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Cambridge Analytica – the disbanded data analytics company that allegedly used its software to create and disseminate hateful and inciting messages – in relation to Trump and Brexit, the company also played a nefarious role disseminating fake news in Africa.  In Nigeria, it tried to influence the 2015 election

This article is more than two years old.

Misinformation is rife, but it’s nothing new, writes Nanjala Nyabola.

Photo from the relaunch issue of New Internationalist

This article is almost three years old.

It's finally here. Issue 515, the relaunch magazine, has officially landed!

The front cover of New Internationalist’s redesigned September magazine

This article is almost three years old.

The making of #NI515: why we went for Tim Hetherington’s portrait from Liberia as the relaunch cover for the redesigned...

Lawyers are drafting a legal definition of ecocide which could lead to prosecutions at the International Criminal Court....

Michael Fakhri, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, has a bold vision for a trade system that...

Having blocked proposals from Global South countries to suspend intellectual property on Covid-19 vaccines, the UK is now on...

andy carter illustration

Hazel Healy imagines an end to cheap meat.

Faustina, a street vendor in Accra, Ghana, has a steady stream of customers each day. She pays daily, monthly, and annual tolls to the Accra Metropolitan Assembly in order to carry out her work.  Women like Faustina constitute about 70 per cent of the union's membership, and vendors of vegetables, grains, legumes, fish, and other related items like utensils, charcoal, and provisions are well represented.  Jonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment 

Small farmers, social movements and human rights are being elbowed out, says Kirtana Chandrasekaran.

Nilanjana Bhowmick on the double whammy of natural disaster and Covid-19 that has brought a vulnerable...

Hadiya, in the red dress, appears at the Supreme Court in New Delhi to defend her marriage to her Muslim husband Shafin in one of India’s alleged ‘love jihad’ cases. Vipin Kumar/Hindustan Times via Getty

Laxmi Murthy reports on the theory of ‘love jihad’ that is sweeping across India.

Art is essential to building a better future, writes Nanjala Nyabola.

Not green, in fact: The Petra Nova CSS facility (pictured above) captured carbon from a coal plant in Texas, US... and used the CO2 to boost production at the West Ranch oil field, via a 130-kilometre pipeline. REUTERS/TRISH BADGER

Danny Chivers weighs up the evidence on carbon-capture technologies and finds them wanting.

The abandoned remains of a forklift overgrown with trees, next to a destroyed beachfront house in Futaba, Fukushima. Credit: C.E.J. Simons.Credit: C.E.J. Simons.

Ten years on from the devastating nuclear disaster, citizens are working together to show that nuclear power and fossil...

While the UN calls for international aid to avert famine in Yemen, the UK slashes its contribution. Sam Perlo-...

Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini (bottom, centre, in white top) with women peacemakers from conflict zones from around the world at ICAN's 2018 Annual Forum in Sri Lanka. Credit: ICAN

Women in war zones are the best peace-makers, yet they rarely get a place at negotiation tables dominated by men. Iranian...

Malawi Citizens’ Assembly member Daudi Amidu, a merchant trader, dances alongside fellow participants as they take a pause from considering ways to improve local spending rules in Salima South, Lake Malawi. MADALITSO BANDA/ALL HANDS ON

A kickstart for a habitable future. Claire Mellier and Rich Wilson make the case for ...


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