Inside the scandal that rocked New York’s rarefied art world

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Inside the scandal that rocked New York’s rarefied art world

By Kylie Northover

Made You Look: A True Story About Fake Art ★★★★

This fascinating story of the largest art fraud in American history is no heist-style crime, but a long-game deception involving New York’s oldest and most prestigious art gallery, experts, collectors so wealthy it is hard to feel a great deal of sympathy, and a Chinese maths teacher. It’s a cracker of a story and Canadian director Barry Avrich – himself an arts philanthropist – recounts the scandal in a quietly playful tone.

The con began in 1994 when a woman visited Knoedler & Co, the kind of gallery that routinely deals in multimillion-dollar sales, with a painting and an intriguing story.

Glafira Rosales was not Knoedler director Ann Freedman’s usual customer – she had an unusual, but not necessarily unprecedented story. She told Freedman (a New York arts world doyenne) she was selling the painting for a wealthy friend who had acquired several works from an art patron.

The work was an “undiscovered” Rothko painting, which even Rothko scholar David Anfam – one of several experts Freedman consulted – declared “beautiful” and a genuine Rothko. (Although Anfam would later testify he had never seen the work.)

One of the fake Rothko paintings in the documentary <i>Made you Look: A True Story About Fake Art</i>.

One of the fake Rothko paintings in the documentary Made you Look: A True Story About Fake Art.

It sold at auction for $US5.5 million ($A7.1 million).

Over the next 14 years, Rosales brought in more works purportedly from the same source by some of abstract expressionism’s biggest names. Among the 60 she sold to Freedman were undocumented paintings by Jackson Pollock, Robert Motherwell and Richard Diebenkorn. And while Rosales’ story about the mysterious owner would vary over the years, Freedman kept buying the works.

Freedman’s innocence, which she maintains to this day, certainly seems questionable, but the forgeries did dupe multiple high-profile art experts, collectors and even the chairman of Sotheby’s, Domenico De Sole, who forked out more than $8 million for a fake Rothko. You can imagine how bad that looked.

So where had Rosales been procuring these works? It transpired they’d been knocked up by Chinese artist Pei-Shen Qian, a talented painter who had spent years copying the techniques of some of the world’s biggest artists.


Qian, who once painted portraits of Chairman Mao for schools and workplaces in China, came to the US in the 1980s and worked as a maths teacher after his art career failed. He was “discovered” painting on street corners by Jose Carlos Bergantinos Diaz, the boyfriend of Rosales. Bergantinos Diaz and Rosales recruited Qian to create the works, which Diaz would “age” by using old canvases from flea markets and supplying Qian with old paint.

It wasn’t until 2011 (and sales of more than $80 million) that the deception was uncovered, when an alleged Jackson Pollock, which had sold for $17 million, was declared a fake after forensic tests found that the yellow paint in the work had not been commercially available until 1970, 14 years after Pollock’s death. Things quickly unravelled for the gallery, and the outraged De Soles – interviewed in the doco, and still outraged – filed a lawsuit.

Avrich interviews many of those involved in the scandal, in particular Freedman (Qian, wisely, has gone to ground in China, from where he can’t be extradited; this doesn’t stop Avrich from trying to track him down, though), and even Bergantinos Diaz himself who, until this film, has been largely unheard from, having returned to Spain where he remains a fugitive. He tells Avrich that it was Rosales who drove the plan, and that he was merely a bit player. Then at the end of the interview, he tries to sell Avrich “Bob Dylan’s harmonica”. You couldn’t make it up.

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