Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology

Upcoming Events

Thematic Group Event: Teaching and Learning in Criminology, 2 June 2021
Teaching criminology in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand: Challenges, innovations and future directions

This one-day symposium will bring together key stakeholders invested in the teaching of criminology across higher education settings in Australia and Aotearoa. Building on the success of the ANZSOC Teaching and Learning thematic group 2-day seminar in 2020, this symposium will set an agenda for the discipline of criminology in the context of the tertiary education sector facing significant upheaval. The symposium will also function as a foundation for establishing a new research project investigating the role and significance of criminology as a discipline in universities in Australia and Aotearoa. More information to follow!

Dr Kate Burns
Dr Rachel Loney-Howes
Dr Mary Iliadis
Dr Mark Wood

Thematic Groups Workshops, 15-16 July 2021
Organised Crime and Networks Workshop;
Cybercrime and Digital Criminology Workshop;

Flinders University and The University of Adelaide partnered with ANZSOC in coordinating and hosting the workshops, scheduled for 15-16 July 2021. The workshops are a joint endeavour of the ANZSOC Illicit Networks Thematic Group. Please follow the links above to submit an abstract for one or both of the workshops by 30th April 2021.

Public Lecture: Policing the Harmscapes of the Anthropocene at the Monash Conference Centre, Collins Street Melbourne Victoria.

Professor Clifford Shearing will speak about his recent ground-breaking research on policing and climate change to an audience of academics, practitioners and members of the public.
This event has been postponed to 2021.

The social side of cybersafety, University of Queensland

This event would focus on raising awareness of the role of the social sciences in understanding and addressing emerging problems in the field of cybercrime. Key to this event is the human element: cybercrime is all too often thought of as mostly a technical or IT issue. Yet, people are the perpetrators and victims, each with their own knowledges, perceptions, motivations, and abilities that impact on both offending and victimization. By taking an interactive approach the event will highlight the human and social components of cybercrime, and the benefits of approaching the problem from a social science perspective. It will aim to show participants that cybersecurity and cybersafety are issues that we all can contribute to, no matter the level of technical know-how.
This event has been postponed until further notice. 

Innovations in Criminology Teaching and Learning Workshop

The study of criminology within higher education has grown significantly in recent times, producing large numbers of graduates. Australian criminology students have varied career
trajectories which include government organisation, private companies, non-governmental organisations/third sector employers and academia. 
However, how are Criminology teaching staff tackling increased student numbers, varied career trajectories of graduates and different expectations of students? Are we are providing graduates with the skills to tackle the most pressing criminological issues?Are students still engaged in class? Can we utilise new technologies in our teaching? This workshop aims to bring together a variety of Criminology scholars for a workshop to discuss the latest innovations in teaching Criminology. The workshop will involve short presentations or current teaching and learning research and an opportunity for feedback, questions and collaboration. The event will result in an edited collection addressing innovations in teaching and learning in Australia.

Postgraduates and Early Career Researchers will be particularly encouraged to contribute to the workshop. Where possible, more experienced scholars will be matched up with
PGs/ECRs to collaborate and advise on possible chapters for the edited collection.

More information to follow!

Swinburne University of Technology
Hawthorn VIC
Contact person:

2021 ANZSOC conference

The 2021 ANZSOC conference is hosted by the criminology group at Griffith University. The conference these is “Justice in Dialogue – Enduring Harms and Emerging Challenges”. The conference will be held at the Gold Coast 8-10 December 2021, with the Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Conference held 7 December. 

A call for abstracts will be sent out shortly. For any enquiries related to the conference please contact the conference Secretariat at

Dr Keiran Hardy, Dr Li Eriksson, Dr William Wood
2021 ANZSOC Conference Co-Chairs

Past Events

2020 ANZSOC Conference cancelled

It is with regret we advise the 2020 ANZSOC Conference, scheduled to take place on the Gold Coast 8 – 10 December has been cancelled.

This has been a very difficult decision for ANZSOC and the Local Organising Committee to take, however given the circumstances related to COVID-19, we feel this to be the most responsible course of action. It is our hope that by making an early decision, the level of inconvenience to participants will be minimalised.

The criminology group at Griffith University have committed to hosting an ANZSOC conference on the Gold Coast in 2021 at a similar time (early December 2021) but the format that conference will take will be reconsidered later this year by the Local Organising Committee, in consultation with the ANZSOC Committee of Management. It may be that the conference needs to be scaled back or reformulated in some way to take into consideration the capacity of universities and other employers to support participation at the conference.

Further information about the 2021 conference will be distributed soon.

We thank you for your understanding and look forward to connecting with you at the 2021 conference.

For any enquiries related to the conference please contact 

Melbourne Criminology is running the Barry Lecture as an online event on Thursday, 18 March 2021 at 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm.
The theme is Abolition on Indigenous Land: Alternative Futures and Criminology’s Role. 
Details are available here 
Events (

Virtual Research Student Workshop, 10 December 2020

Workshop Convenors: Dr Russell Brewer and Associate Professor Anastasia Powell

The ANZSOC Virtual Research Student workshop was held on December 10, 2020, jointly hosted by the Cybercrime and Digital Criminology thematic group and the Policing thematic group. The event brought together over 35 HDR and honours students, established academics, and practitioners from around Australia. The event was held both in person (at event hubs at the University of Adelaide and Queensland University of Technology) and online. This hybrid online event provided participants an opportunity to informally share their research in a supportive academic environment, as well as network with other like-minded students, either face to face or via Zoom ‘speed’ networking rounds.

The workshop involved seven stimulating thematic panels, with presentations made by 27 research students, exploring such areas as digital extremism, cyberbulling and discrimination; gendered digital violence; online fraud and deception; policing and carceral justice; regulation and justice, innovative theories and methods. Students also benefitted from a robust research leaders’ panel discussion, with panellists Sarah Napier (Australian Institute of Criminology), Shane McKenzie (Victoria Police), Tully O’Neil (RMIT University), Russell Brewer (University of Adelaide) and Anastasia Powell (RMIT University) sharing their insights on academic career development, publishing, digital research ethics, responding to the Covid pandemic in adapting research methods, as well as research careers outside of the traditional academic pathway.

What to know more about the presentations (including slides)? Check out the Virtual Student Research Hub located here:

Interested in joining one or both of the thematic groups? For more information please contact: 
Cybercrime & Digital Criminology thematic group:
Policing Thematic Group:

Caption for photo: Adelaide Criminology honours student Jacqueline Ford presents her work exploring the geospatial distribution of cybercrime.

Social Sciences Week online panel and Q&A session, Thursday 10 September 2020 (10-11.30 am).

Video link:

Members of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Children and Young People in the Criminal Justice System Thematic Group bring you this panel session exploring the way the ‘child offender’ has been constructed and understood throughout history and within systems. As a mythical concept the ‘child offender’ is at once something we ‘know’ or recognise, but it’s also an abstract concept that can reduce the ‘child’ to just negative connotations such as lawbreaker or criminal. Myths can present us with shorthand versions of things we take for granted, or can’t explain, or both. As Barthes writes (1957/2009, p.170) “myth acts economically: it abolishes the complexity of human acts, it gives them the simplicity of essences, … things appear to mean something by themselves.” The panel will unpack the concept & construction of the ‘child offender’ both as a ‘reference story with ‘capacity to reveal an underlying truth’’, and a falsehood (i.e. as a legal construct). 

Dr Shelley Turner (Monash University), Dr Emma Colvin (Charles Sturt University), Dr Faith Gordon (Monash University)

Panel Members: Dr Diana Johns (the University of Melbourne), Robyn Oxley (Western Sydney University), Dr Susan Baidawi (Monash University)

Social Sciences Week Digital Justice Event – Emerging Technologies, Methods & Research, 11 September 2020 (9 – 2.30 pm).

This ‘digital justice’ event unites HDR students and early, mid and senior career researchers. Emerging technologies, research and methodologies will be explored. The workshop will facilitate networking and future projects through its structure and online delivery, which is especially important in the current climate and cancellation of conferences. Knowledge-sharing is built into the outputs for the event: reports and podcasts with participants and attendees more broadly (other academics, advocates and practitioners). A personal zoom link will be sent to each attendees email, upon registration. Places in the event are limited.

30 year Anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: Protecting and Advancing the Rights of Children ‘in conflict with the Law’ in Victoria, 20 November 2019

As the international community shines a spotlight on children’s rights in November 2019 marking the 30-year anniversary of the United Nations Convention in the Rights of the Child (CRC), it is an opportune time for advocates, practitioners, academics and decision-makers in Australia to come together to reflect on the concerns raised by the UN Committee in 2012, the Royal Commission (2017), the recent UNICEF (2018) Children’s Report, as well as the Youth Justice Review and Strategy: Meeting needs and reducing offending, conducted by Penny Armytage and Professor James Ogloff (2017). Significantly, this event will review the status of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child after 30 years, with specific focus on the treatment of children in conflict with the law in Victoria.  It will utilise the anniversary of the UNCRC as an opportunity to call upon decision-makers and practitioners to develop strategies based on the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child principles and to commit to protecting advancing these rights for children when they come into conflict with the law.  The event takes place at an important time, with Victoria’s First Minister for Youth Justice prioritising youth justice system reforms.  The panel includes members of the NGO sector; the Children’s Court of Victoria; Children’s Rights, Social Work and Criminology academics; policymakers.  It will be a key opportunity for development of strategies for, and a commitment to advancing the rights of children in conflict with the law, based on the UNCRC principles; re-launching of the Youth Justice Network (established by Dr. Faith Gordon in London in 2016) and establishing its presence in Melbourne; networking opportunities particularly for ANZSOC members, NGOs, policymakers, practitioners and youth justice researchers.  The organizer plans to propose a special thematic ANZSOC group in Youth Justice.

Youth Justice Network, Monash University
Location: Wheeler Centre Melbourne
Contact person: Dr Faith Gordon, 


2019 ANZSOC Conference, 10-13 December 2019, Perth Australia

Young people and difference symposium, 5 December 2019

Difference is central to our lives. As young people develop their own identity, difference is at the core of their physical and digital experience of the world. Awareness, acceptance or persecution of differences shape identity development and young people’s sense of place in the world. Difference can have a profound influence on a young person’s friendships, family and community as well as their mental health and experiences of employment, leisure, education, housing, the legal system and social services. 
 The Griffith Criminology Institute and yourtown  are proud to present this interdisciplinary symposium to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Since the Convention was adopted great progress has been made, yet enduring vulnerabilities and disadvantage remain, often linked to characteristics of individual or group difference such as race, gender, ability, class, sexuality and religious beliefs. 
 At this symposium, attendees will explore what difference means for young people in the twenty-first century. A mix of keynote speakers and panellists will draw on their own professional and lived experiences to share insights on how difference impacts young people’s lives and how we – service providers, educators, academics, community leaders and advocates – can contribute positively to their life outcomes and opportunities. Attendees will hear from a diversity of young people, researchers, policy makers, practitioners and advocates across five themed panels: 

Panel 1: Difference introduced (Facilitated by young people) 
Panel 2. Difference in Justice 
Panel 3. Difference in Employment 
Panel 4. Difference in Education 
Panel 5: Difference in Global Perspectives 

Attendees will also have the opportunity to help choose seven key policy, research, or service delivery challenges related to young people and difference. We will work together at the symposium to seek solutions to these seven challenges. Discussions from across the day will be documented and published for wide distribution. Attendees will be encouraged to take what they learn from the day and apply it to their own practice and organisations.

Date: 5 December 2019
Time:  9.00 am – 5.00 pm 

Webb Centre Function Centre, Room 7.07, Level 7, Building S02
Griffith University South Bank Campus
226 Grey St, South Brisbane 4101, QLD

11.00 am – 5.00 pm
Ship Inn Function Centre, Level 2
Cnr Sidon and Stanley St
South Brisbane 4101, QLD

Contact person: Kathryn Seymour, 


Why should we trust you? Thinking through the role of evidence in making difficult decisions, 10 September 2019 6.15 pm – 7.30 pm

In an era of fake news, alternative facts, and opinion being conflated with expertise in the interests of maintaining ‘balance’, the need for evidence has never been more important. Despite this urgency, it is often challenged, contested, and – when competing political demands intervene – used selectively or ignored altogether. How did we get into the position where evidence has lost the capacity to help deal with society’s intractable problems? And what are some of the ways out of this dilemma?

In this conversation, two prominent criminologists will unpack: what constitutes evidence with ‘integrity’, its various dependencies, and where its legitimacy comes from. With backgrounds in corporate and white-collar crime and forensic psychology, they will draw on recent research to explore what these considerations mean for decision-making both within, and beyond, their particular domains of expertise.

This event is being held in partnership with ANZSOC as part of Social Sciences Week Australia.

When: Tuesday 10 September, 6.15 pm – 7.30 pm
Where: The Forum Theatre, Room 153
Level 1, Arts West Building
The University of Melbourne

Public Trust in Social Media, 10 September 2019 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm

As part of Social Sciences Week, Monash University and ANZSOC are hosting a public event on Tues Sept 10 from 5:30PM in the Melbourne CBD. It’s on ‘public trust in social media’ and features a panel by a few of our members on a topic that we hope will be of interest to you and your networks. 
Please register and join us, and also distribute far and wide – your students (undergrads and postgrads), colleagues, friends – we invite anyone who thinks about or uses social media to join us. There will be drinks and snacks too!!

Human Trafficking and Forced Marriage in South Australia Forum, 12 September 2019

This one-day forum offers an opportunity for addressing knowledge and experience on human trafficking and modern-day slavery in South Australia (SA) with particular emphasis on forced marriage.
The event is organised by Flinders University with the help of Red Cross and Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH).
This will be the first ever event in this field organised in Adelaide that is open to a diverse cohort of participants. 
Flinders University, South Australia
12 September 2019
Contact person:
Registrations close 2nd September 2019 and only 100 seats available, book early! Tickets can be purchased here:
Post event
The forum was attended by 85 people throughout the day with the last session having around 70-75 people. Attendees were from Government agencies, not-for-profit organisations and also private companies. 
The event was covered by the InDaily and the Advertiser and an Marinella Marmo gave an ABC interview. The event was received fantastic feedback and many requests to offer this forum as an annual event. There is a lot of interest to connect and discuss.


Rural Crime in Australia, 9 September 2019

The majority of Australian criminological scholarship is focused on crime and criminal justice in urban settings; however, rural criminology is an important and growing area of work highlighting the unique issues surrounding crime, disorder, and criminal justice in non-urban settings. This half-day symposium will bring the perspectives of researchers, law enforcement, and community members together in a dialogue about rural crime, policing and disorder. Specifically, three speakers, representing academic, industry and community perspectives respectively, will examine the ways in which locational factors, particular to rural and regional settings, impact upon crime and policing in rural communities. 

Dr Alistair Harkness will present a key-note address on his work on rural crime in the Australian context. This will be followed by an industry focused talk given by Inspector Cameron Whiteside, co-ordinator of the NSW Rural Crime Police Force. Finally, a community representative (to be determined) will conclude the discussion.

We will encourage attendance from academics, undergraduate, honours and postgraduate students. Moreover, in addition to the wider academic community, industry professionals working on issues related to crime and disorder in rural and regional contexts in Australia, as well as community members will be invited to attend the event. The presentations will be followed by an opportunity for a roundtable discussion over morning/afternoon tea where presenters, academics, industry professionals, students and the community can network and discuss current issues in rural crime.

University of New England/Centre for Rural Criminology
Armidale NSW

This event was held during the Social Sciences Week, 9-15 September 2019
Approximately 70 people were in attendance.
View Media on the event:
Armidale Express
NBN news