Wednesday, May 19 2010 Two-for-one in the South Hebron Hills – Agricultural Accompaniment and solidarity with Ezra Nawi

Every Saturday we go to the South Hebron Hills to accompany Palestinian shepherds and farmers, in solidarity with their struggle against the harassment of the army and the settlers in the area.

But this time our aim is double: as many of you know, human rights activist Ezra Nawi’s appeal was rejected by the District Court and he was “convicted” with helping Palestinians in Umm-al-Kheer, in the South Hebron Hills. Ezra stood in the way of a bulldozer enroute to destroy the tin shacks most residents of the village call home;

on Sunday May 23 Ezra will begin serving the sentence as ordered by the court.

The ruling, according to the judge, is meant to “deter” people from committing acts like Ezra’s.

So join Ta’ayush this Saturday May 22 to say unequivocally “NO” to occupation and oppression, and “YES” to justice a la Ezra Nawi.

The day’s program includes:

Assistance to Palestinian farmers in the harvest

A farewell and support picnic in tribute to Ezra. You are most welcome to bring food and drinks. However, in consideration of Palestinian sensitivities please avoid alcoholic drinks.

Afterwards, we will continue to Hebron, where we will demonstrate along with our Palestinian partners protesting to takeover of their city by the army and the settlers (for those interested, there will also be a possibility to return to Jerusalem after the picnic)

Please bring a hat and water and don’t forget to dress modestly (no shorts or sleeveless shirts).

For details and registration: Sara 054-6543955 or
