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Labor should focus on the pandemic recovery, not party infighting

Labor should focus on the pandemic recovery, not party infighting

The factional brawl that’s broken out over preselections highlights the absence of Premier Daniel Andrews, perhaps the only figure with the power to quell the strife.

  • The Age's View


Turning off the gas makes good sense

Turning off the gas makes good sense

We owe it to future generations to do all we can to reduce greenhouse emissions.

  • The Age's View
Victoria has every reason to aim higher in tackling climate change

Victoria has every reason to aim higher in tackling climate change

The Andrews government is looking to marry existing trends in technology with targeted incentives. Yet there remains a case for even greater ambition.

  • The Age's View
Let Australians in India return home

Let Australians in India return home

If our quarantine system is not capable of dealing with a surge in cases after all this time, surely the question has to be asked as to why not.

  • The Age's View
Curriculum plan deserves support, not a retread of the history wars

Curriculum plan deserves support, not a retread of the history wars

There is much ground to be made up in Australian schools in learning about the full gamut of our past. We must be better informed about all sides of our history.

  • The Age's View
Women must be at heart of the budget

Women must be at heart of the budget

After months of soul-searching, the federal government has a chance next week to show what it can do to improve the lives of half the Australian population.

  • The Age's View
World is in dire need of vaccine patent waiver

World is in dire need of vaccine patent waiver

A lack of urgent action could cost hundreds of thousands of lives and allow more time for the virus to develop dangerous mutations.

  • The Age's View
True vision required to set economy on the right path

True vision required to set economy on the right path

Austerity at this point, in terms of cuts to government spending, would impair, if not cripple, economic recovery.

  • The Age's View
A horrendous act 25 years ago led to much-needed change, but we must remain vigilant
Mass shooting

A horrendous act 25 years ago led to much-needed change, but we must remain vigilant

Keeping guns out of the hands of individuals who may wish to kill others is the responsibility of all governments.

  • The Age's View
Every effort must be made to help India

Every effort must be made to help India

The effort to support India in its COVID-19 fight is one that Australia must contribute to in every way it can. And Australians in danger should not be made to pay the price for failings in our hotel quarantine arrangements.

  • The Age's View
More help from Canberra needed to bolster quarantine system

More help from Canberra needed to bolster quarantine system

Australia’s quarantine arrangements need the full backing of all governments and a willingness to work together.

  • The Age's View