Sunday, May 2 2021 This week – April 25 – May 1, 2021 – in the Occupied Territories In the West Bank Hill Range, incursions of ‘Maale Ahuviya’ settler-colonists and their flocks into grain fields and a vineyard of Palestinians are ongoing, and in the Auja area, the Israeli army openly follows instructions given by settler-colonist Omer Atidiya and chases away Palestinian shepherds from their authorised grazing grounds; the vandals of ‘Havat Maon’ have re-erected their new outpost, lately dismantled, and are harassing Palestinian locals, while settler-colonist gangs from ‘Mitzpe Yair’ invade the lands of Umm Al Aarais and threaten their Palestinian owner whom they have seriously wounded, […]

Monday, April 26 2021 April 24, 2021. Homra text: David Shulman Photograph: Michal Hai * I am not sure I can find the words for what we went through today. We are at al-Rakiz, clearing away the rubble that is what is left of the house that was meant for Harun and his bride-to-be, the house that the army destroyed,when we get news that settlers are attacking at Homra. Five of us—Guy, Amiel, Michal Hai, Eyal, and me—rush over there. It’s midday, and the sun is white fire. Read more: Here in the blog *

Sunday, April 25 2021 This week – April 18-24, 2021 – in the Occupied Territories Dozens of bullies from the ‘Havat Maon’ outpost attacked with stones, blows and live ammunition shots Palestinian farmers and Israeli activists in the South Hebron Hills, wounding several and causing severe damage to vehicles – Israeli army forces summoned to the site took their time, and when they arrived, joined the bullies and hurled stun grenades and teargasat the Palestinians; Jerusalem police managed to fire up the city in the Ramadan month with systematic and violent harassments of Palestinians, joined by gangs of Lehava activists (Hebrew for “flame”, name of […]

Sunday, April 18 2021 This week – April 11-17, 2021 – in the Occupied Territories With the start of Ramadan, Jerusalem police is focusing on disturbing the Palestinians’ prayers and holiday celebrations around Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, causing friction and arrests; the violent expropriation operation by settler-colonists in the South Hebron Hills is expanding, and more and more Palestinian communities in the region remain without grazing grounds for their flocks and without grain crops – Israeli activists accompany shepherds all days of the week, and sleep overnight in threatened communities; this week’s massive protest demonstration in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah went unhampered; East […]

Sunday, April 11 2021 This week – April 4-10, 2021 – in the Occupied Territories Throughout the Palestinian Jordan Valley, West Bank Hill Range and the South Hebron Hills, the harvest season has begun – exposing the extent of damage wrought in Palestinian fields by malevolant invasions of settler-colonists’ herds ; the Jerusalem police dispersed a quiet protest vigil in Sheikh Jarrah with stun grenades and severe violence – a Member of Knesset and 4 participants were wounded – residents call upon the public to join a large protest demonstration there this coming Friday; the occupation forces fired a sponge projectile at a boy in […]

Sunday, April 4 2021 This week – March 18-April 3, 2021 – in the Occupied Territories Increased presence of activists allowed for relatively quiet grazing this week in the Palestinian Jordan Valley and the South Hebron Hills, also preventing incursions of settlers’ flocks into Palestinian tended fields in the West Bank Hill Range; a settler from ‘Havat Yaacov Talya’ chased away Palestinian surveyors and when they returned with accompanying activists, he fired live ammunition; a new settler-colonist outpost was erected near ‘Meitarim’ industrial zone in the South Hebron Hills, settlers are already chasing away Palestinian shepherds in its vicinity; a gang from ‘Esh Kodesh’ outpost attacked […]

Sunday, March 28 2021 This week – March 21-27, 2021 – in the Occupied Territories Residents of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem call upon activists and supporters to join the weekly demonstration this Friday in order to stop eviction of Palestinian families from their homes by Jewish settlers – the date set by the court for the eviction is close; having wounded an activist near Tayibe Junction on Sunday, this week settlers ceased incursions with their herds into Palestinian lands in the area, apparently under pressure of the Israeli police; settlers built a swimming pool near En Al Hilwa spring, the only water source […]

Wednesday, March 24 2021 After Ten Years at Umm Al-‘Ara’is, March 13, 2021 * texts: Margaret Olin and David Shulman Read more: