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Restaurant industry facing critical shortage of chefs, managers and sommeliers

Restaurant industry facing critical shortage of chefs, managers and sommeliers

Leading hospitality industry figures warn the sector’s recovery is at risk without access to a foreign workforce.

  • by Rob Harris


Border closure to cost country 174,000 new migrants

Border closure to cost country 174,000 new migrants

The budget reveals the government now expects permanent migrants and international students to begin gradually returning from mid 2022, a year later than it forecast in October’s budget.

  • by Shane Wright and Lisa Visentin
Asylum seekers face ‘interview of their lives’ as caseload blitz launched

Asylum seekers face ‘interview of their lives’ as caseload blitz launched

Asylum seekers have been given two weeks to prepare for interviews for temporary protection visas in a process that refugee advocates say compromises fairness and denies justice.

  • by Tammy Mills
Vets to be fast-tracked into Australia as puppy boom and border closures bite

Vets to be fast-tracked into Australia as puppy boom and border closures bite

The Australian Veterinary Association says at least 800 more vets are urgently needed to address an acute shortage.

  • by Michael Koziol
The race card just doesn’t stack up in Australia

The race card just doesn’t stack up in Australia

Indians are Australia’s second-largest overseas-born community. If he wants to get re-elected, Prime Minister Scott Morrison better hope that the 720,000 migrants have short memories.

  • by George Megalogenis
Huge problem: Immigrants are not taking our jobs

Huge problem: Immigrants are not taking our jobs

Like most anti-immigrant rhetoric, ‘they took our jobs’ is high on fear but low on fact.

  • by Jan Fran
Our closed borders have turbo-charged the economy’s recovery

Our closed borders have turbo-charged the economy’s recovery

The economy’s rebound from the lockdowns of last year has been truly remarkable – far better than anyone dared to hope. Even so, it’s not quite as miraculous as it looks.

  • by Ross Gittins
More job, course cuts tipped for Victorian universities

More job, course cuts tipped for Victorian universities

Victorian universities are braced for even bigger financial hits this year and more pain again in 2022.

  • by Madeleine Heffernan
Separated from their families, Indian Australians are feeling the pain

Separated from their families, Indian Australians are feeling the pain

The Australian government has an opportunity to win the hearts and minds of its constituency in a time of utter crisis for many.

  • by Rana Hussain
Biden backtracks on refugees, raises six-month limit to 62,500

Biden backtracks on refugees, raises six-month limit to 62,500

The action comes two weeks after Biden announced he was leaving Trump’s limit of 15,000 refugees in place contrary to his campaign promise.

  • by Michael D. Shear and Zolan Kanno-Youngs
More than 100 migrants feared dead after boat capsizes off Libya

More than 100 migrants feared dead after boat capsizes off Libya

The boat was one of three reported in distress in the short stretch of sea between Africa and Europe.

  • by Marta Pascual Juanola