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The Canberra Times


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The Canberra Times - part of Federal Capital Press of Australia, a wholly owned subsidiary of Rural Press Pty Limited trading as Australian Community Media (ACM) - adheres to the Australian Press Council's standards of practice for print and digital publishers.

Those standards of practice can be found here.

Anyone who believes we may have breached those standards is welcome to first contact The Canberra Times via email on or by calling (02) 6280 2122.

You are also encouraged to contact Canberra Times editorial management directly through those same channels if you believe an error of fact, impression, interpretation, omission or otherwise has been published in a story, and warrants being rectified.

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You can also make complaints to the Australian Press Council via email on or by calling (02) 9261 1930. Details about the Press Council's standards of practice - comprising statements of general principles and privacy principles as well as specific standards (plus advisory guidelines) - are available from

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Further information about the Press Council's complaints-handling process and formal adjudication system can also be found at

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You can find the complete code of ethics here. A step-by-step guide to the MEAA's complaints process associated with the code can also be accessed through

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