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Helsinki: Action of solidarity with the actions of the parents of the arrested russian antifascists was held on

October 28, 2018 in Helsinki in front of the Russian Embassy. 10 people took part in the action, mostly anti-fascists and anarchists from Russia and some activists from Finland.

There were banners and posters in English, Russian and Finnish languages: “FSB is the main terrorist!”, “Freedom to Russian anti-fascists”, “Freedom to political prisoners”, “Solidarity has no borders, our hearts are with you!”.  Slogans were chanted in Russian and English: “Stop repressions of the police”, “Freedom for imprisoned anti-fascists”, “FSB is the main terrorist”, “Freedom for political prisoners”,“Freedom for anarchist prisoners,” “Putin, ski, Magadan,” “Putin, your hands are in blood,” and others. 

The action was held without any incidents

Anarchist Black Cross Helsinki 

Anti-fascist initiative "Comrades Network"



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