20 ways to get more wins

Prospecting wins. Listing wins. Sales wins. Here are just some of the ways we’re helping you get them all.


More insights, more buyers

Our Market Insights cover 13 million properties across Australia, helping you win more listings. They can also help you advise your vendors on current market conditions and recommend the best marketing campaign, to help close the sale faster.

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More of what you need


More ways to connect,
more ways to sell

The world is a little bit different now. That’s why we’ve added different ways to reach buyers, plan inspections and conduct auctions, online and offline – like private inspections and virtual tours.

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More time back in your day


Efficient weekend inspections, more time back Monday morning

We help you send inspection activity to your vendor in real time using Homepass, giving you your Monday morning back.

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More ways to help you get more done on the go

No office, no problem. Manage your daily tasks, communicate with your team and access vendor marketing resources on any device using Domain for Agents.

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More wins to celebrate


Less window-shoppers, more high-intent buyers

With Good Match via Domain for Agents, we’ll help connect you with buyers actively looking for their next home, and will help you sort those who are ready to buy from those just researching.

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Ready for more wins this Spring?

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Source: 1. Residential listings only sourced via internal Domain data. Uplift compares views per listing for Platinum Subscription sale listings to Basic Subscription sale listings. Data is an average from the last 12 months ending Mar 20. 2. Domain app audience who do not use the realestate.com.au property app, iOS and Android average, App Annie, Apr 19 – Mar 20. *emmaCMV™ conducted by Ipsos Australia, People 14+ for the 12 months ending Mar 20, P14+ Nielsen Digital Panel data calibrated to Digital Content Ratings Mar 20. Total Domain Print (Domain in The Age, SMH & AFR, Prestige (AFR), Domain Review & allhomes.com.au in The Canberra Times) & Digital (Domain & allhomes).
Photos by Marek Levák, Kelly Sikkema and Brooke Cagle on Unsplash.