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The AFR View


Business leads where politics fail on climate

Australia’s business leaders are taking more of the lead on tackling the global issue – and hence more of the political and regulatory risk – when that responsibility should be led by government.

  • The AFR View

This Month

We must pick better fights with China than this

Hedging against China’s threats is not the same as prodding it for no obvious gain on moribund Belt and Road agreements

  • The AFR View

Mining tax reprise merely underlines reform failure

Kevin Rudd’s call to revive a mining tax that punishes risk takers is a reminder that neither side of politics has much idea about how to improve Australia’s unsustainable tax system

  • The AFR View

Market signals missing from the path to net zero

The lack of formal commitment to a net zero target to anchor Australia’s decarbonisation transition is one thing. The much bigger problem remains not having a clear mechanism for getting there.

  • The AFR View

Some sharpening up needed to pay for jobs and services

Higher social program spending for those in need is a worthy goal. But the political system is reluctant to sharpen the economy’s capacity to pay it back.

  • The AFR View

Law finally catches up with Mayfair 101

James Mawhinney and his shonky schemes have been taken out of circulation. But the law is not always on the side of frank and fearless financial journalism.

  • The AFR View

Cut red tape to make financial advice affordable

The Financial Services Council green paper has kicked off a necessary debate about a regulatory overhaul that simplifies red tape and lowers the cost of quality financial planning.

  • The AFR View

Drop border spin, pull out vaccine stops

By lagging in the vaccine race, Australia risks being left behind and relinquishing its world-leading position in managing the pandemic.

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Peacock, but no ghost

Unlike some of those who actually made it to The Lodge, Andrew Peacock was never haunted by his “failure” to achieve what once seemed to be his destiny.

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Diplomacy and resolve can defuse Taiwan tension

Australia must do nothing to make China think that there is a military solution to its frustrations with Taiwan.

  • The AFR View

Miracle rebound now needs a kick of reform

The biggest economic risk we now face is the obvious lack of any political will in Canberra to adjust the policy settings the OECD says are holding back the recovery.

  • The AFR View

Holgate saga an embarrassment for Australia’s political class

The blame for the massive overreaction that cost Australia Post its high-achieving chief executive needs to be sheeted home to the hyper-political culture in Canberra.

  • The AFR View

CopperString must be put to a stringent test

The Queensland power transmission project contains too much temptation for pork-barrelling not to flag it for heavy scrutiny.

  • The AFR View

May budget should launch fiscal reset

The recession, the job market shakeout and the budget hit have not been as deep or extended as first feared. The Treasurer should seize that opportunity to commit to budget repair.

  • The AFR View

Efficient energy transition needs carbon price

Grant King’s appointment to lead the nation’s top climate advisory body shows Australia’s climate and energy policy is converging towards the centre.

  • The AFR View

Philip’s life of dutiful service

If we should remember the dead as they were in life then Prince Philip should be honoured for a life of dutiful service.

  • The AFR View

Jabbed out of our complacency on vaccines

The vaccine program would be less prone to the fear of tiny risks if it had fewer unforced errors.

  • The AFR View

Respect and rules needed to stop workplace sexism

Scott Morrison has started the process of turning the gender heat on the government into practical steps to end sexual harassment in the workplace.

  • The AFR View

Where should tech companies take a stand?

Tech sector calls to boycott the government and press for Christian Porter’s removal raise awkward questions about where a global tech company such as Microsoft should take a stand on principle.

  • The AFR View

Kiwi challenge to Australia’s border populists

Jacinda Ardern’s trans-Tasman bubble rules challenge populist state premiers to take a more balanced approach to snap lockdowns and border slammings.

  • The AFR View