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Repatriation flights from India to resume on May 15, Prime Minister says

Repatriation flights from India to resume on May 15, Prime Minister says

More than 1000 people expected to return through Darwin’s Howard Springs facility by the end of June.

  • by Rachel Clun


How a quirk in the system stopped Jenna’s family getting paid parental leave

How a quirk in the system stopped Jenna’s family getting paid parental leave

A new parent is usually entitled to up to 18 weeks of paid parental leave, but qualification is based on the mother’s income.

  • by Nick Bonyhady
‘It has worked’: Dutton defends Australia’s hotel quarantine system

‘It has worked’: Dutton defends Australia’s hotel quarantine system

Defence Minister Peter Dutton says health advice provided to the national cabinet was that “the hotel model was the most effective”.

  • by Lydia Lynch
Australia pressured to step up climate action during G7 talks

Australia pressured to step up climate action during G7 talks

First from Washington DC and now from London, Australia faces friendly but firm diplomatic pressure to commit to more ambitious climate targets.

  • by Nick O'Malley
Best of cartoons, May 7, 2021
9 images

Best of cartoons, May 7, 2021

The news of the day as interpreted by our talented artists, illustrators and cartoonists.

Scott Morrison learning all the wrong lessons from travel ban backlash

Scott Morrison learning all the wrong lessons from travel ban backlash

The Prime Minister chose to blame the media rather than accept responsibility for his government’s poor handling of the emergency declaration.

  • by David Crowe
Military history disintegrates in Archives while War Memorial reaps cash

Military history disintegrates in Archives while War Memorial reaps cash

Historians are mystified why the government seems to treat Australia’s military history with reverence at the War Memorial but indifference in the National Archives.

  • by Katina Curtis and Shane Wright
Aged care before tax cuts: Experts say budget needs revenue, not tax relief
Income tax

Aged care before tax cuts: Experts say budget needs revenue, not tax relief

Policy experts Bernie Fraser and Andrew Podger say the government’s next tax cuts to start in 2024-25 must be re-thought given the demands for aged care

  • by Jennifer Duke and Shane Wright
The latest illustrations from artist Cathy Wilcox
30 images

The latest illustrations from artist Cathy Wilcox

The latest work by Sydney Morning Herald editorial cartoonist Cathy Wilcox.

The latest illustrations from artist Matt Golding
30 images

The latest illustrations from artist Matt Golding

Illustrations by the artist from The Age.