Sunday, July 28 2019 This week in East Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley and South Mount Hebron –About 500 soldiers and police broke into Wadi Hummus neighborhood of Sur Baher on the night of July 22, destroying 11 houses, two of them inhabited, all in Area A or B, exercising severe brutality against residents and activists, some of whom needed hospital treatment; –In Issawiya, police brutality against residents has aggravated, with violent daily raids throughout the village and savage use of fire, stun grenades, pepper gas and tasers, arrests, distribution of punitive fines, tickets, and even breaking into the village school – there are so many detainees, […]

Monday, May 20 2019 May 17, 2019 Khirbet Humsa This year the training exercises are scheduled to go on for close to a month, from May 12th to June 5th, and it’s not just any month. It’s Ramadan. These exercises in Firing Zone 903, which includes Khirbet Humsa al-Tahta, “Lower Humsa,” have a baffling schedule; here is the paper the army handed out, marking the times when the Bedouin families had to leave their homes. Report by David Shulman. Read more, here: May 17, 2019 Khirbet Humsa. Report by David Shulman

Wednesday, March 20 2019 Al-Hadidiya, Halat Makhul, Umm Zuqa – March 17, 2019; Impressions from the Jordan Valley by David Shulman; Photographs: Margaret Olin. Read more: March 17, 2019 Al-Hadidiya, Halat Makhul, Umm Zuqa. text: David Shulman; Photographs: Margaret Olin (mostly)

Saturday, September 16 2017 Settler violence. Israeli army and police stand idly by! Today, Saturday, September 16, 2017, Ta’ayush activists entered the Carmel settlement in the south Hebron hills to protest the ongoing stone-throwing from the settlement towards the adjacent Palestinian village of Umm al-Kheir. Every night for the past two and a half weeks, settlers from Carmel have been throwing stones at the Palestinian village, disturbing the sleep and disrupting the lives of the men, women, and children there. Neither the Israeli police, the army, nor the security coordinators of the settlement have done anything to prevent the stone-throwing, despite a complaint […]

Sunday, July 30 2017 Saturday, 29.7, in the South Hebron Hills Today at the South Hebron Hills – accompanying shepherds and construction work. We joined the shepherds of Um el Amad to their grazing lands near the settlement of Otniel, could have been really pastoral if not for the soldiers and settlers watching us all morning. In Um el Kheir we cleaned the ruins of the community center that was destroyed (again), while the houses of the colonialists of Carmel are still standing without interruption. Written by Li, photos by Michal.

Saturday, May 6 2017 Al Auja: A Resistance Chronicle On Friday 4/28/2017 hundreds protested against a settler assault a week earlier on shepherds from Al Auja, the Jordan Valley, Palestine, that resulted in five injured solidarity activists. Following is a Taayush activist’s account of the struggle those shepherds undertook. A blog post by Amitai Ben Abba on clownmonkey.

Sunday, April 23 2017 Masked settlers attack Ta’ayush activists in the Jordan Valley A group of masked Israeli settlers attacked over a dozen Ta’ayush activists in the Jordan Valley on Friday morning. The activists were accompanying Palestinian shepherds working near al-Auja, which is near Habaladim, an Israeli outpost. Watch the incident on the +972 website.

Saturday, April 8 2017 Saturday activity, 8.4 in Um el Amad We accompanied Palestinian shepherds to their lands in Um el Amad, near the Israeli settlement Otniel. The settlement guard in his Jeep looked at us from above and went away. Was a beautiful day, perfect weather, an army Jeep up on the hill but he left us alone as well. We continued to chat and even opened a chess game while the sheep eat grass, another Jeep arrived. Four soldiers came down to us, showed a closed military area warrant and drove us out of the land. So frustrating.