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‘Silly’ or a secret wellness weapon? Your brain on memes

‘Silly’ or a secret wellness weapon? Your brain on memes

This last year has been the toughest some people have ever experienced. But an unlikely ally - the humble meme - has boosted so many.

  • by Samantha Selinger-Morris


Why we feel anxious in the morning – and what to do about it

Why we feel anxious in the morning – and what to do about it

Some mental health experts describe 7am as “stress o’clock” as work-related anxiety – brought on by the pandemic – continues to be an issue for many Australians.

  • by Samantha Selinger-Morris
The thrill of the game: Why are people drawn into conspiracy theories?

The thrill of the game: Why are people drawn into conspiracy theories?

Conspiracy theories have become a mental contagion, fuelled by social media and weaponised by celebrities and politicians. More interesting, however, is how individuals get pulled into their thrall.

  • by Frank Robson
It’s a thin line between madness and sanity in psych-ward drama Wakefield

It’s a thin line between madness and sanity in psych-ward drama Wakefield

This eight-piece series is a wildly ambitious attempt to grapple with the challenges, the humour and the pain of mental health, and it mostly succeeds.

  • by Karl Quinn
Talking about consent is not enough

Talking about consent is not enough

Knowledge about consent is necessary but not sufficient, for preventing sexual assault.

  • by Ahona Guha
Why positive quotes have plenty of negatives

Why positive quotes have plenty of negatives

It’s time to stand up to the onslaught of inspirational quotes.

  • by Tim Elliott
Shun sleep for a better self – the secrets of the ‘5.30 Club’

Shun sleep for a better self – the secrets of the ‘5.30 Club’

While most of us are trying to snatch some final minutes of sleep, an ambitious group of larks are catching up to propel their side hustles and personal projects.

  • by Kimberly Gillan
You’re not a monster. There’s a reason you want to squeeze cute things

You’re not a monster. There’s a reason you want to squeeze cute things

Ever felt the urge to eat your kitten’s tiny paws or squish its face close to yours? What’s happening is a phenomenon called ‘cute aggression.’

  • by Caroline Zielinski
Sharing our pain isn't self-pity. It's about making each other feel less alone

Sharing our pain isn't self-pity. It's about making each other feel less alone

In revealing her miscarriage, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, reminded us of the gift in sharing our suffering.

  • by Samantha Selinger-Morris
I started jogging again after eight years – it's been life-changing

I started jogging again after eight years – it's been life-changing

My exercise regimen fell off a cliff once my original motivation for long-distance running disappeared. The fix was surprisingly easy.

  • by Samantha Selinger-Morris
Spot the Melburnian: How months of lockdown will change our behaviour

Spot the Melburnian: How months of lockdown will change our behaviour

Psychologists say Melbourne's extended lockdown could have a lasting impact on some people’s behaviours and relationships.

  • by Chloe Booker