
Prattle Magazine

Welcome to your portal for truly thought-provoking stories about family, culture,
current events, and entrepreneurship.

Today’s media landscape is filled with an unbelievable amount of information. And most of it–let’s face it–just plain sucks.

When you’re not being manipulated outright by political hacks, you’re being gaslit by political hacks and operatives disguised as objective journalists.

The bottom line is that pushing a narrative is not the same as telling a story. And placing a political agenda before the truth is the work of propagandists, not journalists or true storytellers. We aren’t in the propaganda business, so we promise to always be up front with our opinions and where we get our source material. Moreover, we want to make all the topics we discuss easy to absorb and apply to your everyday life. 

What does this mean for the content you’ll see here? 

This means that if you see a review on our site, the writer actually used the product. Moreover, we don’t base our business model around affiliate commissions or paid native guest posts. So you know that we are not viewing our readers as marks or products in themselves.

In short, your long-term trust is more important and valuable to us than your short-term money. 

Prattle content creation

The fact is, there is nowhere one can currently turn to get information that you can be sure hasn’t been affected by perverse incentives of one kind or another. Either you’re being sold something, manipulated into swallowing an agenda, or funneled into believing something about yourself, your neighbors, or your world that is distorted beyond all recognition. 

That’s where we come in…

Prattle is an online publication dedicated to cutting through the horrible incentive structures of today’s modern internet universe, and bringing you stories that are relevant to your life.

We do not have a political agenda, we are not selling you anything, and we are not trying to get you to take any particular action after reading our stories. We feel that by doing this, we are able to bring you honest and unpolluted information that you can actually comprehend and sort through in a productive and meaningful way. 

We support and maintain a culture of free speech. As purveyors of quality online content, we feel that open and honest dialogue is sacrificed to the great detriment of all of those who wish to live in a free and open society. We welcome anyone as a subscriber for free and invite you to post comments on our site. Discussion is at the core of this commitment to open conversation, and we will do our very best to moderate our comments with these values in mind. 

Please feel free to browse our archives of the latest stories on entrepreneurship, lifestyle trends, entertainment, culture, and business. Our authors hail from many different backgrounds and areas of expertise. We do not censor or manipulate any content that our writers choose to talk about. Our editorial role is limited to aesthetic and quality control considerations.

Prattle stories that matter most

Join a dynamic team dedicated to taking content creation to the next level 

We are always happy to meet new content creators and are open to stories, comics, quizzes, reviews, and many other forms of content. You do not have to have previous publications or journalistic credentials in order to write for Prattle. We independently and manually review all our submissions and author profiles to make sure our contributors are in good company and our site does not fill up with content that does not meet our high standards.  If you would like to write for us, please visit our submissions page.

How we handle promotional content and advertising  

If you are interested in advertising with us, please visit this page. Keep in mind that we prominently display notices for all material on our site that is commercial in nature. We have a commitment to honesty in the presentation of everything we publish. Because of this standard, we don’t currently use native ads. We don’t like the idea of our readers clicking on ads that they think are stories published by our editorial staff or contributors. Thanks for your understanding. 

Prattle content for a better internet

We hope you enjoy browsing the stories here on Prattle! Or, you can check us out on your preferred social media channel. New posts are always sent directly to our Facebook page and our Twitter account. Make sure to follow us if you are enjoying the stories here and would like more. Also, we have an email newsletter if you’d like to sign up for the latest stories directly in your inbox. 

If you have any suggestions for how we can improve the site to serve you better, please feel free to contact us.