Saturday, December 25 2010 ‘Am al-Ara’is and Bi’r al-‘Id – By David Shulman It’s colder than I expected this Christmas morning in South Hebron. I shiver in the thin sunlight as ‘Id plows his field, immediately adjacent to the hothouses of Israeli Susya. The tractor chugs up and down the dry, un-rained-on soil, and there is someone behind it to broadcast the seeds in that ravishing, ancient gesture of the peasant farmer. A large fleet of army and police vehicles are here to watch, but for once they seem disinclined to intervene, to chase us away. We know our presence is critical for […]

Saturday, December 18 2010 Plowing on the lands of Eid Mor and in Sha’ab el-Butom Our first stop today was at the lands of Eid Mor, east of Susiya. Upon arrival an officer informed us that “there is a closed military zone order on the whole place”. We ignored him and began clearing the field of stones, preparing it for plowing. Several minutes and five jeeps later, the promised order indeed arrived. It included a vast area, from which the settlements had been painstakingly omitted.  The drama was, however, nipped in the bud by rumors of an attack in Sha’ab el-Butom. We hurried to arrive, […]

Saturday, December 4 2010 Attempt to pump water in Bir al-Eid Ta’ayush activists and international volunteers arrived in the South Hebron Hills this Saturday morning in order to assist Hajj Ziad in pumping water from a Palestinian well. Avidan Ofir and another settler appeared, and again created a provocation. The army, in its turn, declared the area a closed military zone and prevented the pumping of water. A week ago, representatives of the Civil Administration had convinced Hajj Ziad to arrive at the well without “the leftists” and pump water without disturbance. He did so, arriving with his oldest son Taleb […]

Saturday, November 27 2010 Successful plowing in Umm al-Amal This week we wandered westward to the village Umm al-Amal. Residents of the village requested our assistance in plowing their lands adjacent to the settlement Otniel. After a short discussion with the residents, we set out, escorted by a group of curious and screaming children, to the hill south of the settlement. The lands at the foot of the hill were plowed with the help of a mule, and in parallel we began to mark terraces on the hill itself. At this point a jeep arrived, unloading three soldiers who […]

Saturday, November 20 2010 Plowing, attempt to pump water in Bir al-Eid and settler violence Recently, harassment by the settlers and the army has worsened. The previous Thursday, for example, Nasser Nawaje from Susiya was beaten by a group of soldiers; he had attempted to protect a child from this same group. The beating causing swelling in his face, and he was hospitalized. On Saturday morning some fifteen Ta’ayush activists headed out from Jerusalem to the South Hebron Hills to assist Palestinian farmers in plowing their lands. A group of seven activists joined Hajj Ziad from Bir al-Eid to protect him while he pumped water […]

Saturday, November 6 2010 Samu’a – By David Shulman Another good day, as good days go in south Hebron. This means two relatively hopeful reports in a row; my readers may begin to lose interest, or to suspect my judgment has somehow become impaired. Certainly, the objective situation, including much violence and terror on the ground in south Hebron, is worse than ever, given this settlers’ government that is contemptuous of Palestinians, blind to the catastrophe that it itself is creating, and utterly unwilling to make even the slightest move toward peace. Then there’s the virulently anti-democratic right, well […]

Saturday, October 30 2010 Olives Harvested and Activists Detained Over the last year the IDF has worked to thwarted the humanitarian activities of Ta’ayush activists in the South Hebron Hills by means of “Closed Military Zone” orders. Tens of times this year the army has expelled activists and Palestinian farmers from the Palestinians’ lands, in violation of the regulations under which these orders are issued. Instead of protecting them from settler harassment and violence, the army expels the farmers from their fields and cisterns. On Saturday 30 October 2010, Hebron Hills Brigade Commander, Corporal Guy Hazot outdid all measures […]

Friday, October 22 2010 Olive Harvest in Hebron and Settler Attack During Olive Harvest in Susia The olive harvest in Hebron went smoothly; this despite two soldiers poking their heads into the olive grove, informing that it was forbidden to harvest without coordinating beforehand, then disappearing. Things couldn’t have been more different in the South Hebron Hills. There, the day began in Umm Zeituna with the army’s attempt to kidnap (sheepnap?) a sheep belonging to a Palestinian shepherd and the frightened mammal’s release by activists. From there the activists moved on to harvest on the Abu Sabha family’s lands adjacent to Susia. Some fifteen minutes later […]