It has the fine touch of Softaculous auto installer that is able to install more than 439 apps with one click, we hope it would be appreciated with our not so experienced users and in general will make vesta even simpler to use and to build a web site.
To get latest version you just need to get to "Updates" tab and update vesta core package to release 22. It is completely safe and will perform update automatically. Enjoy latest vesta!
low resources and still runs blazing fastVesta uses latest and greatest versions and depending on avaiable system resources it delivers optimized configuration for Low/Medium/High RAM server types.
You can always inspect the code and make sure it's backdoor free and has no spying modules.
Open source means you can modify the code yourself if you need to. Or hire a freelancer that works with vestacp, there are plenty of them already.
And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make
أي الشعراء أشعر
translated to Arabic by orwahВсе туй копнение в духът все туй скиталчество из път на който не съзирам края.
translated to Bulgarian by Kronz and loderxs ledine zelene, ranjen, gledao u vječna nebesa.
translated to Bosnian by rumi4accTloukl jsem na štěstí brány, jako jiní na ně tlukou
translated to Czech by Sergey SorokoletovDet gamle Træ, o lad det staa Indtil det døer af Ælde
translated to Danish by Michal SkogemannEs ziehen die brausenden Wellen Wohl nach dem Stran
translated to German by Nevil VerdooldΗλιος ο πρώτος, παραλλαγές πάνω σε μιαν αχτίδα
translated to Greek by CemendurHora tras hora, día tras día, entre el cielo y la tierra
translated to Spanish by Omar Gonzalez, Maksim Usmanov, huloza, Estratos Consulting and Manuel ValleLes oiseaux intermittents Les champs toujours là en fac
translated to French by nhowayMent a Fő utcán az alkonyatban, hegyek ballagtak balján, kísérték,
translated to Hungarian by Kovács Ákos and Kőrösi ZoltánRinduku terbang Menembus penyap bayang
translated to Indonesian by azuyaSempre caro mi fu quest'ermo colle, E questa siepe, che da tanta parte
translated to Italian by abio Cagliero古池 / 蛙飛び込む / 水の音
translated to Japanese by Flatmzeo tibatvisa, mzeo tibatvisa locvad muxlmoq’rili graals ševedrebi.
translated to Georgian by David MachakhelidzeNu tak for alt, ifra vi var små og legte sammen i skog og lage'
translated to Norwegian by HelgeSverreO Zé Pereira chegou de caravela E preguntou pro guarani da mata virgem
translated to Brazilian Portuguese by Diego HernandesNem os dias longos me separam da tua imagem
translated to Portuguese by Diego HernandesUtal skicklighet men med förmåga lyfter du mig ur ledsnaden
translated to Swedish by E.C. WestgrenВи знаєте, як липа шелестить У місячні весняні ночі?
translated to Ukrainian by COLOBOCman and Alexandr LoskutovHôm nay trời nhẹ lên cao
translated to Vietnamese by Phuong Nguyen오늘이 오늘이소서 매일이 오늘이소서
translated to Korean by Hoto-Cocoaوہ اک گلدستہ ہے ہم بے خودوں کے طاق نسیاں کا .. ....
translated to Urdu by darkworksช่อฟ้าก็เฟื้อยกลจะฟัดดลฟากทิฆัมพร
translated to Thai by thatphon05Sama vrba stoji nad morem na steni
translated to Serbian by dpecaLoad Average | |
Memory | |
Bandwidth | |
Exim | |
MySQL | |
FTP | |
CPU | |
DISK | |
WEB | |
DNS | |
DB |
Out of the box you have powerful backup system integrated
No data will be lostAll core functionality listed above is free.
We only sell additional comfort, that you can fully operate without.