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Politicians and business leaders want to see migration numbers increase next year.

Migration dependence exposes flaws in growth myths

Reopening Australia to skilled migrants is being touted as a key plank in our recovery. But with wages stagnating, is it not time to confront assumptions about the program?


Research has found instant rice contains up to 13 milligrams of microplastics per 100g.

Health concerns after researchers find microplastics in instant rice

Researchers have found all rice bought in stores contains microplastics but instant packet rice contains the most, leading to calls for more regulation.

  • by Stuart Layt
The Howard Springs quarantine facility in Darwin.

Darwin is turning into the Morrison government’s dumping ground

“Out of sight, out of mind” suits a government that seems slow to act in the best interests of the seriously vulnerable.

  • by Stephanie Dowrick


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