Publish and curate

Tell great stories with Tweets

We provide a suite of tools to integrate Twitter content and features in your websites and apps. Use our publisher tools to engage your audience with great stories from Twitter, and build with our platform to grow your business.

Display Tweets

Engage your users with live content from Twitter

When something happens in the world, it happens on Twitter. Our display tools for web allow you to bring Twitter's live content into your product, direct from the source. Use our tools to embed Tweets in your stories and articles. Configure timelines to automatically display live updates from trends, people, and places right in your app.

Relevant products

Twitter for Websites
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oEmbed API
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Publish to Twitter

Reach your audience on Twitter

Twitter is the best way to engage your audience, and for your audience to share your work with the world. Use Twitter APIs and publisher tools to integrate Tweeting into your CMS, schedule Tweets and manage media. Use Cards to bring the content and media right on your website into the Twitter timeline.

Relevant products

Status Update API
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Media Studio
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Accelerated Mobile Pages
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Twitter Analytics
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Supporting case studies


    CBS News

Discover and curate content

Find and organize the best Tweets

From billions of Tweets, Twitter provides tools and APIs to help you find the right content for telling the best stories to your audience. From international publishing powerhouses breaking news where it happens, to aggregating the collective wisdom of your event attendees, to gathering the feedback of your app's users after a new update, Twitter is a flexible, diverse flow of information. The publisher platform includes tools to make sense of it all, whatever your field.

Discover and filter content using TweetDeck and the Search API, then organize and curate sources and Tweets using lists and collections.

Relevant products

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Collections API
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Ready to build your solution?

Embed Twitter content on the web.

Find and organize Tweets.