defeats Chip Roy to Replace Liz Cheney as #3 in Republican Congressional Leadership


Via Suhil Kapur:

Stefanik - 134 Roy - 46 Foxx - 1 Jordan - 1 CMR - 1 Present - 9

Trump made his preference clear yesterday:

"Can't imagine Republican House Members would go with Chip Roy--he has not done a great job, and will probably be successfully primaried in his own district," Trump said in a press release. "I support Elise, by far, over Chip!"

So, why did Trump endorse the moderate/liberalish Stefanik over the conservative Chip Roy?

I actually have some original reporting. I am reliably informed that a big obstacle to replacing Liz Cheney the last time they had a vote on this was that no one stepped up to the plate and offered to run to replace her.

You can't beat something with nothing, so Cheney survived the first vote to expel her partly due to simple lack of anyone willing to take the job from her.

Stefanik earned respect for having offered herself up as a replacement for Cheney this time, and in so doing, made it much easier to oust Cheney.

⁨Trump had particular reason to favor Stefanik over Roy because on January 6th, when some voted to object to the electoral college count and some didn't, Stefanik was one of those objecting, and Roy was one of those opposed to the motion to object.

Chip Roy was better on the issues, if you're a conservative. However, he is regarded as being inflexible on his ideology. Which is good in a Congressman, but not necessarily good in a congressional leader, who has to deliver and enforce the consensus caucus opinion, regardless of his personal opinion.

Stefanik is also seen as better at fundraising for other congressmen.

I'm also told that Trump decided to more forcefully endorse Stefanik -- and call Roy weak -- because allies of Roy were talking up the idea that Trump might endorse him over Stefanik. Trump put an end to that chatter.

Despite Stefanik being generally more moderate than Roy, she has shown she can take positions which are extremely unpopular -- toxic even -- to our Ruling Class. Most of the "toxic" positions she's taken have been in support of Trump or his agenda, but that doesn't mean she can't take them in other cases.

She might not be as bad a choice, as far as conservative issues, as people fear. Certainly she has demonstrated repeatedly that she has the one trait that is absolutely necessary in a leader -- the balls to tell the Ruling Class Establishment to go fuck itself blind.

I rate this as glass half full.

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Posted by Ace at 12:12 PM Comments

The Morning Rant - Misanthropic Edition

—Misanthropic Humanitarian

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Is there something in the water or the air? Is the moon aligned in poor angles? My week of interacting with the "Customer Service Industry" is today's rant.

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 11:11 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Art Thread


Anker Clerk.jpg

The Parish Clerk
Albert Anker

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report - 5/14/21

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning kids. Friday and the weekend is here. Well the IDF has launched its ground offensive into Gaza in order to wipe out the terrorists and their rocket launch sites. That's all well and good, and of course necessary. But I don't think it's really going to solve the problem at its root level, which is the toxic combination of inbred Jew-hatred and Iran. Put that aside for a moment. In similar situations over the past 20 or more years, Israel has been schizophrenic in its response to these kind of challenges. Lest we forget, Gaza not that long ago was actually Israeli territory which none other than Ariel Sharon, an ex-general and noted hard-liner, handed over in 2005 to the so-called "Palestinians" as part of, you guessed it, "the peace process." Look what it got him. Naturally, you cannot discount the international community's hatred for the Jewish state coupled now with our own junta's antipathy, and Israel has to defend itself with more than just one hand tied behind its back.

Fact: "Palestine" and "Palestinians" are a fictitious country and people cooked up by the KGB in the early 60s. The Jewish/Israeli connection to the Holy Land goes back thousands of years in recorded, documented actual history.

Reality: the world for the most part sees just the opposite. Lots of parallels between this situation and what we have here in the former United States vis a vis the rewriting of our own history by Marxists, but that's for another time, yet worthy of pondering.

I can't really comment on the mindset and machinations of Israel's leaders and its people. I can only comment as a more than casually interested observer. But from my perspective this cannot go on. For that all-too-brief four year period, President Trump understood with absolute clarity who were the good guys and who were the bad. The results spoke for itself in the Abraham Accords and with Iran on the ropes. As for Israel, short of Rachel Corrie-ing Gaza into the Mediterranean, this crap is going to happen again. More missiles, more terror tunnels and so on. Let's face it; if you step on a snake's tail, it's only going to turn around and bite you. You have to cut off its head. And that's Tehran.

Iran is gambling that with Trump gone and with Obama/Jarret/Soros/Ayers speaking through Biden like Pazuzu speaking through Linda Blair, and the Chi-Coms and Russians set to move into the Middle East without much opposition save for a bit of stray pea soup and a nod-and-a-wink protest, they can build A-bombs to their Turkish delight. They are also gambling that Trump was the glue that held the Abraham Accords together. Trump or no Trump, Iran's neighbors across the Gulf are bitter enemies, culturally and geo-politically. The last thing the Saudis and the Emiratis want is a nuked-up Iran. We'll see if Iran just bet the house and lost. That said, if Israel, the KSA and UAE struck Iran, things could get real interesting real fast.

Meanwhile, in the psycho ward comprising our own nightmare here in the land of the freebie and the home of the depraved, we the people of We The People are besieged on all sides from a feral junta and its acolytes and followers. This Merrick Garland cancer is morphing into the bastard child of Tomas Torquemada and Roland Freisler. From the estimable Robert Spencer:

It could be worse: he could be on the Supreme Court. But as attorney general, Merrick Garland can do as much damage or more to our fragile and besieged republic than he could if Barack Obama had succeeded in placing him on the high court. A revealing piece in Yahoo News by "journalist" Alexander Nazaryan Wednesday revealed not only Garland's frankly troubling agenda, but also how the establishment media runs interference and sells that program to a largely unsuspecting American public.

Garland, according to Nazaryan, "told Congress on Wednesday that violence incited by white supremacists poses 'the most dangerous threat to our democracy.' That assertion reflects near-universal consensus among national security experts, including those who worked for the Trump administration."

Yeah, just like those seventeen intelligence agencies that had come to a consensus that Russia had hacked the 2016 presidential election. In both cases, they had a consensus, they just didn't have any evidence...

...The realities bear restating: the January 6 Capitol riot was not an insurrection. The protesters were unarmed. There was no plan to overthrow the government, no ringleader, no actual incitement or call to violence from Trump. Nothing. And aside from that, they have to go back to Oklahoma City, Waco, and Ruby Ridge, all of which took place over two decades ago, which in itself demonstrates that they don't have any recent incidents of "white supremacist terrorism" to invoke. The Proud Boys are not white supremacists. They aren't terrorists, either; if they had been responsible for any actual terrorist act, you can be sure Alexander Nazaryan would have mentioned it.

Meanwhile, there has been the Boston Marathon jihad attack, and the Orlando and Fort Hood and San Bernardino jihad massacres, and numerous others that have gotten little or no media attention, and no demonstration of concern from Merrick Garland...

...This is deception and deflection at the highest level of government. The agenda of Garland and his colleagues is obvious and insidious: they're going to find those white supremacist terrorists, and they're going to prosecute and destroy them. If they don't find any white supremacists in sufficient numbers, they will claim that law-abiding conservatives are white supremacists, and defame and destroy them accordingly. Garland's spurious assessment of the domestic terror threat must be seen against the backdrop of the left's increasingly common habit of referring to virtually anyone who opposes the hard-left, socialist agenda of Biden's handlers and the establishment media as a white supremacist. This isn't just a smear. It's a smear with a definite purpose, and is heading us straight to the persecution of dissidents. That would be us.

Unlike the so-called mythical "Palestinians," white supremacists actually did exist at one time. They were known as the Armed Militant Wing of the Democrat Party, the Ku Klux Klan. That aside, as per my emphasis above, Spencer's warning is dead on. It's one thing to listen to Democrats spout the usual crap and political attacks on their opponents, but this guy's tone and temperament are chilling. He is a true believer. Even if he isn't, we are at a point where losing is no longer merely politics as usual. This is life and death. For us as individuals and for whatever the hell this nation is or will be going forward. All the marbles.

Almost as an aside, this is a quote from a woman Katie Hopkins spoke with when she visited the Villages in Florida:

"You know what, girl? I am 80. I have lived a great life, and I am doing what the hell I please with who I want, and I really couldn't care less what anyone thinks. I don't owe anyone anything and I have nothing to prove. I am as free as I can be."

I almost wept when I read what that woman said. Sounds like what Ronald Reagan referred to when he warned us "one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

Have a nice weekend.

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Posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:21 AM Comments

Daily Tech News 14 May 2021

—Pixy Misa

Top Story

Anime of the day isn't an anime at all: Wakfu is a French cartoon animated in Adobe Flash to market an online game. The thing is, it's about seventeen thousand percent better than you'd expect from that description. This one just came out of nowhere.

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Posted by Pixy Misa at 04:05 AM Comments

If This Is The ONT, It Must Be Frid...Wait, Thursday? I'm Confused


Good evening Horde. I leaving on vacation today, this will probably be posted from somewhere close to the Alabama/Mississippi border. Tomorrow you will be getting a guest ONT. Never fear, however, because I will be giving you your weekly dose of memes and merriment tonight instead of tomorrow! I think that calls for a celebration. How about cake? I'm not a huge cake fan, but this could get me to change my mind real quick.

Steak Cake.jpg

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Posted by WeirdDave at 10:00 PM Comments

Quarantine Cafe: Lady Cop Thinks She's TJ Hooker Or Something Edition


Mickey Rourke discovered Law & Order: SVU during lockdown -- after it's been on tv for like 20 years-- and you can say he's kind of a fanboi.

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Posted by Ace at 07:33 PM Comments

Quick Hits: Biden's Dying Brain Is Nearly Dead Edition


I believe he's trying to say here -- of course reading a line someone else wrote for him, and which he has never seen before this press conference -- something about needing to be either "vaxxed or masked."

It's quite an adventure.

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Posted by Ace at 06:24 PM Comments

Parent Blasts Critical Race Theory as Tool of Nazis and the KKK at Loundoun, VA School Board Meeting


Straight fire. It makes it 5% more effective that she's black, but it was already effective without that.

"LOOK AT ME," she demands, as a member of the Marxist school board looks away. Probably to check The Bulwark's twitter feed.

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Posted by Ace at 05:10 PM Comments

Biden, Who Ran Largely on Claims That Trump Was a Puppet of Putin Due to Not Opposing Russia Stridently Enough, Refuses to Comment on Whether He Told Pipeline Company to Pay Off Russian Hackers


These hackers are possibly under the direct control of Putin, and, at the very least, are tolerated by Putin only so long as they attack targets Putin approves of.

This was essentially a Russian state-sponsored hacking/ransom attack.

Russian criminals, acting under orders of the Russian government or with that tacit permission of the Russian government -- and probably trained by Russia, too! -- shut down a major artery of fuel and demanded a five million dollar ransom.

Biden refused to say earlier if they should or should not pay the ransom, describing this Russian state sponsored or tolerated attack as a "private matter" between Colonial Pipeline and the state-empowered hackers of Russia.

Colonial Pipeline paid the ransom in Bitcoin.

And Biden now refuses to comment on whether he told Colonial Pipeline to just pay Putin's pawns, which means, of course, he did just that.

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Posted by Ace at 04:06 PM Comments

Nasty Toadlike Griftess Liz Cheney Says She Might Run for President Donation Money in 2024


True Conservative in the house, yo!

When pressed by host Savannah Guthrie on whether she would run for president, Cheney said, "I'm gonna do everything that I can. Both to make sure that that never happens, but also to make sure that the Republican Party gets back to substance and policy."

"Right now, I am very focused on making sure that our party becomes again a party that stands for truth and stands for fundamental principles that are conservative and mostly stands for the Constitution," Cheney added when further pressed. "And I won't let a former president or anybody else unravel the democracy. Whatever it takes."

Gee I wonder if she's burning up the phone lines chatting with Bill Kristol and the Lincoln Project and their Democrat donors.

I don't wonder that. I know she is.

Bonchie on The Endless Fake Conservative Grift Machine:

Cheney is in trouble, and she knows it. Thus, she's left grifting off anti-Republican partisans who are rushing to her aide when they would have called her a war criminal two years ago. Cheney isn't dumb. She knows she's got no shot as a presidential candidate, much less in a Republican primary. Heck, she's probably not even going to win re-election in Wyoming unless she shuts up and takes the spotlight off herself, something she seems loathe to do.

What Cheney does know is that by becoming a martyr, there's money and air time to be gained. Why else run to NBC News, a network that quite literally exists at this point to destroy the Republican Party? Why use The Washington Post to leak damaging information about her own caucus? Cheney knows what she's doing, and she's trying to set herself up for prominence once the electorate gets its say about her actions.

In other words, Cheney has shifted on a dime from a conservative, party leader to mimicking Adam Kinzinger, and I think that's clearly a function of her circumstance. Martyrdom brings back-slaps from the Washington cock-tail crowd and even perhaps a way for her to keep her Congressional seat if she can position herself as Lisa Murkowski did after she lost her primary.

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Posted by Ace at 03:06 PM Comments

Ron DeathSantis: I'll Sign a Blanket Clemency For Anyone Being Charged with Mask-Crimes by Local Karen Governments


Quick point, first of all: I'm going to join the leftist lunatics in calling him "DeathSantis" because I like to think of him as murdering them and killing their dreams.

Second point: Some might analogize the state government-local government relationship to the federal government-state government relationship, and think that there is some kind of "federalism" problem here, with the state overriding local government.

There's not. The Constitution creates a federal scheme in which the federal government has some powers, and the rest belong to the states.

There is no such competition of sovereigns between state government and local government. All powers that a state has are entrusted to the state government. The only reason local governments have power is because the state government has voluntarily devolved some of it power to them.

And it could take that away if it wanted.

DeathSantis says he will use his own power to simply grant pardons to anyone being hassled over mask mandates and other lockdown violations, because fuck those Karens.

Florida business owners Mike and Jillian Carnevale joined "The Ingraham Angle" Wednesday after being arrested multiple times for not enforcing a mask mandate. Gov. Ron DeSantis also joined the show to grant the couple clemency.

RON DESANTIS: It's a total overreach, Laura. This is exactly what we ordered against last summer many, many months ago, and so I was actually just recently briefed on this case, and we looked at it and so I'm glad you have Mike and Jillian on, and I'm also glad to be on to be able to say that effective tomorrow morning, I'm going to sign a reprieve under my constitutional authority. So that will delay the case for 60 days against both of them, and then when our clemency board meets in the coming weeks, we'll issue pardons not only for Mike and Jillian, but for any Floridian that may have outstanding infractions for things like masks and social distancing.


The fact is it's not even right to be wearing masks when you're exercising. The World Health Organization advises against it. It's not healthy for people to be doing that in the first place, so it was a bad restriction, but these things with health should be advisory, they should not be punitive, and so we are happy to use our constitutional authority. I think they've been treated poorly and fortunately, they got a governor that cares.

This is the man.

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Posted by Ace at 01:47 PM Comments

Fauci Committed Perjury In His Congressional Testimony. Here Are the Citations.


Lock. Him. Up.

Good roadmap by Scott Hounsell for the eventual charging documents a Republican AG will put together for Fauci's prosecution.

He analyzes several of Fauci's lies. Here's the rundown on just one:

Claim: Dr. Baric does not do gain-of-function research, but if he does, it's in North Carolina, not in China.

Note that Fauci denied that adding the function of capacity to infect humans was not "gain-of-function" research, which is almost certainly a lie based on technical definitions and common sense.

Though he might have added, with his own hand, some special exemption claiming that giving a virus the capacity to infect humans was not gain-of-function, to avoid a government moratorium on this research.

Remember, he himself authorized the "exemption loophole" that allowed taxpayer money to fund the Wuhan lab from 2014 to 2019, after Obama banned the use of taxpayer money to fund this kind of research generally. Fauci authorized a "national security" exemption to keep the money flowing to Wuhan.

Who knows what else he might have claimed in that exemption-- perhaps, redefining what "gain-of-function" is.

It's indisputable that Dr. Baric does gain-of-function research, and that the NIH has paid him to perform such research. In 2004 Dr. Baric began work on a five-year NIH grant researching SARS reverse genetics. The research specifically states that "the goal of this application is to establish genetic control over the SARS genome and provide uniform reagents that will be used by other groups throughout the country." While not specifically gain-of-function, it certainly discusses genetic control of a viral pathogen.

In 2013 NIH awarded Dr. Baric a $10 million grant to study "the pathogenic activity of viruses including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), Ebola, highly pathogenic influenza and herpesvirus HHV8." Dr. Baric put that money to work and in 2015, it was announced that his research had led to the development of "SARS 2.0."

Since Dr. Baric is affiliated with UNC-Chapel Hill, yes, his research is done in North Carolina. However, as Sen. Paul asserted, Baric has partnered with Dr. Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (yes, that's in China) to conduct NIH-funded gain-of-function research on SARS and MERS viruses.

In June 2015 Baric and Shi published results of NIH-funded research into the mutations necessary for the bat-to-human transmission of MERS coronavirus. They found that when viral protein spikes mutated, humans could become infected with MERS-CoV. In other words, this is the exact research that would be necessary for a lab to synthesize a virus that would infect humans.

A few months later, in November 2015, the duo published the results of separate NIH-funded research which led to the discovery of a new SARS coronavirus, a chimera, they used gain-of-function techniques to create. That research was allowed to go forward even though the US government had issued a moratorium on gain-of-function research on the viruses that cause influenza, SARS, and MERS in October 2014. According to a VICE article on the research (emphasis added):

"The strain grew equally well to SARS in human cells," Dr. Ralph Baric, a professor of epidemiology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and the lead author of the study, told Motherboard. "It resisted all vaccines and immunotherapy, too."

According to Baric, the risk of "gain-of-function" research is worth it. The findings could provide a way to create vaccines and immunotherapy treatments before the next epidemic strikes. Because we have identified both SARS and SHC014-CoV, it's now possible to develop vaccines that could target those viruses and the viruses that share commonalities between them. In other words, the new findings may help develop vaccines for many more strains of infectious diseases even though we haven't identified them yet.

It seems that everyone in the industry calls this type of research "gain-of-function," except Fauci, who specifically denies it's gain-of-function when giving Congressional testimony.

But Fauci lies a lot. Remember when masks provided no benefit to people? Remember he then admitted he lied about that so that grubby civilians wouldn't buy up masks?

It's startling that with the amount of easily obtainable evidence to the contrary, Dr. Fauci sat there with a straight face and claimed that Baric doesn't do gain-of-function research, or that if he did it's not done in China. Furthermore, to accept Fauci's statements would be accepting that Baric, who is indisputably conducting NIH-funded gain-of-function research, did not share any of that research with or fund any research of, Zhengli or the WIV, despite the fact that we know they conducted a great deal of this research together. At the very minimum, NIH Funded research was shared with and enhanced the abilities of Zhengli and the WIV.

Another lie, of course, is Fauch's very Clintonesque "It depends on what the definition of 'is' is" lie, when he answered a question about whether he had ever funded the Wuhan lab to say he's not currently funding this lab.

Of course he was funding it, via an exemption loophole he wrote himself -- until Trump ordered that stopped in April 2020.

Incredible. Incredible.

On the plus side, this perjurious criminal scumbag has now decreed that you may take off your mask outside if you're vaccinated.

So there's that.

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Posted by Ace at 12:38 PM Comments

The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition



The Wuhan Flu hysteria gave those who seek power over us a golden opportunity to exercise it, consolidate, grow it...but to what end?

As usual, George Orwell had the answer:

The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.
Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.
It is abundantly clear that those who seek to control every part of our world have no altruistic motives; no vision of a better world; no template for the perfectibility of man. They get what they want -- power over us -- and that is the goal.

But what have we lost? What is the opportunity cost of shutting down an economy; killing many thousands of the vulnerable aged; isolating our children from their friends; wearing masks everywhere in public, and a thousand other degradations of our lives?

The insult to our freedom and liberty is self evident, but there are other losses. We will have a generation of children who have lost more than a year of their intellectual and social development. Just imagine a toddler and his boundless curiosity...absorbing everything available...but not being able to play with his friends at recess and being unable to watch people as they speak, and having an imaginary wall placed between him and human contact. That will retard his ability to communicate, and color his interactions with the world. Is it temporary? Who knows?

And that same toddler and his older siblings missed out on the simple but wonderful pleasures of sitting next to their grandparents and sharing a bit of candy and silly faces and napping on the couch.

But what about those kids' parents? Perhaps a year of income lost, never to be regained. That means a decrease in their standard of living, and economic opportunities that can never be recovered. Extrapolate that a bit and you will discover inventions that were never tested by the market, businesses that were never begun, and businesses that failed that could have been wildly successful.

That means cars never purchased and houses never built and families never started and charities never funded and friends never made and the loss of all those interactions that are the backbone of economies and societies.

But the real answer is that we will never know what has been lost; all we know is that we have lost more than a year of our lives; sacrificed on the altar of power.

Posted by CBD at 11:00 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Art Thread


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The Poor Poet
Carl Spitzweg

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report - 5/13/21 [J.J. Sefton]

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning kids. Thursday and while Israel is committing the heinous crime against humanity of defending itself from missile attacks from Gaza and an Arab pogrom from within, here's a blast from the past, pun intended. Specifically last August:

At least 73 people are reported dead and thousands more are injured following a massive explosion Tuesday that rocked Beirut's port.

The blasts sent a mushroom cloud high into the sky above the Lebanese capital, leveling much of the city's port area, damaging some buildings and blowing out windows in others, officials said.

Preliminary assessments suggest the explosion was a tragic accident -- but authorities have not ruled out the possibility that it was a planned attack, according to Fox News.

The explosions come just days before a United Nations verdict is due on four alleged Hezbollah members accused of killing former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri in 2005, Fox News reported.

The blasts also took place in the port area, which is controlled by the Shia Islamic movement, the outlet said.

When the dust had settled...

The explosion that devastated large parts of Beirut and killed more than 190 people was one of the largest non-nuclear blasts in history -- about 1/20th the size of the atomic bomb that leveled Hiroshima in World Word II, according to a report.

Experts at the UK's Sheffield University found that the size of the blast at the port -- which unleashed a huge shockwave throughout the Lebanese capital -- was the equivalent of between 500 and 1,100 tons of TNT, the BBC reported.

"Beirut's certainly the most powerful non-nuclear explosion of the 21st century," said Sam Rigby of Sheffield's Blast and Impact Engineering Research Group...

No doubt the subhuman savages of Hezbollah would have not taken kindly had the UN officially implicated them in Hariri's death. But an explosion of this magnitude could not have been related to that. Lebanon, which is essentially Gaza with marginally better PR, is for all intents and purposes the front line border between Iran and Israel, with the former using those puppet states as fire bases from which to attack the latter. It is more than likely that the rockets now raining down on Israel were either manufactured in Iran or, given Israel's successful efforts at interdicting arms shipments via the sea, manufactured in Gaza or Lebanon. I think Lebanon has or had factories that would have used the materials that leveled Beirut's harbor last August to build rockets that would have rained down on Israel from the north.

By the way, a Hamas leader himself stated unequivocally he bought the weapons from Iran with Iranian money. And Iranian money ultimately means American money... from pallets of cash. Thanks, Obama!!!

Not that Israel is so big that a barrage from Gaza cannot reach virtually everywhere. But double the missiles from two directions might very well have overwhelmed Israel's so far successful Iron Dome missile defenses with catastrophic results. Hamas is acting at the behest of Iran. This is an attack by Iran on Israel. They are testing them and really the Biden junta to see what its response will be. Finally after a two-day lid, Biden was given his monkey glands and crystal meth cocktail to call for "restraint on both sides," i.e. blame the damned Jooz for not agreeing to shut up and get in the gas chamber.

On that note, while I was frankly shocked, and pleasantly so, by NYC mayoral candidate Andrew "Out the Ying" Yang's unequivocal support for Israel, I'm even more surprised at his surprise by the reaction from his own party:

New York City mayoral candidate and former Democrat presidential candidate Andrew Yang backtracked Wednesday after he tweeted earlier in the week to support Israel as it continues to be bombarded by rockets fired by Palestinian terrorists... .

..But "progressive" Democrats attacked Yang, calling him. "white supremacist" and urging New Yorkers to oppose him. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) even encouraged Muslims not to host him at communal religious celebrations.

On Wednesday, in the face of criticism from anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian activists in his own party, Yang backed down... ..."Support of a people does not make one blind to the pain and suffering of others," Yang wrote. "Again, most everyone simply wants to be able to live and pray in peace."

Well, that was quick. I've seen more backbone from an overcooked lo mein noodle. Seriously, can Andrew Yang or any Democrat for that matter be so completely clueless as to not know that their party long ago ditched Bobby Kennedy in favor of Sirhan-Sirhan?! Yang is not even old enough to remember a time when the Democrat Party was ostensibly pro-Israel in order to maintain its Jewish voting bloc. In fact, hatred of Israel and by extension observant Jews in general is stock in trade of much of the braindead younger generation and sadly far too many elders that ought to know better and abandoned their faith for the church of Marxist-Leninism. Clueless and spineless is no way to go through life, Andrew. But it does help in trying to climb the ranks of the Democrats. So, Yang goes "Kohm."

World's going to hell and I do Trek references. Look if you don't laugh, you cry, right? Anyway, even as nuclear war could break out in the Middle East and the Kalorama Caliphs pulling President Joe Aqualung's strings are hell bent on destroying our economy, there are little rays of hope out there. Such as the parent in Loudon County who just went off on the school board for Critical Master-Race Theory and the growing rejection of the lockdown garbage in Tennessee (as cited) and elsewhere. The open letter from retired military brass while pitch perfect is way too little and way too late. Nice to dream that they have several divisions behind them, but considering what's been done to the DoD, I'm not going to count on that.


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Posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:17 AM Comments

Daily Tech News 13 May 2021

—Pixy Misa

Top Story

Anime of the day is Gunsmith Cats from 1995. We only ever got three episodes of this, which is a crying shame because those three episodes were really good, and there's a ton of source material - the original manga ran to about 1500 pages.

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Posted by Pixy Misa at 03:35 AM Comments

Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (5/12/21)

—Misanthropic Humanitarian

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The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

"Between this Emergency Connectivity Fund Program and the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, we are investing more than $10 billion in American students and households," Jessica Rosenworcel, acting chairwoman of the FCC

Quote II

Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't. Erica Jong

Quote III

“We remain an independent organization that can chart its own course, even as we remain in New York to confront our adversaries. The NRA will keep fighting, as we’ve done for over 150 years.” NRA President Wayne LaPierre

Quote IV

More and more, it looks like this doddering fool will probably get us into a war and then never get out of his official presidential seal pajamas to see how it’s going. Stephen Kruiser

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:31 PM Comments

Quarantine Cafe: Cat Music Critic Edition



Abused pit bull hates men, but learns to love his new dad.

Kittens think this other kitten, who just happens to be slightly larger than they are, is their mommy.

Rescue pit bull helps autistic boy start opening up and talking.

Hold me back, hold me back!

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Posted by Ace at 07:15 PM Comments

Unexpectedly, Inflation Soars


You mean dropping in trillions upon trillions of phantom dollars into the economy while paying people to not produce services and goods will cause prices to rise?

Inflation is soaring in the United States and at a higher rate than analysts predicted. In April 2021, the consumer price index saw a 4.3 percent jump, the fastest increase since 2008.

"Inflation accelerated at its fastest pace in more than 12 years for April as the U.S. economic recovery kicked into gear and energy prices jumped higher, the Labor Department reported Wednesday. The Consumer Price Index, which measures a basket of goods as well as energy and housing costs, rose 4.2% from a year ago, compared to the Dow Jones estimate for a 3.6% increase. The monthly gain was 0.8%, against the expected 0.2%," CNBC reports. "Excluding volatile food and energy prices, the core CPI increased 3% from the same period in 2020 and 0.9% on a monthly basis. The respective estimates were 2.3% and 0.3%."

I saw a joke headline somewhere that read, "Biden to Spend Two Trillion Dollars to Discover What Causes Inflation."

It's funny. It's funny and it's true.

Look at this gorgeously Weimarian, Venezualianish spike in prices:

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Posted by Ace at 06:10 PM Comments

Quick Hits: Steven Colbert Rises to Oliver-Willis-Levels of Comedic Brilliance Edition


De-center cisgenderism!


Caitlyn Jenner, ne' Bruce, admits that he did vote in the 2020 election, after initially dodging the question of whether he voted for Trump -- apparently dishonestly -- by claiming he didn't vote at all and golfed instead. He now says he voted in purely local races.

That doesn't square with the "I golfed instead of voting" cover story.

Wokies have the Twitter Sadz that Tim Tebow did well at his tryout and is back in the league, but the lazy gutless quitter Colin Kaepernick tanked his own tryout (possibly deliberately) and is not in the league.

Leaked: a 97 item "White Privilege" checklist distributed by the YWCA and co-sponsored by Disney.

LOL: Meggie Mac thinks her "job" of appearing on tv and babbling ignorantly is super-hrrrd, you guys.

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Posted by Ace at 04:52 PM Comments

Nearly Half of All Women are Failing the Army's Physical Fitness Test


While men pass it easily.

Someone should clue these women in that sex is just a construct and personal choice and that they can bang out 100 push-ups, easy, if they just decide that they're men.

More than seven months after the official launch of the Army Combat Fitness Test, or ACFT, nearly half of female soldiers are still falling short, with enlisted women struggling the most, has learned. The data again raises questions about whether the Army's attempt to create a fitter force is creating more barriers to success for women.

Internal Army figures from April show 44% of women failed the ACFT, compared to 7% of men since Oct. 1. "Female soldiers continue to lag male soldier scores in all events," according to a United States Army Forces Command briefing obtained by

In the below ad to recruit more women into the Army, the Army makes it a primary selling point that the Army welcomes lesbians into its ranks.

Psst, Army: I think the word's already out on that one. I don't think you have to spend money to let lesbians know that.

Maybe you should also make ads letting lesbians know that the WNBA welcomes them, too!

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Posted by Ace at 04:01 PM Comments

The Supposedly-Independent Media Allows the Biden White House to Edit the Quotes They Give Them Before Publication


The media is simply a very expensive communications shop for the Democrat Party.

The only people who aren't aware of this are NeverTrumpers. Even leftwingers know the media has been fully institutionally captured by the left.

It's only NeverTrumpers who credulously believe every single anonymous-"sources" hit-piece on conservatives the media contrives.

According to a Politico report Monday, the White House communications team is editing quotations from Biden administration officials, demanding interviews be performed on "background with quote approval."

Five reporters who cover the White House spoke with Politico, and the outlet confirmed it has "participated in such arrangements too." The above terminology means interview material can be used by reporters but the reporter's transcription must be either approved, vetoed, or edited.


Those who spoke with the outlet said it was commonplace during the Barack Obama administration and used by the Donald Trump administration too. For instance, David Remnick of The New Yorker was forced by the Obama White House in a profile of his to “quietly” receive quote approval, according to Gawker. Michael Lewis likewise was involved in such an arrangement for Vanity Fair profile in 2012.

Politico noted that the Trump White House used the practice less frequently.

Oh, the media didn't extend the same service to Trump? I'll bet you any amount of dollars that the few people granted the edit-your-quotes-fluffer-service were internal saboteurs offering anti-Trump quotes.

Update: I've meant to mention this for weeks -- USAToday published an Op-Ed by Stacy Abrams in which she urged corporations to punish Georgia for its election-protection law.

When this became unpopular, they allowed Abrams to self-stealth-edit her article and remove the support for corporations boycotting Georgia.

Then PolitiFact rated claims that she promoted boycotts against her own state as "false" -- based entirely on the op-ed which she had edited to remove her prior statement of support for boycotts!

USAToday still has not accounted for this.

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Posted by Ace at 03:00 PM Comments

100 "Republicans" -- Most of Whom are Retired and Left the Party to Join the Democrats Years or Decades Ago -- Threaten to Leave the Republican Party Again Unless It Adopts Their Trump Derangement Agenda


We've all been forced to note the NeverTrumpers' constant flouncing and re-flouncing from the party.

They're forever announcing "This time, that's it, I'm done with the party!"

But they keep announcing this and keep expecting us to forget they already publicly announced their departure from the party six or seven times.

This time, though, they're serious.

"Republicans" like Christie Todd Whitman (literally who?), "Republicans" who have been voting for Democrats at least as far back as Obama, say they'll form a third party if we do not remake the party into the northeastern upper middle class liberal party they remember from the 70s.

Backers of the reform group include former Republican Governors Tom Ridge, Christine Todd Whitman, George W. Bush-era Transportation Secretary Mary Peters and former House members Charlie Dent, Barbara Comstock, Reid Ribble and Mickey Edwards.

I only recognize three names there -- Whitman, Ridge, and Republican-turned-Democrat Charlie Dent.

Lot of Bushies on this list. Weird, huh?

They may face an uphill battle in getting any current Republican officeholders to sign on - including Cheney herself, who in February rejected the idea of a third party, saying it would empower Democrats.

Yes, the people who have been voting Democrat for a decade are really bothered by the idea of empowering the Democrat Party.

A spokesman for Trump, Jason Miller, said: "These losers left the Republican Party when they voted for Joe Biden."

Evan McMullin, a former chief policy director for the House Republican Conference and an independent presidential candidate in 2016, said if the Republican Party does not reject lies and extremism, part of it "will have no choice but to part ways with it and build something new. We're excited about that prospect."

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Gee I hope that Megan McCain doesn't leave too!

Don't believe it though-- these losers (and that is the right word, blunt as it is) only retain some slight, trivial relevance by being The Republicans That Can Reliably Be Expected to Deliver Anti-Republican Quotes to the Media and the DNC Whenever They're Called.

So even though they announce they're no longer republicans every year or so, they'll continue pretending they're Republicans when the media needs a John Dean style "Republican" to pad out an anti-conservative hit piece.

Posted by Ace at 01:48 PM Comments

Neocon Liz Cheney Ousted From Leadership; Vows That She Will Use All Of Her Remaining Power, Which Is Very Very Little, to Insure Trump Never Wins the Presidency for a Third Time


She's going to use all of the power that a single congressman out of 435, who has been repudiated by her party, has.

Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya.

"I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again gets anywhere near the Oval Office," Cheney said. "We have seen the danger that he continues to provoke with his language. We have seen his lack of commitment and dedication to the Constitution, and I think it’s very important that we make sure whomever we elect, is somebody who will be faithful to the Constitution."

Trump praised the news of Cheney's ouster.

"Liz Cheney is a bitter, horrible human being," he said in a statement. "I watched her yesterday and realized how bad she is for the Republican Party. She has no personality or anything good having to do with politics or our Country. She is a talking point for Democrats, whether that means the Border, the gas lines, inflation, or destroying our economy. She is a warmonger whose family stupidly pushed us into the never-ending Middle East Disaster, draining our wealth and depleting our Great Military, the worst decision in our Country's history. I look forward to soon watching her as a Paid Contributor on CNN or MSDNC!"

Lauren Boebert puts it simply: "We are not going back."

No matter how many times NeverTrump and the liberal wing sabotages us, no matter how elections they throw to the Democrats, no matter how many factional games they play to try to crawl their way back into power: We are not going back.

Either accept the new reality of the GOP or make your semi-covert membership in the Democrat Party overt.

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Posted by Ace at 12:19 PM Comments

Morning Rant - Special Guest Ranter [Weasel]

—Open Blogger

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I have been a Republican all of my life, beginning with my very first vote for Ronald Reagan in 1980. I have voted Republican in every election since then, including the recent election of 2020. I have never once voted for a Democrat for any office, ever, and have no plans to do so, ever. I am completely convinced Donald J. Trump won the election, which was then stolen by the Democrats with help from the media and by members of the GOP. Why do I include the GOP? Because even if they were not involved outright in the theft, so many did so little to support President Trump during his term. I have never been more certain of anything in my life. Will I bother voting again? I haven't decided.

As a good little republican voter for all these years, I have also often contributed monetarily to campaigns; mostly locally, but also sometimes for candidates in areas other than where I lived. These were generally not large amounts; $100 or $200 usually, but I did what I felt I could do and when I felt it would help the cause. That stopped after the 2020 election. In the maddening hours and days that followed, I watched in dismay as the most fundamental element of our republic, free and fair elections, was destroyed forever with impunity, and simultaneously fully realized what a complete sucker I have been all along.

I believed that my vote and my contributions made some small difference, and although recognizing bad apples exist in any group, still believed the Republican Party and it's members best represented my view of how things should be done. In retrospect none of what happened over the last few years should have come as a surprise. Politicians and political parties care about one thing and one thing only, and that's the next election. It's not even about power, as the republicans so vigorously demonstrate in their unwillingness to stand up and fight for what are supposedly their core values. They simply want to maintain the highly lucrative status quo, and if that's as the minority party, so be it. They sure as hell do not care about you and me. Are there individual exceptions? Of course, but a handful at best.

So I've for damn sure stopped making any sort of contributions, and no longer really even consider myself a Republican. The punch line? Today I received an invitation from the Republican National Committee Chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, to become a Life Member of the Party. For a $1,000 contribution, of course.


AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List Please submit any prayer requests to me, "Annie's Stew" at (apaslo atsign hotmail dot com).

Prayer Requests:
3/31 - Roxxee requests prayers for her daughter. She was on our prayer list at Christmastime, as she was in a deep psychosis then, but she did get treatment and was improving. Now she is backsliding again and has quit her job (which will cause her to lose her insurance). She will not listen to her doctors or Roxxee, and as she is an adult, there is nothing they can do. Roxxee requests prayers for her daughter to realize that her life is spinning out of control and she needs help, and for strength and peace for herself as she tries to cope.

4/5 - Captain Whitebread asks for prayers of healing for his sister, who has been diagnosed with diastolic heart failure, and prayers for strength for her and those who depend on her: her Mom (who is retired), her adult son (who is autistic and cannot work), her grand-niece who she is raising.

5/4 - Annie's Stew thanks God for a healthy baby girl for a sweet young family she knows, and successful treatment (so far) of brain cancer for the new dad.

For Healing:
4/3 - My life is insanity asks for prayers for peace of mind and healing for her sister, who just learned that her breast cancer from 6 years ago has spread to her spine. She has a small tumor at the base of her neck and a fracture in her lower back. She is waiting on a treatment plan and is unsure at this time what that will bring.
5/3 Update - Her sister sends her thanks for everyone's prayers, and this medical update. They no longer see a tumor on her neck, but there is a spot on her spine, and they have determined it is a reoccurrence of her breast cancer that has spread to the bone. They also see spots on her ribs and pelvic bones. She has had a vertebroplasty, but it hasn't helped the pain. She will soon be undergoing radiation and drugs for women with metastatic breast cancer.

4/12 - Slapweasel requests prayers for Jonathan the Bear, for his upcoming surgery, and for strength and recovery.

4/27 - Grannysaurus Rex requests prayers for healing for Michael as he undergoes experimental treatment to clean his blood in preparation for a liver transplant. His entire body is failing from an infection caused by exposure to mold. The procedure has only a 30% success rate, but it is his only chance. Please pray for wisdom for his medical team and for his family, especially his 4-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son, that God's grace surrounds and comforts them.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com
If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after five weeks or so unless we receive an update.

Romans 8:26-27
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God.

Posted by Open Blogger at 11:00 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Art Thread


van Gogh clogs.jpg

A Pair of Leather Clogs
Vincent van Gogh

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report - 5/12/21 [J.J. Sefton]

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning kids. Wednesday and look what happens when you steal an election and install the most toxic combination of evil and incompetence this nation - no longer the United States of America - has ever had to endure. Beyond our own borders, the ones that haven't been erased yet, where we are rapidly becoming a totalitarian Orwellian nightmare, the world is coming apart at the seams. Once again, it's the perpetual hotspot of the Middle East that's erupting.

Not only is the State of Israel under a barrage of rocket attacks across its length and breadth, its own Arab citizenry have joined the so-called mythical "Palestinians" in attacking Jews and torching synagogues in a country where they are citizens. While there is no doubt that much if not all of this has been orchestrated and directed from Tehran, it is revelatory nonetheless of the Muslim mindset. This would not have happened had Trump not been overthrown last November.

Israel now faces probably its most serious crisis since perhaps 1973 or even 1948 when it declared statehood. You could go so far as to call it an existential one if you start looking at the chess board and the potential moves. The situation is made that much more serious since the current junta occupying DC and the political party behind it is openly hostile, to say the least, against the Jewish state. In a sane, rational world, the IDF should not even hesitate to bulldoze Gaza into the Mediterranean, with due apologies to the marine ecosystem for befouling the waters with waste more toxic than plutonium. Then there's the rather ticklish problem of dealing with a large chunk of your own citizenry who are committing acts of violent insurrection and terrorism against their own neighbors. Gee, doesn't this sound familiar.

Psaki-Psircling back, what this is is Iran both retaliating for Soleimani getting whacked and the recent Jewish lightning strike on Natanz, as well as more crucially testing the strength of the Abraham Accords. The question is, were Israel to pulverize Gaza, as would be well within its right to do, now that Trump is out of the picture would that action fracture the ties between Israel, the UAE, Bahrain and the other signatories, as well as imperil the Saudis and others from joining? One thing that the Accords revealed was that there was no love lost between the signatories and the "Palestinians." But, you have to believe that any action, legitimate as it obviously would be, taken against Arab Israelis by the Netanyahu government might rip up those accords faster than Malig-Nancy Pelosi with Trump's SOTU speech.

Iran, of course, is the key to all of this. It's gambling Israel's actions will destroy the Abraham Accords and further alienate the former United States and the rest of the world. But what if Israel realizes this, as it of course does, and instead of pounding Gaza pounds Tehran? Or Fordow, Bushehr or some other nuke site? Then there are the Chi-Coms and Russians to deal with since they have both cozied up to the Farsis since Trump was illegally removed from office.

This is what is known in the trade as a "situation." In other words, Ho Lee Fook.

Meanwhile back over in this little corner of the planet, the totalitarian nature of the junta in power is in direct proportion to its incompetence. Look on the bright side; with gasoline prices skyrocketing thanks to a sabotaged pipeline (I would not put it past this junta to have caused the shutdown in order to declare another "crisis" as pretext to implement the abolition of fossil fuels), at least BLaM-tifa won't have materials for Molotov cocktails. Not that there's much of any city left to burn that wasn't torched since last year. In that vein, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman for whom I have the utmost respect and admiration penned an editorial in the NY Post that just so completely misses the mark that it's shocking, to me anyway:

In the end, because of such protracted tribal tensions, Somalia collapsed into civil war. Every attempt at mediation proved incapable of handling the deep-seated mistrust and hatred that accumulated by each clan over the years; tribal elders, reluctant to compromise, could not de-escalate the situation. With such high levels of distrust, the conflict spiraled into bloodshed.

While such violence has yet to seize America, all the tribalist ingredients are present. There is a blind commitment to one party or the other; emotions are running high; there is a lack of trust in civic institutions. If such tribalism isn't overcome, it's only a matter of time before the situation escalates...

...We are, I fear, close to the precipice of serious destabilization. Many American cities are either militarized (Washington, DC), near a social boiling point (Minneapolis), or have capitulated to anarchist protests and pressures (Portland, Seattle). These tribal quirks run deep on both sides of the aisle. Many Republicans continue to dispute the legitimacy of the result of the last presidential election; while on the left, the woke are eroding the Democratic Party from the inside, as identity politics displace universalist aspirations. Some citizens are viewed as part of oppressive groups, some as part of oppressed groups. A person's individual actions can generally do little to change the immutable characteristics of the tribe to which they belong.

Emphasis mine. Ms. Ali, with all due respect, RUFKM? First, the evidence, both circumstantial and solid, is so overwhelming and massive that the only conclusion one can draw was that the 2020 election was compromised in the run-up and then stolen outright on the night of. That's just for starters. The thing that sends me into a rage-stroke is accepting the premise that there is any moral equivalency between American-Americans (my new hyphenated minority group) and the Left. This is as ludicrous as claiming equivalency between you and the head-choppers and clit-clippers in Somalia (and Minnesota) that had no problem forcing you into a life of brutality and misery that you decided, at the risk of your own life, to flee.

This is not a state of civil war where Bele and Lokai are throttling each other on the bridge of the Enterprise. We have an illegitimate tyranny attempting to establish permanent control over a majority of citizens via the use of the power of the state coupled with the raw power of sanctioned street thuggery and violence. That's what happened in dozens of urban areas across the former USA last year. It's moral equivalents would be Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Nazi Germany and in the streets of Lod in Israel. For you, after all you have seen and lived (barely) through, with death threats and fatwas still on your head, to write this drivel about moral equivalency and clans is beyond tone deaf. It's shameful.

Continue reading

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:21 AM Comments

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