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Art In Conversation

EJ Hauser with Phong H. Bui

On the occasion of EJ’s new exhibit, Voyagers, at Derek Eller Gallery (April 29–May 29, 2021), I paid a visit to her Sunset Park studio for an in-depth conversation with the painter about her practice leading to this body of new paintings, and more.

Art In Conversation

Alex Hay with Amanda Gluibizzi

An artist with an eye resolutely toward possibility, Hay has been omnivorous, taking advantage of opportunities as they’ve presented themselves, whether in terms of subject matter or medium. As Hay tells us, “the genesis of my work is circumstances.”

Art In Conversation

Ebecho Muslimova with Anna Tome

Ebecho Muslimova is a Russian-born, New York-based artist known for ever-evolving depictions of her illustrated character, Fatebe (Fah-tee-bee), who overflows with physicality and impropriety, free of the anxieties of a socially conscious being.

Art In Conversation

Federico Solmi with Dan Cameron

Solmi’s recurring subject is the knowing abuse of power, and he has a bleak and urgent message for us regarding this particularly agonizing moment in history: it has happened before, it will happen again, and there is very little within our power to stop it. Bucking convention, Solmi even sees it from the perspective of the aggressors, whose greatest wish is to wall themselves off from the rest of us, the better to enjoy the fruits of their plunder.

Art In Conversation

Peter Lamborn Wilson with Lucía Hinojosa, Diego Gerard, Raymond Foye, and Anne Waldman

We talked for hours—surrounded by his books and objects—about language and its origins, about technology, US-Mexican politics, and primordial societies, themes we were pursuing in the translation of his texts.

From the Publisher & Artistic Director

Dear Friends and Readers,

When we remember things past, be it as a personal or collective attempt, we hardly ever solely depend upon one defining narrative. We instead thrive on the constancy of reshaping whatever needs, from our past, to accommodate whatever demands our present calls forth.

Editor's Message

On trans | fem | endurance

The year before COVID-19 arrived in New York, I felt like I was finally getting to live my life. I’d come out as a transsexual woman, gone on hormones, made a few other changes, big and small. I was enjoying being out in the world.

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Art Books

In Memoriam

Field Notes

The Miraculous


The Brooklyn Rail

MAY 2021

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